View Full Version : What is the best Normal battle theme?

07-03-2015, 07:51 PM
we are now beggining, the epic tournament of 4 seperate votes. Normal battle theme, Boss theme, Other battle theme ( E.G Decisive battle "FFV" or J-E-N-O-V-A)
and Final boss theme, i will upload a poll like every 2 days, dont worry its not going to be that big.
anyway, off we go! my favourite is 9's battle theme.

Forsaken Lover
07-03-2015, 08:05 PM

Best regular theme, now and forever. Every fight feels like a boss fight with this playing.

Wolf Kanno
07-03-2015, 08:09 PM
It's not on your pole but FFXIV's Nail of the Heaven's is pretty epic with it's metal guitar.

For the convenience of others, this is a medley of the 14 FF themes.


I don't really care for Normal Battle themes, I've played these games so many times I just can't help but have my mind go into auto-pilot while I listen to them so I can't really say I like any of them because none of them can really keep my interest for long to appreciate them.

07-04-2015, 01:25 PM
I think my favorite one is FFXIII's one. It's very different from the others.

07-04-2015, 03:35 PM
It's not on your pole but FFXIV's Nail of the Heaven's is pretty epic with it's metal guitar.

For the convenience of others, this is a medley of the 14 FF themes.


I don't really care for Normal Battle themes, I've played these games so many times I just can't help but have my mind go into auto-pilot while I listen to them so I can't really say I like any of them because none of them can really keep my interest for long to appreciate them.
I should've done my research, sorry. i wasnt aware that an MMO would have a battle theme, sort of like 12.
I'll promise to look more carefully with the Boss theme's

07-04-2015, 05:33 PM
I've played these games so many times I just can't help but have my mind go into auto-pilot while I listen to them
So by that logic the more you dislike a game the less you play it and thus the more you can appreciate the battle music?

07-04-2015, 06:26 PM
I'm sure it's the generic go-to answer, but FFVII's battle theme has always stuck out to me.

Wolf Kanno
07-05-2015, 06:04 AM
I've played these games so many times I just can't help but have my mind go into auto-pilot while I listen to them
So by that logic the more you dislike a game the less you play it and thus the more you can appreciate the battle music?

Well unless the track is featured in a game I do like such as Dissidia or TheaterRhythm. ;)

It really has more to do with training myself to just block out normal battle themes, I have a similar issue with world map themes as well unless they are just too catchy or have some interesting elements going for them. My problem with something like XIII's battle theme is that Dissidia sort of made me realize that most of the battle themes sound similar to me. Of anything the two catchiest tracks for me was XI and XIV's battle themes because I've heard them the least, so yeah I guess your logic is somewhat valid. ;)

07-05-2015, 07:10 AM
XIII's battle theme. I hate the beginning and it takes like a minute to get going, but I absolutely love it after that. Lightning Returns cuts out that first minute and jumps straight into the good part with it's battle theme.

07-07-2015, 04:10 PM
VII, followed by XIII.

07-07-2015, 04:19 PM
XIII's battle theme. I hate the beginning and it takes like a minute to get going, but I absolutely love it after that. Lightning Returns cuts out that first minute and jumps straight into the good part with it's battle theme.

Gotta disagree. I love the buildup. It just always sends chills down my spine. Blinded by Light FTW.

07-07-2015, 07:59 PM
Sorry, but this only main battle themes, same with the polls tgat follow. But i do like type-0 battle themes. Especially the music at the intro stage.

Colonel Angus
07-07-2015, 10:51 PM
Mystic Quest /thread

black orb
08-12-2015, 03:14 AM
XIII's battle theme. I hate the beginning and it takes like a minute to get going, but I absolutely love it after that. Lightning Returns cuts out that first minute and jumps straight into the good part with it's battle theme.

Gotta disagree. I love the buildup. It just always sends chills down my spine. Blinded by Light FTW.
>>> Same here, I love the beginning of that theme..:luca:
FF13 normal battle theme is my fav too.