View Full Version : 12 reasons why FFXII HD needs to happen

08-12-2015, 04:04 PM

Conductor Arnie Roth’s recent announcement caused quite a stir in our community. His “announcement” of a Final Fantasy XII remake made fans of the game anxious for all the Gamescom events, hopeful for any official word on the matter from SE. Sadly, Gamescom came and went, and no news surfaced. Roth retracted his initial statement, though his explanation seemed to raise more questions than answers, as the only thing he corrected was his improper use of the word ‘remake’. Fans speculate that means an HD remaster is on the way, or whether our dear Arnie simply means FFXII’s soundtrack will get more new arrangements for a new concert.

Whatever the case, fans of the series have become more eager to play an HD remaster of Final Fantasy XII than ever. And for good reason! Here are twelve magical reasons why we need Final Fantasy XII HD.

12. We can’t play it on any of the current-gen consoles.


All of the FFs preceding it have had at least one rerelease. Be it through a simple PSN port, an HD remaster or an all-out remake, the entire series up until this point is playable on current systems. The only way to play FFXII now, aside from the dubious practice of emulation, is through plugging in that dusty PS2, which might as well be dead at this point. I know mine is.

11. The world is vast.


We really haven’t had an FF with quite so big of a world with so much stuff to do before or after XII. So, in preparation for the FFXV world (which is reportedly expected to dwarf Ivalice), it might be a good idea to give the fans an opportunity to ease into that vastness, eh? Square Enix? *nudge nudge, wink wink*

10. The graphics are still beautiful today… Though we wouldn’t mind a tiny facelift.


As many of the practitioners of the forbidden art of emulation will tell you, upscaled to an HD resolution, FFXII still looks beautiful. The menus – less so. FFX/X-2 HD required a more thorough update due to being an early-PS2 game. FFXII was released in the PS2’s waning years and it really doesn’t require that much effort. Just make it a little better suited for higher resolutions.

9. The Japanese got a ton of content we never had a chance to experience.


Ah yes, the dreaded ‘International’ releases. Not that international, when you think about it, considering most of them made their way out of Japan. European fans were lucky enough to get all the International version bonuses in FFX’s original release, but the rest had to wait until the remaster came along, and not even Europeans got X-2 HD on PS2. An HD remaster would be the perfect opportunity for FFXII fans to finally get their mitts on the fabled content. And oh boy, is there a ton of new content.

8. There’s more gambits!


Not only are all the gambits accessible much earlier in the game than in the original, the IZJS (International Zodiac Job System) version of the game gives you a number of new gambits, letting you customize your party dynamics much earlier and to an even more refined degree. Speaking of more refined strategies, the International version also offers…

7. Controllable guests and summons!


That’s right! No longer do you have to look up a guide to know just what kind of spell Mateus wants you to cast to perform his special moves – you now have complete control over Espers and guest party members! On the flip side, that also means Larsa is no longer the free hi-potion dispenser. But that’s still fine, since now…

6. You can speed up your game!


Through a simple press of a button, your game can now go into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and level up insanely fast. Gone are the days of setting up your gambits just right so that you can leave the game on for the night and wake up to find your characters maxed out because otherwise the grind is too much. But even that can’t compare to the biggest draw of the international release, which is…

5. The Zodiac Job System!


Should the HD version we all so yearn for be of the International version, this is why it will be totally worth it, even if your initial reaction to the game was, let’s say, lukewarm. Each character gets to choose one of the 12 pre-defined jobs with a corresponding License Board. Once a character selects a board, they cannot change it for the rest of the game, and it becomes inaccessible to the other party members. These License Boards have more refined sets of skill and equipment licenses, preventing all party members from mastering the same Licence Board and becoming a carbon copy from each other.

4. The music was beautiful – but perhaps it can sound even better.


The MIDI quality was admittedly much better in FFXII than it was in FFX, but since FFX had most of its soundtrack redone for the remaster, it would be logical to expect FFXII to receive the same treatment!

3. FFX/X-2 HD was a smashing success – there’s no reason to expect things will be different for XII.


Sales for FFX/X-2 HD were so high, in fact, the SE decided to rerelease it again for the PS4. C’mon, SE. This is easy money. Give us FFXII on the PS4! Or better yet…

2. Imagine FFXII on the go.


If our potential FFXII HD follows in the footsteps of FFX, we could also be getting a PSVita release. Hunting down that tough mark or exploring every last corner of the Zerinan Caverns on the train, or during your daily commute, or even underneath your blanket as you get cozy before bed sound pretty darn appealing.

1. It’s simply a one-of-a-kind experience.


Final Fantasy has always taken steps to make each entry different from the last, but few made such bold leaps as Final Fantasy XII. Crafted by Yasumi Matsuno, Final Fantasy XII’s story takes on a more political spin than your average FF, its battle system is incredibly refreshing, and the sheer scope of the world makes us yearn for the days of the world map of old a bit less. Final Fantasy XII simply deserves to be remastered in HD if only because it dared to be different, so old fans can relive one more FF, and new fans can learn about this one unique gem in the series.

Electroshock Therapy
08-12-2015, 04:27 PM
I hope they give you the option to choose between regular license board and Zodiac board (kinda like how FF X HD gives you different Sphere Grid options). No matter how many times people keep trying to convince me it's "awesome," I'm still not fully sold on the idea of limiting how I can build my characters. I don't mind limitations per se. I'm fine with some games where I choose a job and can only use those abilities, and I'm fine with predesignated jobs in games, too. But I like having some games where there is total freedom. I like the variety; I don't need a "job system" for every bloody Final Fantasy game. So taking a game that was originally about freedom of development, and making it so you can only develop in respect to your job sounds like it takes away from what makes the original system special.

Should this happen, I will of course try the Zodiac Job System. And if I like it, I'll buy a hat and eat it. But if I don't, I'd like to have the option to play with the original License Board system. Somehow, I doubt that will happen.

08-12-2015, 04:33 PM
I think the option is there even in the original Japanese release of IZJS. Picking a job is optional. Before that, all characters start on a regular Licence Board.

I think. We need someone who's played the game to confirm it.

08-12-2015, 04:40 PM
I like the full customization of the regular version. It's the only way I can get a Black Mage archer :( But that Black Mage Penelo is adorable! It would be neat to try the other version though and see how I like it

Also, my PS2 is still going strong :smug: Been playing the poop out of it with my Suikoden marathon and will continue to do so and it's doing just fine

08-12-2015, 04:41 PM
Choosing between the 'standard' and 'expert' licence boards like in FFX would be a welcome and very easy to implement change. The IZJS boards do sound very cool and interesting, but will require much more strategy now that your reserves aren't just another three sets of HP to use.

Fortunately, my PS2 is working fine still, but I am eagerly awaiting a FFXII: HD IZJS release. Amazing write-up Fynn!

I Don't Need A Name
08-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Reason 13 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyfGm6wXgs)

08-12-2015, 05:16 PM
You're overthinking it. I got your twelve reasons right here:


But to clarify this, no the original license board no longer exists. You need to pick a job before you can start spending LP.

08-12-2015, 05:18 PM
What is an Uhlan

08-12-2015, 05:24 PM
Spear user. They didn't go with the usual "Dragoon" because their trademark Jump ability doesn't exist.

08-12-2015, 08:13 PM
That still doesn't explain why they went with "uhlan" instead of "lancer".

Wolf Kanno
08-12-2015, 08:57 PM
That still doesn't explain why they went with "uhlan" instead of "lancer".

Because Itou is a massive troll and wanted players to learn new things. He purposely chose the term so players would have to Google it and learn something new (http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/english-translation-of-hiroyuki-ito-interview-from-the-ffxii-international-ultimania.190722331/).

08-12-2015, 10:11 PM
Is this the same reason why samurai were called parivir in FFTA2?



08-12-2015, 10:26 PM
Shut up and build my house

I always just figured they went like

Staff #1 Ok so what do we call this spear class if not dragoon?
Staff #2 uhh, lan...
Staff #1 OK GREAT let's go with uhlan.

08-12-2015, 10:28 PM
Careful now. We have dragoons :smug:

08-12-2015, 10:44 PM
Most of them seem pretty straightforward, but what would the Breaker, Machinist and Hunter specialize in? I imagine Breaker would use heavy weapons like axes and hammers, maybe 'berserker' would be more accurate?

Also, which one is the 'thief' job class?

08-12-2015, 10:51 PM
Breaker uses axes and hammers and such, and gets the four breaks (Wither, Expose, Addle, Shear) without because in IZJS there's a LOT of individual licenses blocked off by a blank space that needs to be filled in with an esper - so you have to choose between powerups for different characters sometimes.

The machinist uses guns mainly, and also measures and bombs. The Hunter uses daggers and ninja blades, and I suppose fits the 'thief' job class the best. Although since Vaan, Balthier and Fran all have the Steal license by default, that in itself is not gonna be a problem.

08-12-2015, 11:18 PM
Ah, so they still keep the defaults then? Good good. Really, if you wanted to match their job to their 'personality' so to speak, you could go with:

Vaan - Red Mage or Monk, he seems like a jack of all trades kind of guy, and can use his fists
Penelo - White Mage or Monk, very mage orientated in the first place, and was trained in the martial arts by her brothers
Basch - Knight or Breaker, just a very hard hitter all round
Ashe - Time Mage or Black Mage or Red Mage, another magey type, and she was a Time Mage in Revenant Wings
Fran - Machinist or Hunter or Archer, she maintains the Strahl and is like a huntress.
Balhtier - Machinist or Uhlan, largely because of guns and I can see him using a spear

08-16-2015, 05:34 AM
So are you forced to choose one of those new license boards or can you choose to just make everyone a blank slate like the original version?

I feel like I'd screw myself over bigtime in FFXII if I didn't pick the right roles.

08-17-2015, 03:31 AM
Do you realized what I went through?

I got everything in this game with no flaws. Seriously I got every weapon, armor, accessory and item. Not only that but this is probably my 2nd least favorite FF. FF2 being my least cause to get a perfect game you got like a month or more of grinding. Anyways all my friends come over and want to play this game. I quickly tell them there is no need, I got everything. So I don't really want a remake. If they did I would buy it, get everything again and hate it twice as much.

On a different scale I WOULD buy it, and I would play it senseless. The reason why it should be released or remade is it no long has use. Many gamers only have PS3 or PS4 which is hard to keep up with cause of how many consoles come and go. I would love to see more bundle packs like they did in PS1 era. Say FF1,2, and 5 on 1 disk. FF,7,8,9 on another. Release the remakes of FF3, and 4. FF10, and 12 on the last. They wouldn't even have to add stuff. Just release them for this generation of consoles.

Wolf Kanno
08-17-2015, 04:43 AM
So are you forced to choose one of those new license boards or can you choose to just make everyone a blank slate like the original version?

I feel like I'd screw myself over bigtime in FFXII if I didn't pick the right roles.

You're overthinking it. I got your twelve reasons right here:


But to clarify this, no the original license board no longer exists. You need to pick a job before you can start spending LP.

08-17-2015, 07:53 AM
there's nothing stopping them from adding both classic and izjs mode to the game

Wolf Kanno
08-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Except being lazy. Considering the Job Class system was the original idea for it and the IZJS was meant to be the "complete" version of the rushed FFXII, I don't see Ito or SE wanting to spend extra time adding the old system back in, especially since the game balance was readjusted to compensate for the job system.

08-17-2015, 10:36 AM
I think you're overstating the difficulty of adding the old system back in. It might just be a matter of copying over the settings used in the original version. The game code is likely to be nearly identical, save for some bug fixes. I doubt they've coded a game where you have to dig through tons of source code to change how high-level things work, so I'd wager that most things not related to the actual core engine of the game is likely just a series of scripts in a few files.

Wolf Kanno
08-17-2015, 06:44 PM
I don't know man, Ito said he made this game to be the real complete version of FFXII and implemented many game fixes and gameplay changes they couldn't before and the job system does seriously change the game set-up in such a way they allegedly did go through and change the game's difficulty curve. I mean the boss rush mode alone would be painfully easier with the old License Board as opposed to the new system in place.

I'm not saying they couldn't but this is Ito and he is most likely not going to change anything except maybe a few more bugs he learned from fan feedback. I honestly don't see a reason to do this either. Ito was not happy with how the original system turned out and was received, so I really doubt he would want the original back in, especially considering all the work he put into the IZJS version with a skeleton crew.

08-18-2015, 08:30 PM
The original game's license board complemented the open nature of the rest of the game. I can go in any direction at any time I want, both in experimenting with the license board and also in exploring the game world. Having a class system where I can't change or combine roles is unappealing on its own but in a game like FFXII, it actually sounds counter-intuitive. I respect the creative intentions of Square's designers but would rather they just include both options, like in FFX HD.

It really could not be that hard. The game balance and tweaking is literally just a different set of numerical values in a list somewhere in the code. There's no reason they can't include both and call on whichever the player prefers at the start of the game.

08-18-2015, 09:45 PM
I would be totally okay with the idea of only IZJS system as long as you can through some item/quest etc reset the character so you can choose him new job at the cost of having to earn all the LP back again.

Wolf Kanno
08-19-2015, 05:38 AM
The original game's license board complemented the open nature of the rest of the game. I can go in any direction at any time I want, both in experimenting with the license board and also in exploring the game world. Having a class system where I can't change or combine roles is unappealing on its own but in a game like FFXII, it actually sounds counter-intuitive. I respect the creative intentions of Square's designers but would rather they just include both options, like in FFX HD.

It really could not be that hard. The game balance and tweaking is literally just a different set of numerical values in a list somewhere in the code. There's no reason they can't include both and call on whichever the player prefers at the start of the game.

The Zodiac Job system also compliments the games themes of making tough choices and overcoming the fate one is given. ;)

I would be totally okay with the idea of only IZJS system as long as you can through some item/quest etc reset the character so you can choose him new job at the cost of having to earn all the LP back again.

Honestly the replay value the system gives is pretty enticing that I don't see why one would worry about needing to change roles mid-playthrough. It kind of breaks from the theme Ito wanted which was accepting one's fate and making difficult choices. (http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/english-translation-of-hiroyuki-ito-interview-from-the-ffxii-international-ultimania.190722331/)


Frankly, from interviews with Ito, I don't expect him to bother adding the old system on it because he wasn't happy with it to begin with. If they were going to bother making changes with a full team to it, he's suggested in interviews he would go farther with IZJS than what we've seen rather than retrace old steps. As I said before the International version of FFX always had the choice between the two Sphere Boards implemented from the game's inception and they didn't exactly do heavy altering of the main game to accommodate for the Advance Sphere Grid which is why it worked. IZJS is almost a different game just using the XII story and processes but it was built with the Job System in mind. If SE wasn't just going to be lazy with shipping off the visual upgrades to a third party and was actually going to bother with making adjustments, Ito has already pretty much said he would change things even further with IZJS as the base since it's technically the game XII was originally meant to be. I also doubt there are enough fans who care to use the old License Grid to create enough demand to add it back in. Just play the IZJS before deciding we need the old system in as an option. I doubt we all shelved our PS2s and copy of XII anyway and even if you did, you could probably obtain both for the price of the IZJS version.

08-20-2015, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the interview Wolf, it definitely sounds like I underestimated the work it would take to include both versions of the game. I think it would still be manageable but if SQEX does it in-house, I would prefer they take it one step further and give us something new again, maybe even to get us ready for their newest project. Honestly though, I'd rather they contract it out to an experienced HD remaster outfit, so we could get it more timely and at a much higher quality. Maybe I'm overly critical or the console versions are better but FFX shouldn't have taken as long as it did to turn out as much of a mixed bag as it was.

08-20-2015, 05:30 PM
The original game's license board complemented the open nature of the rest of the game. I can go in any direction at any time I want, both in experimenting with the license board and also in exploring the game world. Having a class system where I can't change or combine roles is unappealing on its own but in a game like FFXII, it actually sounds counter-intuitive. I respect the creative intentions of Square's designers but would rather they just include both options, like in FFX HD.

It really could not be that hard. The game balance and tweaking is literally just a different set of numerical values in a list somewhere in the code. There's no reason they can't include both and call on whichever the player prefers at the start of the game.

The Zodiac Job system also compliments the games themes of making tough choices and overcoming the fate one is given. ;)

I would be totally okay with the idea of only IZJS system as long as you can through some item/quest etc reset the character so you can choose him new job at the cost of having to earn all the LP back again.

Honestly the replay value the system gives is pretty enticing that I don't see why one would worry about needing to change roles mid-playthrough. It kind of breaks from the theme Ito wanted which was accepting one's fate and making difficult choices. (http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/english-translation-of-hiroyuki-ito-interview-from-the-ffxii-international-ultimania.190722331/)


Frankly, from interviews with Ito, I don't expect him to bother adding the old system on it because he wasn't happy with it to begin with. If they were going to bother making changes with a full team to it, he's suggested in interviews he would go farther with IZJS than what we've seen rather than retrace old steps. As I said before the International version of FFX always had the choice between the two Sphere Boards implemented from the game's inception and they didn't exactly do heavy altering of the main game to accommodate for the Advance Sphere Grid which is why it worked. IZJS is almost a different game just using the XII story and processes but it was built with the Job System in mind. If SE wasn't just going to be lazy with shipping off the visual upgrades to a third party and was actually going to bother with making adjustments, Ito has already pretty much said he would change things even further with IZJS as the base since it's technically the game XII was originally meant to be. I also doubt there are enough fans who care to use the old License Grid to create enough demand to add it back in. Just play the IZJS before deciding we need the old system in as an option. I doubt we all shelved our PS2s and copy of XII anyway and even if you did, you could probably obtain both for the price of the IZJS version.

How would they even know if there was enough demand for a single feature of the game? They wouldn't have any statistics to go by. I can't imagine them paying for a professional survey, which is what they'd need to accurately gauge such a demand.

I disagree that you underestimated the work it would take to include both versions, Bolivar. I see nothing here that would suggest that.

08-21-2015, 03:27 PM
I definitely still think it would be manageable, it's just when Wolf said they rebalanced the game, I assumed they would just need to have two lists of enemy stats and such. Turns out there was more to it than that, such as treasure chest placement and frequency.

But yeah I'm totally with you that it's doable and it makes the most sense to include both options for a complete FFXII remaster.

08-22-2015, 12:13 AM
I wonder if SE held on to the original uncompressed FFXII FMV files so they could make them look half way decent for an HD re-release.

They apparently didn't with X, so they just cropped and stretched out the 480p FMVs from the PS2 disc resulting in some less than stellar visuals on many of the FMVs, which was really my only gripe with that collection (well, aside of not making the new OST optional).

08-22-2015, 12:28 AM
Oh gosh, I wish they correct the treasure chests. Seriously, the treasure chest mechanics were just brutal. Some chests had only a 1% or 5% chance of actually having the item you want.

08-22-2015, 12:37 AM
Oh gosh, I wish they correct the treasure chests. Seriously, the treasure chest mechanics were just brutal. Some chests had only a 1% or 5% chance of actually having the item you want.

This is even worse in IZJS, and I'm not just talking about the good old 0.01% Seitengrat secret. :stare:

08-22-2015, 05:18 AM
Oh gosh, I wish they correct the treasure chests. Seriously, the treasure chest mechanics were just brutal. Some chests had only a 1% or 5% chance of actually having the item you want.

This is even worse in IZJS, and I'm not just talking about the good old 0.01% Seitengrat secret. :stare:

I just started IZJS for the first time. I heard the stupid "don't touch random chests or else Zodiac Spear is gone forever" thing is gone though. Is that true?

08-22-2015, 05:33 AM
that was fixed, yes

08-22-2015, 05:45 AM
Oh gosh, I wish they correct the treasure chests. Seriously, the treasure chest mechanics were just brutal. Some chests had only a 1% or 5% chance of actually having the item you want.

It's not actually something that needs correction - it was very much intentional. In the interview Wolf put up Ito said he was frustrated with how players would just keep reloading until the treasure chests gave them what they wanted, since it was the intention that they yield surprising results.

08-22-2015, 05:57 AM
To solve that, they should have randomized the treasure chest list at the beginning of an entirely new game, then the treasure chests would have stayed the same no matter how many times you reloaded.

08-22-2015, 02:20 PM
Oh gosh, I wish they correct the treasure chests. Seriously, the treasure chest mechanics were just brutal. Some chests had only a 1% or 5% chance of actually having the item you want.

It's not actually something that needs correction - it was very much intentional. In the interview Wolf put up Ito said he was frustrated with how players would just keep reloading until the treasure chests gave them what they wanted, since it was the intention that they yield surprising results.

If by surprising you mean "oh, another knot of rust" or "oh, the treasure chest isn't even here", or "ah, 10 gil instead of the stupidly awesome weapon".

I understand the intention, but as someone who likes to try and complete the game and obtain everything, it is mightily annoying.

08-22-2015, 03:40 PM
I think Ito might just hate completionists :p

08-22-2015, 03:53 PM
I think Ito might just hate completionists :p

Perhaps. Getting the Danjuro alone was enough to tear my hair out, and I got it relatively early compared to most people.

08-27-2015, 05:20 PM
Hmmmm... I prefer the job systems over freedom of development, because I played FFX and I didn't like my characters being all the same, that was pretty boring.

Classes are the key elements of Paper RPGs (along with turn-based combat) and I love it to the death, because you can feel like a part of a real team, not a bunch of superheroes.

08-27-2015, 06:46 PM
White wolf paper RPGs usually do not have classes. i'm sure they're not the only ones.

that still doesn't make the characters superheroes

08-27-2015, 06:50 PM
But I still kinda get the point. WHen you have the potential to freely develop your characters, you might end up maxing them all anyway and they all just end up carbon copies of each other. I kinda did that in FFVI by teaching all magic to everyone (though the abilities still make them distinct).

That said, it's still entirely possible to have everyone master the Sphere Grid in X, Zanmato :p

08-27-2015, 11:45 PM
I suppose one thing the IZJS might help make useful is the measures. They were beyond useless in XII, but now because not everyone can use magick, they might be of some fringe use.

Also, not everyone can equip the powerful weapons anymore, so the fairly mediocre types, like poles, maces and daggers now get some use.

08-28-2015, 12:14 AM
I suppose one thing the IZJS might help make useful is the measures. They were beyond useless in XII,

I believe they still are, actually. They're such a great concept, aren't they?

08-28-2015, 12:17 AM
What the hell even is a measure!

08-28-2015, 12:28 AM
What the hell even is a measure!

And the prosecution rests.

08-28-2015, 12:28 AM
Turns out the Measures actually got a bit of a buff. They do unreduced damage as always but now have a 70% chance to inflict their status on hit, and they also power up a particular element each. And since they're one-handed you can still equip a shield. Perfect for spellcasting, right?

Oh wait, there's only one job who ever gets ANY of the Measure licenses, and that is the Machinist, who has a whopping zero shield and elemental magic licenses, making both those properties completely smurfing useless. They're useless as offense since Guns do the same kind of unreduced damage except they're ranged and way more powerful and don't cause positive statuses. And as defense? Okay 35% block chance well and good but why the hell is your ranged gun user slash supporter getting attacked again? So their only real use outside of tremendously specific situations is to inflict buffs, which still requires you to damage your own party member and you just know that 70% chance is going to fail every time you're in a real tight spot.

Screw measures. Their best feature is that you can sell them for a couple thousand gil whenever you find one.

08-28-2015, 12:35 AM
No, but I mean like, really. What is it. I look at the pictures and I don't know what I'm looking at. A google search for "measure weapon" only gives me FFXII results.

08-28-2015, 12:35 AM
So they improve measures to the point that they might be of some interesting use by spellcasters (making them do full damage is still pretty crap though) and then only give it to the machinist. How does that make sense?!

08-30-2015, 07:17 AM
This helped me to understand a bit: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Measures#Measures

They're apparently these things that you hit party members with and then stuff happens.

08-30-2015, 07:24 AM
I get that.

But what real life thing are they supposed to represent? As in, what kind of physical object are they? Because I have no fucking clue just looking at them.

08-30-2015, 11:43 AM
Sextants and measuring sticks, from the looks of them.

08-30-2015, 11:48 AM
And how is that a good idea for a weapon.

I can't even.

08-30-2015, 03:43 PM
They were running out of ideas, and had a few licences left on the grid to fill in? Really, if they made them do barely any damage to your team members (like, 1-10) and stuck buffs on more readily, they could definitely be more useful as a support weapon for your mages.

08-30-2015, 03:46 PM
if only there were gambits to attack party members...

08-30-2015, 03:47 PM
"Are you feeling down, buddy? Here, let me just SMACK YOU IN THE HEAD WITH THIS FRIGGIN' COMPASS!!!"

08-30-2015, 03:48 PM
if only there were gambits to attack party members...

Surely Ally: Penelo and the like works fine with attack.

Of course, telling them to stop after the buff has been applied would be more helpful. To be honest, if you really wanted to use measures for the buffs, you may as well just direct them to use it manually.

08-30-2015, 03:52 PM
are you sure it works with attack?

08-30-2015, 03:59 PM
I don't see why not.

I mean, not that I've ever made that combination before, because why the hell would you? I guess in an emergency you could do Ally: Status - Confuse and Attack together as a high priority. Hilariously, the measure would be arguably the best weapon for that job.

08-30-2015, 04:18 PM
are you sure it works with attack?

It does work. You tend to use those kinds of gambits a lot when manipulating the RNG.

08-31-2015, 09:01 PM
White wolf paper RPGs usually do not have classes. i'm sure they're not the only ones.

that still doesn't make the characters superheroes

Lemme agree to disagree with you, my friend! ;)
I won't change my mind (and some Paper RPGs still have a class system/archetypes)... ehhhh, whatever! XD

But I still kinda get the point. WHen you have the potential to freely develop your characters, you might end up maxing them all anyway and they all just end up carbon copies of each other. I kinda did that in FFVI by teaching all magic to everyone (though the abilities still make them distinct).

That said, it's still entirely possible to have everyone master the Sphere Grid in X, Zanmato :p

Thank you, Fynn! :D