View Full Version : Kids Being Obnoxious In Movie Theaters!

06-06-2015, 12:02 AM
Since the "Best 20 bucks I ever spent" topic is veering towards kids being in movie theaters and how we feel about it, I decided it would be best to just have a whole thread about it! :)

So? How do you feel about it? Should kids be allowed in theaters in the first place? Just for kids movies? How about no admission after a certain time? Or maybe it depends on the rating of the film?

Basically I think there should be a cut off time for PG-13 movies and above for YOUNG children and babies. Otherwise, sure, bring your kids. But make them leave if they get disruptive! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!

06-06-2015, 12:09 AM
Adult-only theatres for certain films would be really nice. Definitely for R movies, and maybe some PG-13 movies. After maybe 8pm.

I think a lot of people would go for it.

06-06-2015, 12:41 AM
They should be what the ratings are. PG-13, no one under thirteen allowed in the theaters. Rated R, no one under eighteen. Infringing on freedoms? Too bad; buy it for your kids when it comes out on DVD.

06-06-2015, 12:45 AM
I don't mind kids in theaters.

Although I think the most disturbing thing was when my dad and I watched Line Survivor with Mark Wahlberg and there were people with young children in there. It's a very violent and bloody movie!

..... Like I have room to talk. My dad let me watch Freddy Kreuger when I was really young. Like 3 and 4 years old.

06-06-2015, 12:45 AM
I don't care about kids being exposed to violence. I just want to watch my movies in peace. I'm not paying between a range of $8-$15 to listen to babies cry or brats whine about how they want more popcorn.

06-06-2015, 01:53 AM
I remember I went to see The Passion of Christ. There were kids in the theater.

Really, I think there should be a "one strike and you're out" policy for families. If you're going to be dumb enough to bring your kids to a movie that's wildly inappropriate for them, you shouldn't be allowed to do it more than once.

06-06-2015, 01:58 AM
Even though I complained a bit about kids in the other thread, the funny thing is that I've usually found adults to be more of a disturbance in movies. Sometime older people but mostly younger university age people. Then again, I live in a college town that also has a military base not 20 minutes away so that adds up to a lot of people who don't understand how to function in civilized society.

That said, the world would be a much better place if we just killed all of the children.

06-06-2015, 02:08 AM
Some of you guys whine worse than kids in a theatre. I don't really care about it that much, and honestly, seeing a screening after 7-8pm should eliminate 90% of this problem easily.

If anything I feel really sorry for the parents who probably had a month where the movie wasn't out and there kids wanted to see it right this second because the ads for it are right there on the TV, the another week after it does come out when they have to organise the outing, and finally they get there kid to the cinema in the hope of an end to it all and the kid still won't shut up. Some people paint them to be horrible monsters for daring to bring their kids to a damn avengers movie while the kid still has intact vocal chords, but the truth of the matter is that the parents are probably red faced and begging for their kids to stop screaming even more than you are.

Go see a movie late on a school night or build a bridge.

All that said, if there is a child free movie theatre near you then that's perfectly fine and if the problem bothers you so much then enjoy having that option.

Depression Moon
06-06-2015, 04:07 AM
Parents need to learn how to control their children. When I went to see Age of Ultron there was a little boy that kept on kicking the back of my seat. I was really getting ticked off. Fortunate for that child and his father I moved a seat over. The theatre was almost empty and this parent and his son had to choose to sit behind me.

Night Fury
06-06-2015, 04:13 AM
I think little asshole groups of teens are worse.

06-06-2015, 05:36 AM
Like I said in the other thread, I am not a Grinch. I usually don't let kids bother me. But when a child demands to crawl on other people and run in other rows of seats then there is a huge problem. If a child acts out and gets a bit loud I can ignore that no problem. However, when a family of 20 lets their kids dictate how to conduct themselves is simply unacceptable. My buddy should not have had to literally fight off a child from crawling all over him during the Avengers that started at 10pm.

I get that in most cases, things rarely get out of hand. But you know what? Families that take little to no action to control their kids ruin it for everyone else. I think if I see a movie at 10pm, weekend or not, I should not have to worry about someone else's child literally crawling in my seat.

06-06-2015, 06:01 AM
I see no difference between a bad parent that makes no effort to stop their child from being a dick and a bad adult/teen who may talk loudly and inappropriately through a movie or put their feet on a chair someone is sitting on or even start throwing popcorn in some cases. Sometimes people are just jerks and in a small enclosed environment their jerkiness impacts others. The majority of parents however are doing their best to quiet a child without they themselves screaming over the top of them and adding to the noise, and as I pointed out they probably assumed that the movie would have caused a distraction for as long as the runtime was.

I do feel bad that you and your friend had to deal with an annoying kid at a 10pm screening though. Like I said, some parents are just shite.

06-06-2015, 09:22 AM
No babies in any cinema, they're too young.
Ages 3-10 I can tolerate in a kids movie if they're being disruptive, I get that kids can be stressful for the parents to control.
Anyone older who isn't with a parent and is being ddisruptive, I'll tell them immediately to shut the hell up. I didn't just drop £9 to listen to a group of children goof off.

06-07-2015, 12:07 AM
Yah the baby thing drives me nuts. Movie theaters are going to be loud. It is going to affect the kid. they are going to get upset. Then you just inconvenienced an entire theater full of people because you couldn't get a babysitter and apparently didn't want to. I usually will see people with babies on opening weekends. Like fuck, come on it's the most packed time. Don't be an ass.

06-07-2015, 08:30 AM
I remember when my mom took me to see an rated R movie my first time; I was six. It had sex and violence in it. What a trout parent. Anyone who brings their kids to an R rated movie is a trout parent as I've decided. Don't also subject other people to your troutty parenting when your kids are ruining the experience for other people in theater with their crying and obnoxious chattering. Oh you can't get a babysitter and you want to see a grown up film in theaters? Too smurfing bad. You chose to be a parent. Maybe wear a condom next time, asshole.

There are adults who have also been bad, but kicking their chair or telling them to stfu until they shut up has always worked. Nothing seems to work with a crying and unruly child who probably just wants to be in a quiet place so they can take their nap in peace, but their troutty parent decided they wanted to see Mad Max.

06-13-2015, 04:31 AM
I actually think the more "obnoxious", or rather "active" the audience is, the better. I can multitask enough to pay attention to the movie, and a lively audience adds to the entertainment for me.

I remember when a friend and I went to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice at the cinema, and there was group of kids to the right of the row in front of us, and they were reacting aloud to things, and they were funny to hear at times - so it added to the entertainment.

Two highlights were when the Fantasia music played, the kids all cheered, which was heart-warming (see, kids do like things before their time!), and before the movie started, there was a short-film which was quite strange (I can describe what I remember), and the kids were reacting to that as well, but at least one of them thought it was an advert, because when the credits came up, she said "That was a film?!" It was funny.

So yeah, I'm okay with it.

06-14-2015, 01:44 PM
This is why I usually try and see animated movies at night time. The first time I saw Frozen, there was only older teens and young adults there and one child and it was beauitful. The child started crying when Elsa's chandelier in her ice castle crashed and that was okay, kids are allowed to be scared, and it was pretty noisy and crashy. The third time I saw Frozen was with friends was in the middle of the afternoon and kids kept on kicking seats, speaking through scenes, and throwing candy everywhere.

Then I saw Home recently with my mommy, and kids started running around the cinema to have small races. Ugh.

BH6 was late at night, and there was some more kids there, but they were so much better behaved than in Frozen and Home. Some kids were left with their mums though because their dads had to cry in the bathroom because of Baymax and Tadashi though. ):

06-16-2022, 01:53 PM
I will take them to my candy house. :bigsmile: