View Full Version : [Art] FanArt Friday! Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #123

Agent Proto
06-12-2015, 10:35 PM
Hello again! It's that time again. FanArt Friday! Welcome to another edition of Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week, where we show the best of the best from DeviantArt! Last week we showed off some excellent artwork, and this week we'll see another set of artists show off their skills. But you're not here for the text... let's get on with the art!

http://pre00.deviantart.net/9bfc/th/pre/f/2015/162/8/6/terra_final_fantasy_vi_by_enamaeris-d8wsq1k.jpg (http://enamaeris.deviantart.com/art/Terra-Final-Fantasy-VI-538817240)
Terra Final Fantasy VI by Enamaeris (http://enamaeris.deviantart.com/)

Let's start off the week's showcase with this beautiful black and white fan art of the lovely Terra from the sixth installment of the Final Fantasy series. I really have to admire how good this piece looks. Even though it lacks color, you can still see that this looks very elegant and recognizeable! Great job to Enamaeris!

http://img13.deviantart.net/1e21/i/2015/158/a/b/final_fantasy_xiii_by_black_shadow_rin-d8wdx55.jpg (http://black-shadow-rin.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-XIII-538126601)
Final Fantasy XIII by Black-Shadow-Rin (http://black-shadow-rin.deviantart.com/)

We have ourselves another black and white fan art! This time it's simply lineart with a bit of extra shading and details here and there featuring three of the main characters of Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning and her sister Serah along with the adorable Vanille! Gotta love how playful Vanille appears to be!

http://orig15.deviantart.net/3dec/f/2015/159/d/e/lulu_by_elias_chatzoudis-d8wipdu.jpg (http://elias-chatzoudis.deviantart.com/art/Lulu-538349826)
Lulu by Elias-Chatzoudis (http://elias-chatzoudis.deviantart.com/)

What's this?! A third black and white fan art in this showcase? Well you better believe it! This time it's a lovely line art drawing of the alluring black mage from Final Fantasy X, Lulu! I simply love the pose here, and the shading really works here. Very nice!

http://orig01.deviantart.net/2311/f/2015/160/2/4/final_fantasy_iii__cloud_of_darkness_by_whitemageoftermina-d8wlunx.png (http://whitemageoftermina.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-III-Cloud-Of-Darkness-538496637)
Final Fantasy III: Cloud of Darkness by WhiteMageOfTermina (http://whitemageoftermina.deviantart.com/)

I'm pretty sure everyone had enough of the black and white fan arts, so let's break that combo with this fantastic fan art of a major villain from Final Fantasy III. We have the lovely Cloud of Darkness here! The coloring is really nice, and relaxing on the eyes. Not too bright, nor is it clashing with each other. I have to say WhiteMageOfTermina did a nice job with the background as well. I have to say that her drawing style slightly resembles another artist who's been featured in the past. You may recognize it as well! (Hopefully!)

http://pre01.deviantart.net/0e35/th/pre/i/2015/159/2/1/ruby_final_fantasy_ix_by_mooresatoshi-d8wgzsl.jpg (http://mooresatoshi.deviantart.com/art/Ruby-Final-Fantasy-IX-538270005)
Ruby Final Fantasy IX by MooreSatoshi (http://mooresatoshi.deviantart.com/)
Photography by SVM56 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/SVM56/425576550864655?sk=photos_stream&tab=photos_albums)

There are some minor characters from these games that don't get enough attention that they truly deserve. Ruby from the Tantalus Theater Troupe just happens to be one! She's quite spunky, and she does have an amazing outfit for a character! I can't believe she hasn't had much screen time in the game, but alas I digress. However, you can still appreciate her as a character with the help from this amazing cosplayer, who has done an amazing job on her costume! She looks amazing and did a wondeful job with the cosplay!

What do you think of all these wonderful pieces? Are you on DeviantArt? Do you have any favourite artists there? Let us know by leaving comments on this article and, of course, click the photos to be taken to the respective DA pages so you can leave comments for them, too! Finally, if you're registered on DeviantArt, be sure to follow the EyesonFF DA Group (http://eyesonff.deviantart.com/)!

06-12-2015, 10:45 PM
More Terra goodness. Lulu one is pretty good, too.

06-13-2015, 07:54 PM
I love the Ruby cosplay, I like the pose with the book.

11-27-2015, 02:27 PM
Terra look soooo beautiful in this work! The grey scale is awesome