View Full Version : That train mission on Disc 1

06-19-2015, 10:27 PM
Who thinks that train bit was awesome and should be a series staple...

i have no idea what this is about. but its here? i liked the train bit. no singing selphie. and the first time where Rinoa could have fell and DIED!!!

06-20-2015, 12:00 AM
It was awesome, but I kind prefer it being exclusive to Final Fantasy VIII.

I liked all the train models, too.

06-20-2015, 01:13 AM
it seemed to me like it fit the game a lot more... Probably the futuristic setting (I think at some point it mentioned the 41st century or something XD)

06-20-2015, 03:40 AM
I thought it was pretty cool. Something different from dungeoning and fighting.

It was awesome, but I kind prefer it being exclusive to Final Fantasy VIII.

I liked all the train models, too.

The model's nice, but The President's car looked kinda shabby. And the paint job sucked.

06-20-2015, 03:44 AM
I thought it was pretty cool. Something different from dungeoning and fighting.

It was awesome, but I kind prefer it being exclusive to Final Fantasy VIII.

I liked all the train models, too.

The model's nice, but The President's car looked kinda shabby. And the paint job sucked.

Ixnay on the paint job day. -points behind you-

09-06-2015, 01:21 AM
I played this the first time with the train mission and I thought it was challenging for me because I didn't know what to expect. But I enjoyed it with some help from my sensei Bert.

09-06-2015, 01:58 AM
I played this the first time with the train mission and I thought it was challenging for me because I didn't know what to expect. But I enjoyed it with some help from my sensei Bert.


I had some trouble with it my first play through when I was like 13 or 14 but now that I actually read things and comprehend what I'm reading it goes much smoother :p

Rin Heartilly
09-06-2015, 08:56 AM
I thought it was pretty cool. Something different from dungeoning and fighting.

It was awesome, but I kind prefer it being exclusive to Final Fantasy VIII.

I liked all the train models, too.

The model's nice, but The President's car looked kinda shabby. And the paint job sucked.

Oh shutup! It represented Rinoa's hatred for president Deling!
