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05-27-2015, 12:49 AM
If I'm in a cinema, I refuse to be late. If I'm 10 minutes late I'd rather avoid the film altogether because I have a aburd aversion to missing even a minute of a film I've not seen. See also: television shows.

What are some minor things that can just ruin an experience?

05-27-2015, 01:00 AM
Advertisements. I usually turn a movie off when the first ad starts. If it was a good movie, I'll go to a torrent site and get it there instead.

Sort of related, i always count on movies having advertisements in cinemas, so I always enter 10 minutes late to skip most of them.

Chibi Youkai
05-27-2015, 01:39 AM
Loud people and cellphones in a theater. It just takes you out of the atmosphere and ruins the mood.

05-27-2015, 01:49 AM
I fall asleep in movie theaters. :D

05-27-2015, 02:19 AM
I'm pretty tolerant to most crap that happens in theaters, but I have no idea what was going through the heads of the family that brought their children to a 10pm showing of the Avengers that just came out. To their credit, the two kids young enough in strollers they whooshed away when they got noisy, but one if the kids would not sit still, kept walking everywhere, and even tried to go sit with other people. It was the first time I considered going to theater staff, but ultimately I was able to ignore it. Still, 10pm showing. Unless it is an actual kids movie, just don't bring your kids to shows that late. Please.

FFIX Choco Boy
05-27-2015, 02:39 AM
Whether it's in movie theaters or wherever, children in general.

05-27-2015, 04:16 AM
Loud chewing and sloppy eaters sat across from me who let pieces of food get in their face. I don't wanna see that wipe it off!

05-27-2015, 04:54 AM
From most annoying to least:

Loud talking which has happened to me in the last 3 movies I've been really looking forward to. It was worse in the previous one because the loud talkers also stole our seats.

Missing the start

When the doors in the cinema arent properly closed and theres a patch of light from outside shining on the screen

When my friends all want to leave before the end of the credits

When my seat is broken in some way

05-27-2015, 09:19 AM
The thing is though, you can be late to a movie by half an hour and not miss it. I went to a 12.45 showing of Mad Max, and at 1.15 there were still trailers and ads.

05-27-2015, 09:36 AM
Some people are really arsey about people talking in cinemas. As long as I can't hear it then I don't mind. Chat away.

I proper lost my temper with someone at a cinema in Glasgow once. Me and my friend went to watch a late showing of Akira. I leaned over to whisper something about cinematography and a girl (sat on the row behind and four seats to the left) leaned across and asked us to stop talking. There is no way she could possibly have heard anything. She actually caused more of a disturbance herself by leaning across other cinema-goers. I did point this out to her before asking her to "sit the smurf down".

05-27-2015, 07:41 PM
To be honest, I hate movie theaters. It ruins my experience to have people slurping, chewing, commenting, children crying or kicking your chair, people getting up during the film and blocking the screen. If I were rich I would buy or have my own personal theater constructed so I can get the theater experience without all the obnoxious people. The only time I got really mad though was when a guy was on his phone talking loudly during the film and no one said anything so of course I did. And I told him "if you want to talk on the phone leave the theater or I will find a way to get you out of it."

05-27-2015, 08:06 PM
Not having popcorn

If they have popcorn everything else can and will be tolerated

05-27-2015, 09:03 PM
Some people are really arsey about people talking in cinemas. As long as I can't hear it then I don't mind. Chat away.

I proper lost my temper with someone at a cinema in Glasgow once. Me and my friend went to watch a late showing of Akira. I leaned over to whisper something about cinematography and a girl (sat on the row behind and four seats to the left) leaned across and asked us to stop talking. There is no way she could possibly have heard anything. She actually caused more of a disturbance herself by leaning across other cinema-goers. I did point this out to her before asking her to "sit the smurf down".

Comments about cinematography in Akira are always welcome. Especially at very low volumes between two adjacently seated viewers. She can GFHS.

05-27-2015, 09:53 PM
Small talk

I generally don't care about the weather, or what you did this past weekend, or how your kids are doing, but if it's part of a legitimate conversation I will gladly listen. However if your only reason for bringing it up is because you can't stand silence, then you first need to find a better reason, because awkward conversation is worse than awkward silence

This is especially bothersome when you go to take a lunch at work and wind up in the break room alone with someone else who you have nothing in common with. Frequently you'll just both quietly play on your phones and eat in peace. But there are times where people just have to talk. And I am fine with real conversation. If you're excited about something and want to announce it, or if you have a question or something; have a it. Just don't make it awkward

There are so many people at my work who just make awkward conversation over lunch, that I've taken to eating lunch in my car in the parking lot to make sure it doesn't happen. Which is kinda sad, because there are a small handful of people I work(ed) with who I genuinely enjoy having real, legitimate conversations with. But we never went to lunch together..

05-28-2015, 03:33 AM
Country Music. It sucks, I hate to write off an entire genre of music. But I work in a bar/restaurant in Southwest Virginia with a jukebox. So I get to hear "I Like My Women Trashy" (A song I've always hated), "Friends in Low Places," "Fambly Tradition," and fucking "Wagon Wheel" at least two times a night. That's not even an exaggeration. Those four songs, all night every night. Rap is getting up there too because of these little girl waitresses. I don't know what the name is, but this one song those little girls were playing was nothing but "Bitches bitches bitches bitches only." That song went on forever.

05-28-2015, 03:46 AM
When someone complains about the movie being boring, or uninteresting. Alright, while that may be true for certain movies I've watched, we don't need your input on it.

05-28-2015, 04:07 AM
When someone complains about the movie being boring, or uninteresting. Alright, while that may be true for certain movies I've watched, we don't need your input on it.

Worse people are the tryhards in a crowded theater that have to shout how much they hated the movie when the credits start rolling and people get up to leave. The more people in the theater, the louder they'll be.