View Full Version : Final Fantasy Adversarius

07-13-2015, 08:21 PM
So I've been thinking recently.

How would everyone feel about a Final Fantasy title that went against the norm and let us play as the antagonists?

Would that make the antagonists protaganists or the protaganists antagonists?


07-13-2015, 08:32 PM
It would make the antagonists the protagonists because the protagonists are the star of the story and the antagonists mainly act as their foil.

I would like it very much to wreck trout as Sin.

07-14-2015, 06:48 AM
I believe the term for this is Villain Protagonist, coupled with Hero Antagonist in this context. Thusfar it has been a rare approach to games that I rather enjoy. While I know the crossover based Dissidia games had the antagonists as playable, to my knowledge it lacked the option of an 'evil campaign' that makes a true Villain's Game. Hmmm... so many possibilities for this with Final Fantasy....

I have to agree with Ayen that a playable Sin would be so much fun.... Lets start with Bevelle, oh fiend-whale of genocide. Or perhaps tear some new orifices into the time-space continuum with Ultimecia.

07-14-2015, 06:50 AM
I'd like it. Something fresh and new to try

But what I'd like most is if they didn't tell us we were the villain until like very late in the game in kind of a "oh gosh what have I done" type of situation

07-14-2015, 12:48 PM
I appreciate anti-heroes so I'd be up for it. As long as it's a villain from the PSX era or beyond.

But what I'd like most is if they didn't tell us we were the villain until like very late in the game in kind of a "oh gosh what have I done" type of situation

That would be pretty amazing actually.

07-14-2015, 03:25 PM
I'd like it. Something fresh and new to try

But what I'd like most is if they didn't tell us we were the villain until like very late in the game in kind of a "oh gosh what have I done" type of situation

Assassin's Creed III did this to an extent, but it was less of a "What have I done!?" moment and more of a "Wait, what?"

07-15-2015, 03:05 AM
Pumpkin raises an interesting point... Though it would depend on how that well twist can be played. I feel a reveal of that magnitude about the main protagonist(s) generates a need for a degree of foreshadowing. Pulling it completely out of the dark that you'd secretly been the real evil all along could go rather poorly.

One idea that strikes me for making that reveal have a real kick to it, perhaps certain members of the party happen to be Unwitting Pawns? Pawns the player will be required to personally dispose of once they either figure things out or are of no more use.