View Full Version : First impressions

Wolf Kanno
07-21-2015, 03:37 AM
What was your first impression for each of the FF games you've played?

07-21-2015, 10:59 AM
Hmm... Never really thought about it... Let's see.

FFI (GBA): I was surprised at how involved I got. It had little story, but I was still super exciting about reaching the next objective. And I loved the music. It sounded even better than the SNES titles that I'd played before. It was incredible that they could squeeze so much quality in the GBA MIDIs.

FFII (GBA): I loved the character designs and the world map music. I was also really impressed with the character advancement system!

FFIII (DS): The last but one FF that I tried (before the release of XIII). I was disappointed by the job system and found the game pretty unforgiving.

FFIV (SNES): At first I thought I was playing the bad guy XD This was actually my first FF ever. I was 11 or so. But I still liked it a lot and found the story really interesting!

FFV (SNES): During my first playthrough, I thought the story was super epic and fell in love with it,.... But then I messed something up with the emulator and couldn't see where I was going in the abandoned shipyard segment. So I quit.

FFVI (SNES): First FF I beat! My first impression was that it was dark and I didn't think I'd like it in the long run. Boy, was I wrong.

FFVII (PSX/PC): So I had two "first encounters" with this game. First one was when my friend brought his PSX to my house and we played the game. I hated how sci-fi it was and I hated how there were only three party members fightning at a time. A couple years later another friend was playing it on his PC. I watched him play the Shinra building sequence and the NIbelheim flashback. I was hooked.

FFVIII (PC): The battle system seemed fresh and new and I really enjoyed myself!

FFIX (PSX): This is the final FF I hadn't yet played before FFXIII got released. I loved all the throwbacks to older titles!

FFX (PS2): My thoughts: "OMG, it's so DEEP and PHILOSOPHICAL and EMOTIONAL and THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER!!1!!!one!!!" Flash forward ten years later and... yeah :lol:

FFXI (PC): My wife and I only got to try the 14-day trial period, but boy, did we have a blast! The most fun I'd ever had playing an MMO.

FFXII (PS2): The game seemed so difficult, but so nice looking! It was so robust! And the world was beautiful! And all the characters! While I gave up in my first run because I was undereleveled (pretty severely), I still fell in love with it almost instantly.

FFXIII (PC): Well, it certainly looked nice and had pretty music and nice voice acting. But then the hallway began. And the story was dumb. Overall, a terribly written mess that really felt it could have been so much more.

07-21-2015, 11:27 AM
I love your ability to make me go "Oh, god" because it means I actually have to put thought into my post. I'm going to steal Fynn's layout here. -writes royalty check-

FFI (PSX): I loved being able to pick my job class right from the beginning and naming all the characters. I just love naming things. I can't remember what my first party was, I think I just kept the default guys in there. But my first party where I took it seriously was Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage, Monk. And I got really invested in this game. I think I got as far as seeing Link's grave and a little beyond that before moving on to something else. It quickly became one of my favorites.

FFII (PSX): Ah, so that's where they got the idea for the instant lose battle. If I didn't already know about that beforehand I would have thought I lost for real. Hard game when you don't know what to do. Really hard. I was so lost in this thing and I made the mistake of talking to a guard at the city you go to in the beginning and got my ass beat so bad. I was still young when I played it and didn't have much patience so I went back to the first one.

FFIV (PSX): When do I get to play? I'm just sitting here with my controller watching the computer do all my fighting for me. I'm getting bored here, fellas. Oh, finally, I get to play now. What, I don't get to name my character? BULLTROUT! Oh, here's a guy that let me change my name. Cool. Aww, sweet scene. I'm starting to see where the romance stuff from VII was inspired from.

FFV (PSX): This game is whacky. Faris is a woman? :eek: I liked it a lot thanks to the characters and it was before I could care how bad the translation was.

FFVI (PSX): Screw the rules I have green hair! I didn't like this as much as V at first. I liked it, but just didn't get into it like I did with the last game. It's always the first games in these box sets that really stick with me. Maybe if I played it first I would have liked it more. First time playing I only got as far as Sabin's boss fight because I didn't understand when you were supposed to punch in the Blitz command. I thought you were supposed to do them while the fight animation was going on. So, I royally screwed that up.

FFVII (PSX): I was in love with the opening mission of this game. So much in fact I used to play out the scene with Pokemon toys. That's right, Pokemon toys. Everything from the first guard fight to the Scorpion boss was done with Pokemon toys. I enjoyed it a lot, and maybe would be able to remember it as fondly as FFVIII if I didn't get lost in the Construction Yard. I didn't know I was supposed to get up the pole. That's as far as I made it on my very first playthrough when I was a kid. Didn't beat it until a few years after that.

FFVIII (PSX): The battle system confused the living hell out of me and I was terrible at Triple Triad, but I liked the characters, summons, story, music and towns from the word go. Especially the school.

FFIX (PSX): I didn't care about this game very much in the beginning. It wasn't bad, but it didn't stick with me as much as the last two. I had to go through the classic games to finally appreciate this game more. It's very much a title for older fans of the series. Not people who started off with VII.

FFX (PS2): The whole quest with the Summoner and how big everything felt reminded me of Lord of the Rings. It could have been a trilogy of movies if it wanted to be. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially Yuna. First game where I could relate to the characters in it. That was nice.

FFX-2 (PS2): Sexy Yuna is sexy. I liked it until I started to think about the story too much.

FFXI (PC): It was okay. Nothing really grabbed at me and I didn't feel compelled to play it for very long.

FFXII (PS2): THIS GAME IS AWESOME! OMG I FEEL SO INSPIRED TO WRITE THIS GAME IS SO AWESOME! -Gets to Vaan- And you killed it. You killed all my motivation to play you.

FFXIII (X360): Most boring game I ever played bar none. Sent it back to Blockbuster the day after I rented it.

FFCC (GCN): Love the opening intro and it's one of the most fun I ever had playing a game, whether it was with a friend or by myself. It was cool :cool: Not much in the way of character creation, but I liked the different choices of race.

FFDOC (PS2): Fun third-person shooter, but smurf the snipers! Smurf them.

FFVI (SNES): One of the best games I ever played.

FFVI (GBA): Oh dear god what did they do to the music? This sounds terrible!

07-21-2015, 11:28 AM
"This is pretty neat, I am having fun"

Mr. Carnelian
07-21-2015, 01:18 PM
These first impressions are based on the opening sections, and are in order of when I first played them.

FFXII (PS2): Hmm, this opening sequence is quite interesting.
[10 hours later] Good god, will this never end!? I want to get to the main plot, already!

FFX (PS2): Hmm, I am intrigued. What is it all those people are doing at those mysterious-looking ruins? Oooh, flashback! Oh, god, no, please tell me I'm not going to have to sit through a whole underwater-football match. Yay, explosions! Now stuff will happen.

FFX-2 (PS2): This looks like it's going to be a lot more light-hearted than X. I bet that's not actually Yuna, though. Probably a doppelganger, or something. Is Rikku really wearing a scarf with a bikini? Oh, well, that's JRPGs for you, I suppose.

FFXII second playthrough attempt, years after the first (PS2): This opening section IS quite tedious. But, this time I'm determined to get through it.
[10 hours later] So... bored... Vaan, I hate you so much.
Oh, it's the rabbit-lady and the suave pirate guy that Formy's told me so much about. At last, stuff will happen!

FFXIII (PS3): Badass prison-train breakout. Good stuff. I wonder if you'll be able to use that gravity-switching thingy in the game itself?
[Sazh damages the gravity thingy] God damn it, Sazh!

FXIII-2 (PS3): Cool battle sequence in Valhalla. Yay, time-travel! Oh, we're with Serah now. Hopefully she'll get some character development in this one.

Lightning Returns (PS3): So it's the end of the world, is it? Seems like a logical progression. And Lightning's been powered up yet further by another divine entity, I see. I bet it will end up with Lightning becoming the new Etro, or something.

07-21-2015, 02:35 PM
Is Rikku really wearing a scarf with a bikini?

Rikku gives no smurfs. Rikku develops own fashion trends.

black orb
08-08-2015, 05:02 AM
>>> lets see..:luca:

FF1- Im playing a game that will change my life.
FF2- Not bad I like challenge.
FF3- Not very impressed
FF4- I have to beat this game no matter what
FF5- This will be an epic FF game
FF6- Nice SNES graphics
FF7- OMG This game is years ahead of its time.
FF8- Nice summons
FF9- So much nostalgia and greatness here.
FF10- Wow, this game looks like a movie
FF12- Something tell me that I will expend lots of hours playing this.
FF13- Lets see if the Hype is real.

08-20-2015, 12:57 PM
Nearly every FF game: "Wow, this story is pretty interesting so far."

Cut to the end credits: "That ending was written by a child."

Forsaken Lover
08-20-2015, 01:35 PM
FFVIII: This game looks pretty cool.

I was so very, very wrong.