View Full Version : Remakes you'd actually like to see

Big D
12-04-2015, 02:12 AM
It's official: 90% of the internet is now made up of cats, pornography, and people complaining about the latest remake/reboot/reimagining of some beloved classic movie.

But let's mix things up a little. What cinematic tales do you want to see re-told, and why? I can think of several off the top of my head:

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind - my favourite Miyazaki film, and probably one of my favourite films overall. It'd be great to see a faithful live-action remake, capturing the scale and grandeur of the world, its environments, and its technology. I reckon today's production values and visual effects would really do it justice.

The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series - in both cases, I'd like to see remakes that are more faithful to the source material. I don't mean to seem unduly critical of either movie franchise; I fully understand why they had to be pared down for the big screen. Nonetheless, I'd like to see new versions which capture everything from the pages of the novels: the darkly realistic politics and in-depth heart-to-heart confessions from the Potter stories, the cultures and world-building that were trimmed from LotR, and the numerous supporting characters and story threads who were written out entirely, or relegated to tiny supporting roles, in both universes. Except Dobby and Winky, who can just get the smurf out. You'd need a lot more than one film per novel in order to accomplish this re-adaptation, though, and the pacing could end up anywhere from challenging to disastrous. In the right hands, however, I think it could work, even if it had to be a TV series rather than remaining on the big screen.

12-04-2015, 03:58 AM
Dobby is needed for Chamber of Secrets, though.

The Little Mermaid. Only because I feel the new strings of live action Disney flicks could give them a chance to tell a story closer to Hans Christian Anderse's original novel. However, I doubt Disney would choose to go that route. They could keep her ginger if they really wanted.

12-04-2015, 05:38 AM
Big Trouble in Little Chi... oh no.

I really just wanna see something new.

12-04-2015, 08:01 AM
I'd actually like to see something original in the zombie apocalypse genre. Maybe the lead guy is a police officer who wakes up from a coma in a hospital. He manages to find his wife and son travelling with his best mate and former partner. Then all hell breaks loose!

WAIT! It's... it's already here!


Del Murder
12-04-2015, 05:45 PM
I'd love to see a new version of Dune on the big screen. With the popularity of Star Wars and Star Trek revivals and modern special effects, now would be a good time.

It's hard for me to believe any re-adaptation of LotR would be better than the 2000s movies, but how about a real Hobbit movie that captures the intended whimsical tone of this children's story?

04-10-2022, 07:35 AM
I'd love to see a new version of Dune on the big screen.

Congratulations!! :bigsmile:

I want a FF Spirit Within remake! I think it got potential!!

04-22-2022, 03:02 PM
I would like to see a Remake of Labyrinth one of my fav movies !