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09-25-2015, 03:09 AM
Are you a person who plans your entire day, starting the night before with what clothes you'll wear? Do you lay them out, even? Do you have a daily agenda or calendar? Do you make all of your meals ahead of time so you'll know exactly what you'll be eating?

I plan my workday. I don't lay out my clothes but I do have an idea of what I'd like to wear before I go to bed. And at the end of each work day I have picked up the habit of jotting down a quick agenda for the following day. I also use calendars and task lists to keep me organized.

Outside of work I'm way less of the planning type. I'll have a general idea of what I'd like to be doing and then I might end up doing that or something completely different.

I do tend to plan out birthdays and holidays pretty hard core though. And I'm trying a new app for goal setting.

Colonel Angus
09-25-2015, 04:00 AM
If I'm going out, I plan on what I'm going to do. I also plan what I'm going to eat, whether i'm eating out or dining in.

09-25-2015, 04:29 AM
I plan my food for a week. It helps me make healthier choices if I already have everything planned and bought.

If I get up earlier, sometimes the snooze wins on work days, I'm able to plan my day better. I don't lay things out or anything but if I have the time in the morning I can plan out how my workday goes. Usually I'm more productive on those days. If I smash my snooze button, usually my day gets a later start. It takes me longer to get awake and fully into my job.

If I have my actual evening planned and I'm not drained from work then I'm very productive with chores and whatever else I have planned in my personal life.

If I do plan, my whole life runs better. I get things done with less procrastination and my personal and home life work better. If I don't, it's when things are not getting done in my home life or personal life. I procrastinate and end up wasting too much time on stupid crap.

I think everyone should somewhat schedule their lives. It provides a great structure to it.

I get very grumpy when people inconvenience my plans repeatedly. Say family members or friends who keep "asking for help" every weekend. I get grumpy I can't get a proper de-stressed weekend. Usually if that keeps happening and I don't get that relaxing few days, I'm wound up and more irritable the rest of the week. The rest of all my plans get stressed and it's a mess.

09-25-2015, 07:52 AM
I plan to have a plan some day.

Unfortunately, planning to have a plan inevitably means that I don't make a plan. Hell, sometimes I don't even plan to make a plan and just see where the day takes me. Maybe I should start planning to have a plan for my daily plan?

09-25-2015, 10:33 AM
I do like my day to be very structured but ironically I don't make plans. I just have a small list of things that I have to get done by the end of the day and so long as they're finished before bedtime, I'm good.

09-25-2015, 11:03 AM
I generally have no responsibilities so I don't plan my day or anything beyond Get to Work on time. Weekends are a mess of ~do whatever I fancy~.

If there's something I do really need to do, then I get plans in place to make sure I get everything I need to done. And then this is usually needlessly stressful because of all that pressure. xD

09-25-2015, 11:05 AM
I tend to plan the next day ahead, with reminders of important events throughout the week. I should really purchase a diary, to be honest.

Mr. Carnelian
09-25-2015, 11:56 AM
I tend to plan the next day ahead, with reminders of important events throughout the week. I should really purchase a diary, to be honest.

Formy keeps track of my important stuff as well. He's really very handy.

09-25-2015, 03:15 PM
well today I'm planning on oops bedtime

09-25-2015, 03:40 PM
I have only a few things I wear until I lose some weight, so I never really need to plan outfits. But I do plan my day to a certain degree. Going to do x, y, and z today and a, b, and c tomorrow. I have a monthly calendar to keep everything organized like when homework is due, when I'm volunteering, when my tests are, the car club meetings, social events, etc. With homework and studying now I always plan ahead when I'm doing what and what I'm doing with my free time at school. Food depends. Usually day of, sometimes I do a menu

I do plan how I eat though, which I just learned recently is not normal. Like when I have a plate of food, I'm planning how many bites of one thing I'll take, how many bites of the next thing, the order in which I finish each thing, etc

09-25-2015, 03:59 PM
I do things as it occurs to me that they need doing, or would be enjoyable things to do.

09-25-2015, 08:54 PM
I make it up as I go. Everything in life is easier when you're adaptable.

09-27-2015, 03:59 AM
My only real planning involves my work which have doubled since I made the switch to video editing. I've been going to bed earlier and waking up earlier as a result so I have more time to work.

Night Fury
09-27-2015, 10:32 AM
I plan as I have to arrange my travel to work so I know when to get up etc. at work I'll plan what everyone else is doing as well as myself. I'm a meal planner too!

09-27-2015, 10:10 PM
Nope, I don't. I do make a to do list for when I get to work but even some things on there change. I just go with the flow for the most part. I also have a calendar to mark down some appointments and important events.

09-28-2015, 08:18 AM
I used to do this while Tara was around. Meals were usually planned for the week, and there would be a set day for grocery shopping. Also any major outings were usually planned in advance. I'll still buy meals for the next few days to avoid multiple grocery shopping trips, and I have a fairly strict schedule for my drumming practice, but I'm much less organised when I'm left to my own devices :p

I've never been one to plan out what clothes I'll wear the following day unless it's for a special occasion though.

Old Manus
09-28-2015, 11:16 AM
I keep all the household finances on autopilot in a separate bank account so I do not have to worry about planning things money wise. I don't commute, so all I really have to think about mostly is leaving the house to get to work on time. As for food, my girlfriend does all the cooking (Don't bray that I should kill myself just yet! She enjoys cooking and I can't imagine anything worse, so it is a mutually beneficial agreement) and she is one of those meticulous planning types when it comes to that. I stay well out of it, but sometimes it is good to know what I will eat 5 days in advance.

09-28-2015, 06:40 PM
Oh right, I do keep careful track of my money via a budget. If that counts as planning. Meals not so much, I pretty much eat the same things every day anyway due to dietary restrictions.

09-30-2015, 03:33 AM
I now have have a color coded recurring task list. :)

I am working on that whole budget thing.

10-02-2015, 04:03 AM
I have a very good friend coming to visit me for a week from Utah and I've got every detail planned hour-by-hour. For special occasions and such I get upsettingly specific.

Otherwise, I'm incredibly lackadaisical with my planning.

Loony BoB
10-02-2015, 12:53 PM
I am very much a spur of the moment kind of guy when it comes to plans. If there is something that affects more than just me, I like to plan a little, and when it affects a lot of people, I like to plan a lot. But just me? Psh. I show up at work when I feel like it, leave when I feel like it (I have flexitime, basically), eat when I feel like it, lounge when I feel like it, bask in the sun when I feel like it, shop when I feel like it... winging my way through things is pretty much second nature. I am careful with my money but I tend to have a good idea of where I'm at with that end of things, I guess.

10-02-2015, 07:09 PM
I plan everything that I can possibly plan. If I don't, I forget stuff. So its more of a necessity.

I can be a huge control freak at times, also. I believe the two items may be related.