View Full Version : Which Star Trek Captain is the Best?

11-21-2015, 05:01 PM
I'm expecting a Picard landslide but hey, you never know.

11-21-2015, 05:56 PM
Kirk > all.

11-21-2015, 06:00 PM
I'm saying Janeway so Huxley can freak out.

11-21-2015, 06:02 PM

I'm honestly going on what I've heard of him, since my experience with Star Trek is like two episodes of TNG and loads of gifs on tumblr :monster:

11-21-2015, 06:28 PM
Picard. No question about it.

11-21-2015, 06:40 PM
Kirk. He punches problems in the face.

11-21-2015, 07:00 PM
Q, he can be a captain if he wants too. Who is going to argue?

Mr. Carnelian
11-22-2015, 12:43 AM
Technically, Sisko was Commander of Deep Space Nine, not Captain. :monocle:

Unless you're talking about when he's on the Defiant. He's defo Captain of the Defiant.

Okay, pointless nerd aside over. :p Overall, I'm going to go with Janeway. Although, having said that, each of the Captains (and Commanders) definitely have their own areas of strength. Sisko is the best at being Space Jesus, for instance.

11-22-2015, 01:04 AM

11-22-2015, 02:50 AM
Technically, Sisko was Commander of Deep Space Nine, not Captain. :monocle:

Unless you're talking about when he's on the Defiant. He's defo Captain of the Defiant.

He was officially promoted to Captain after a couple of seasons.

Madame Adequate
11-22-2015, 05:36 AM
I'm saying Janeway so Huxley can freak out.

No no, quite reasonable. I like schizoid sociopaths as well!

I agonized for some time over the poll but I have to give it to Sisko in the end. Much as I adore Kirk and much as I respect Picard and consider him one of the greatest role models in all media, Sisko is just so tremendous and on top of everything else he's a great dad.

Also In The Pale Moonlight happened.

11-22-2015, 05:32 PM
Picard is the easy choice. Kirk and Sisko both have their moments and individual strengths, but Picard is just perfect.

The others are not even worth including on the poll.

Big D
11-23-2015, 01:14 AM
Joining the Picard landslide here. Poet, statesman, explorer, warrior. Jolly good chap all round.

Kirk was a hero, but too much of a confrontational, cowboyish renegade to take top spot.

Janeway was moderately crazy and selfish, and got a huge number of people killed needlessly - including her own - while she single-mindedly pursued half-formed agenda and personal foibles. I can understand someone faltering under the kind of pressure she endured, but she never tried to learn from her mistakes, or even acknowledge that she'd made mistakes, despite repeating the same deadly blunders all too often.

Archer was cursed with terrible scripts and stories, at least for his show's first two seasons, but when things got good he really shone. Unlike most of Starfleet's finest he was truly in uncharted territory, doing things no human had ever tried. He was a genuine pioneer, and his influence on Vulcan culture alone makes him worth an honourable mention.

Pike seems like a good man and a good leader; it's a shame his story was cut short in two separate timelines. The man just can't catch a break.

Sisko's command may have had shaky beginnings, but he turned out to be one of the most complex and nuanced captains of the lot. He could go seamlessly from father, to leader, to spiritual icon, to spy, and back again without pausing for breath. He didn't always handle his many different roles perfectly, but he always owned his mistakes and took them right onboard. Also, he was a smurfing stone-cold BAMF when circumstances called for it.

11-23-2015, 05:16 AM
It wasn't a hard pick to pick Picard.

11-23-2015, 01:50 PM
Archer all the way

11-23-2015, 02:58 PM
Captain Quincy Taggert! Oh wait that's the parody movie of Star Trek.


Mr. Carnelian
11-23-2015, 07:30 PM
Captain Quincy Taggert! Oh wait that's the parody movie of Star Trek.

Galaxy Quest is an awesome film.

11-23-2015, 07:49 PM
Captain Quincy Taggert! Oh wait that's the parody movie of Star Trek.

Galaxy Quest is an awesome film.

Oo-oo! I saw Galaxy Quest with Mr. Carny. It is indeed a hilarious film, even if I haven't actually... seen a... Star Trek... episode...

*runs for cover*

11-23-2015, 10:27 PM
Captain Quincy Taggert! Oh wait that's the parody movie of Star Trek.

Galaxy Quest is an awesome film.

Oo-oo! I saw Galaxy Quest with Mr. Carny. It is indeed a hilarious film, even if I haven't actually... seen a... Star Trek... episode...

*runs for cover*

Fire phasers.

12-02-2015, 01:57 AM
Picard. I assume I don't have to explain.

12-02-2015, 04:37 PM
I don't watch Star Trek I just really like Sir Patrick Stewart.

12-02-2015, 05:56 PM
See, even non-fans make the right decision. Also please watch at least TNG.