View Full Version : What should I know?

04-29-2015, 10:14 PM
Alright well I've played nearly every final fantasy title. I've done some amazing things in them but I know you have to know some things beforehand or you may miss out on them. What should I look for or is there something like the Zodiak Spear?

Lone Wolf Leonhart
05-04-2015, 10:23 PM
The thing I'd keep in mind is that you cannot do everything in one playthrough. This game is designed to have a fuller experience with New Game + and your progress carries over. It's okay to totally miss some things the first time around.

General rule to go by is whenever you get some free time make sure you talk to your class moogle before all else. It can be quite rewarding.

Talk to the characters Emina & Kazusa as often as you can. Their sidequests are so long they take more than one playthrough to complete.

Explore cities after you've cleared them. There's usually side quests and shops inside.

A girl in your school with green hair will ask you for money alot. Say yes every time.