View Full Version : [Art] FanArt Friday! Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #122

Agent Proto
06-05-2015, 05:41 PM
Hello again! It's that time again. FanArt Friday! Welcome to another edition of Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week, where we show the best of the best from DeviantArt! Last week we showed off some excellent artwork, and this week we'll see another set of artists show off their skills. But you're not here for the text... let's get on with the art!

http://pre04.deviantart.net/6ccb/th/pre/f/2015/156/c/3/it_s_all_a_fantasy_by_eddieholly-d8w2qys.jpg (http://eddieholly.deviantart.com/art/It-s-all-a-Fantasy-537605380)
It's all a Fantasy by EddieHolly (http://eddieholly.deviantart.com/)

First off, I would like to apologize for the showcase's absence last week. Now that has been taken care of, let us start off this week with this fantastic artwork featuring several of the series' finest women such as Paine, Yuna, and Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2, Tifa, and Aeris from Final Fantasy VII, and Serah from Final Fantasy XIII. There's also a non-colored version of this which can be seen here (http://eddieholly.deviantart.com/art/It-s-all-a-Fantasy-Line-art-536972803). Great job!

http://orig14.deviantart.net/82ea/f/2015/155/c/4/noctis_sketch_by_sealkittyy-d8vy621.png (http://sealkittyy.deviantart.com/art/Noctis-Sketch-537391657)
Noctis Sketch by Sealkittyy (http://sealkittyy.deviantart.com/)

Is this really a sketch? Well, to me, it looks like a complete artwork, even if it's called a sketch. I love the coloring on this sketch. It just works!

http://pre02.deviantart.net/0efa/th/pre/i/2015/156/a/3/ffxv_cindy__aka_cidney__by_g0designs-d8vsosr.jpg (http://g0designs.deviantart.com/art/FFXV-Cindy-aka-Cidney-537136011)
FFXV-Cindy (aka Cidney) by G0DESIGNS (http://g0designs.deviantart.com/)

Let's move on from Noctis to Cidney (or Cindy) from Final Fantasy XV. Her design may be rather controversial, but you can't deny that it looks really good, and she looks really cool in this awesome fan art from G0!DESIGNS. I do like the work on the background here, since that happens to be one of the hardest parts of an artwork to work on for many artists.The artist did a really good job with it here, so I'm giving him props for such a wonderful job on this picture of Cindy. :)

http://orig03.deviantart.net/018b/f/2015/154/1/5/fight_like_a_girl___general_beatrix__ffix__by_kaysa-d8vua9g.jpg (http://kaysa.deviantart.com/art/Fight-like-a-girl-General-Beatrix-FFIX-537210484)
Fight like a girl - General Beatrix (FFIX) by Kaysa (http://kaysa.deviantart.com/)

Our final fan art has been inspired by these #fightlikeagirl ilustrations by Kaol Porfirio (https://www.facebook.com/kaolcaradeboi?pnref=story), where she uses the phrase "Fight like a girl" for strong female characters from various games. Kaysa has decided to draw Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX for this phrase, and came up with this wonderful inspirational tribute. Remember, it's not an insult if you #fightlikeagirl

http://pre05.deviantart.net/be78/th/pre/i/2015/154/1/a/penelo___a_moment_of_peace_by_elliria-d8vv15w.png (http://elliria.deviantart.com/art/Penelo-A-Moment-of-Peace-537245348)
Penelo - A Moment of Peace by elliria (http://elliria.deviantart.com/)
Photography by Eurobeat Kasumi Photography (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eurobeat-Kasumi-Photography/181144498573739)

For the Cosplay of the Week, let's feature this lovely cosplay of Penelo by elliria. I have to admire that she has went with her costume from Final Fantasy Tactics A2. It looks really good on her and she did a great job with the costume, especially along with her braids and staff as well! Very amazing. :D

What do you think of all these wonderful pieces? Are you on DeviantArt? Do you have any favourite artists there? Let us know by leaving comments on this article and, of course, click the photos to be taken to the respective DA pages so you can leave comments for them, too! Finally, if you're registered on DeviantArt, be sure to follow the EyesonFF DA Group (http://eyesonff.deviantart.com/)!

06-05-2015, 06:25 PM
That cosplay of Penelo is really good. I like that it isn't her traditional FFXII clothes either. It looks almost Alice in Wonderland-esque doesn't it?