View Full Version : Final Fantasy Character Alignments

Forsaken Lover
07-24-2015, 11:38 PM

You can do all characters for a given title or just do whoever you feel like.

To give a few examples to start off with....

Cecil: Starts off as Lawful Neutral (Dark Knight) but shifts into clear cut Lawful Good (Paladin)
Ashe: Same deal as Cecil, really.
Squall: ...same deal as the other two...
Zidane and Tidus: Chaotic Good to the core. Snow too.
FFIX Garland: Lawful Neutral
Kuja: Neutral Evil

Colonel Angus
07-25-2015, 01:22 AM
Chaotic Evil- Kefka
Chaotic Neutral- Quina Quen
Chaotic Good- Barrett

Neutral Evil- Lone Wolf the Pickpocket
Neutral Neutral- Balthier
Neutral Good- Vaan

Lawful Evil- Astos
Lawful Neutral- Bahamut
Lawful Good- Penelo

Wolf Kanno
07-25-2015, 02:03 AM
This can be interesting.

Warriors of Light - Lawful Good
Four Fiends - Lawful Evil
Chaos - Neutral Evil

Firion and most of the cast: Lawful Good
Leilei - Lawful Neutral
Leon - Lawful Evil
Emperor Mateus - Lawful Evil

Onion Knights - Lawful Good
Unie and Doga - Neutral Good
Xande - Neutral Evil
Cloud of Darkness: Lawful Neutral

Cecil - Begins Lawful Neutral, become Lawful Good
Kain - Lawful Neutral, when brainwashed, he's Lawful Evil.
Rydia - Neutral Good
Tellah - Chaotic Good
Edward - Lawful Good
Rosa - Lawful Good
Yang - Lawful Good
Cid - Chaotic Good
Edge - Chaotic Good
Palom - Chaotic Good
Porom - Lawful Good
FuSoYa - Lawful Good
Golbez - Lawful Evil
Elemental Archfiends - All Neutral Evil except...
Rubicante - Lawful Evil
Zemus - Neutral Evil
Zeromus - Chaotic Evil

Bartz - Chaotic Good
Lenna - Lawful Good
Faris - Chaotic Neutral at first becomes Chaotic Good later
Galuf - Neutral Good
Krile - Lawful Good
Gilgamesh - Chaotic Neutral
Exdeath - Neutral Evil
Neo Exdeath - Chaotic Evil

Terra - Neutral Good, becomes Lawful Good
Locke - Chaotic Good
Edgar - Neutral Good
Sabin - Neutral Good
Cyan - Lawful Good
Shadow - Chaotic Neutral
Gau - Chaotic Neutral
Celes - Lawful Good
Mog - Neutral Good
Strago - Lawful Good
Relm - Neutral Good
Umaro - Neutral
Gogo - Neutral
Leo - Lawful Good
Banon - Lawful Good
Cid - Lawful Neutral, becomes Neutral Good
Gestahl - Lawful Evil
Ultros - Neutral Evil
Kefka - Chaotic Evil

Cloud - Neutral, becomes Neutral Good
Barret - Chaotic Neutral, settles down to Neutral good.
Tifa - Lawful Good
Aerith Neutral Good
Red XIII - Neutral Good, then becomes Lawful Good
Cait Sith - Lawful Neutral/Lawful Good
Cid - Chaotic Good
Yuffie - Chaotic Neutral
Vincent - Lawful Neutral
President Shinra, Heidegger, Scarlet, Palmer, and Rufus - Neutral Evil
Hojo - Chaotic Evil
Reno and Rude - Neutral
Elena and Tseng - Lawful Neutral
Jenova - Neutral Evil
Sephiroth - Neutral Evil, occasionally slips in Chaotic Evil

Squall - Lawful Neutral then becomes Lawful Good
Laguna and his crew are Neutral Good
Sqaull's companions are Lawful Good
Seifer - Chaotic Neutral
Fujin and Raijin - Chaotic Good
Cid - Neutral Good
Edea - Lawful Good when not possessed
Ellone: Lawful Good
Dr. Odine - Chaotic Neutral
Biggs and Wedge - Lawful Neutral
Adel and Ultimecia - Neutral Evil

Zidane, along with all of Tantalus - Chaotic Good
Ganet - Neutral Good
Steiner Lawful Good
Vivi - Lawful Good
Freya - Neutral Good
Quina - Neutral
Eiko - Chaotic Good
Amarant - Chaotic Neutral
Zorn and Thorn - Neutral Evil
Queen Brahne - Neutral Evil
Garland - Lawful Evil
Kuja - Neutral Evil turned Chaotic Evil.

Tidus - Chaotic Good
Yuna, Wakka, Lulu and all of the "good" NPCs - Lawful Good
Auron - Chaotic Good
Rikku - Neutral Good
Seymour - Runs the gambit of all three Evil alignments depending on where you are in the plot.
Jecht - Chaotic Good
Yu-Yevon and most of the "evil" NPCs - Lawful Evil

Vaan - Chaotic Good
Penelo - Lawful Good
Balthier - Likes to think he's Chaotic Neutral but he's Chaotic Good
Fran - Chaotic Good
Basche - Lawful Good
Lady Ashe - Lawful Neutral but becomes Lawful Good
Gabranth - Lawful Evil, becomes Lawful Neutral
Drace - Lawful Good
Bergen - Chaotic Evil
Zargabanth - Lawful Neutral
Ghis - Lawful Evil
Vayne - Lawful Evil
Cid - Chaotic Neutral
Venat - Chaotic Neutral
The Occurians - Lawful Evil

Lightning - Lawful Neutral
Snow - Chaotic Good
Sahz - Neutral Good
Hope - Lawful Good
Vanille - Neutral Good
Fang - Neutral Good
Cid - Neutral Good
Rosch - Lawful Neutral
Jihl - Lawful Evil
Barhtandalus - Lawful Evil
Orphan - Neutral Evil.

07-25-2015, 10:16 AM
Quina - Neutral
Amarant - Chaotic Neutral

Amarant isn't a guy who just follows his whims, in fact he is actually very self serving. Everything he does is for his own personal gain, even if his reasoning for joining Zidane is for understanding. Yes, he saves Eiko, but because he wants a fair fight against Zidane to prove his strength.

He joins ZIdane and group to learn why Zidane is stronger.

Even the ruins later in the game is simply another test of his own strength vs. Zidane and co.

His actions are entirely self serving, which is very much an evil characteristic. Really nothing he does is for the sake of any one else throughout the game, at least up until the end.

He's also not doing it for the sake of being a dick, so Chaotic evil is out. I peg Amarant as Neutral Evil through and through.

"A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has."

As for Quina, S/He is pretty much the definition of Chaotic Nuetral. Everything done throughout the story is entirely on a whim. Not good, not evil, not ordered. Chaotic Nuetral is the only one that makes sense to me.

I'd add in Beatrix Lawful Nuetral, with the rather interesting conflict (From an Alighnment prespective at least) of dealing with conflicting codes of honor, a personal code and her code as a Knight.

I'd have to think a bit more on Freya, but I can see a case for LN on her as well, but I'm not entirely sure on that one yet. :p

Rest seems legit.

Wolf Kanno
07-25-2015, 06:25 PM
Eh, my reasoning is because I'm really going by the Palladium Rulebook alignment system due to agreeing that Neutral is kind of a stupid alignment and it's replaced with Selfish instead. Though I'll concede Quina, don't know what I was thinking.