View Full Version : Who'd Win?

05-29-2015, 06:11 PM
A 4 way battle between a-

Monk- Armed with Hellish claw in one hand and God hand in the other.
Advantage: High HP, High Speed, Extremely High Attack, High critical %
Disadvantage: Low Defense, possibly low MP defense, Low Magic

Note- The Monk can also use Galick Gun, Kamehameha Wave, and use Hadouken. So yeah I kinda just referenced two series.

Knight- Armed with Ragnarok or Ultima weapon and the best armor available to a Knight
Advantage: Decent Attack, Good Defense, Moderate Speed.
Disadvantage: More of a supportive class, jack of many trades but master of none.

Note- The Knight can use Omnislash, Braver, and Cross Slash with deadly efficiency

Machinist- Armed with a M1 Garand firing 30-06 Springfield (7.62x63), an M1911, and a S&W 44.Mag M29.
Advantage: Range, Accuracy, Great Strength, Ignores Defense,
Disadvantage: Weapons does not rely on attack stat, can't deal as much damage as other classes in the attack stat, lower speed.

Note- The Machinist can use Desperado, so Laguna passed on the knowledge.

Ranger- Armed with a Modern Recurve Bow and a quiver with 15 arrows as well as a Boomerang. Ranging from those that can deal Fire damage all the way to Holy damage.
Advantage: Good strength, distance, accuracy, status and elemental affecting arrows.
Disadvantage: Low Stamina, low MP defense, possibly low defense

Note- Ranger can use Rapid Fire, Aim, and probably explosive bolts if he/she wants to go Far Cry in the heezy.

Battle is within 20 feet. No hold bars fight to the death, everything is permitted.

Basically Rambo vs. Bruce Lee vs. Robin Hood vs. William Marshall or Richard Lionheart.

Wolf Kanno
05-30-2015, 06:01 AM
Depends on whether we're doing game mechanics or going by "real world" principles. Also the terrain is vague so depending on the landscape and positioning some characters will have an advantage.

If we're going by the FFT/TA series rules, since this is in that forum... Knight will most likely win as his defenses and high HP will allow him to soak up most of the damage the other three can give, which will give them plenty of time to murder them in close range. The second winner would be the archer by Tactics rules as their bows are far more versatile than guns (ignore obstructing terrain) and their damage algorithms tend to be better. Monk and Machinest really comes down to skills and equipment. Though technically, depending on the character build from the Tactics/TA rules, all four can win depending on sub-abilities and gear.

In "real world terms", the Machinest will win as there is a very good reason why we use guns and not swords, bows, and hand to hand combat as our primary weapons over them.

In "anime terms", the Monk wins this, I mean it's the mother fucking Kamehameha Wave, it destroys mountains in it's weakest form. It's like bringing a Bunker Buster Missile to a knife fight.

05-30-2015, 08:12 AM
Depends which historical period we are taking our guns from. ;) For a long period of time guns and swords existed simultaneously on the battle field until firearm technology advanced to the point to completely displace melee weapons.

Mr. Carnelian
05-30-2015, 08:25 AM
Depends which historical period we are taking our guns from.
Good point. A good crossbow might well have the edge in accuracy and speed over an early musket.

Wolf Kanno
05-30-2015, 08:49 AM
Depends which historical period we are taking our guns from. ;) For a long period of time guns and swords existed simultaneously on the battle field until firearm technology advanced to the point to completely displace melee weapons.

Considering most of the guns he listed for the machinest are 20th century variants...

05-30-2015, 08:35 PM
Good thing about the monk. They can't be disarmed.

Mr. Carnelian
05-31-2015, 04:12 AM
With the abilities you've given in your scenario, I think monk would win.
Although, obviously the person with the 20-century guns would win in a real fight.

06-01-2015, 03:38 AM
I wonder who'd win in real terms IG the machinist wasn't there with his rifle to cap everyone? Lol I think Monk would come second in real world terms. Don't bring a knife or a sword to a fist fight?