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12-08-2015, 01:21 AM
Give Somebody A Reason To Smile This Holiday Season

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Wait, this again?

That's right! Back again for the fourth year is the community Secret Santa event! For those of you that are new or drank too much eggnog last year and blotted out all of December, EoFF's Secret Santa is a great way of showing your appreciation for other members of the community. In conjunction with the Candy Cane Delivery (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165006-Candy-Cane-Delivery-2015), at EoFF we really want to foster goodwill and kindness to all our members.

I mean, we try to do this all the time, but particularly during the holiday season!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Sounds good, but what do we do?

That's a good question. So here's how it works, step by step:

Reply in the thread that you are interested in becoming a Santa. Easy as. The deadline for this is the 14th December.
After sign-ups close, I will use a randomiser to assign everyone their Secret Santa!
Everyone will have to give gifts to two members: one member is another Secret Santa. The other member is someone else who didn't participate in the event but is deserving of a present all the same! Presents for all!
You can give as many gifts as you like! This is an on-line Santa, so we're not expecting actual gifts (though if you're feeling particularly generous...). This is more of a gesture of thoughtfulness expressed through the medium of Secret Santa. Gifts can range from images of a present we would give that person, electronic gift cards, to actual pieces of artwork, signature sets to use or pieces of literature. Most people typically give approximately 1-4 gifts per recipient.
There will be a second deadline for the submission of Secret Santa gifts. All submissions will be through me, Formy, via PM by the 23rd December, 19:00 GMT.That gives you over a week, ample time!
The Big reveal will take place on Christmas Eve! Again around 19:00 GMT.

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif 1-4 gifts? How will I manage THAT!?

With ease. This is effectively an imaginary exercise, giving your Secret Santas the present you wish you could give them in person. It may sound like a pointless exercise, but Christmas can be a hard time for some people. Even the kind gesture of an electronic gift can really elevate someone's spirits.

Moreover, it can be a great opportunity to poke fun at member's eccentricities, make hilarious in-jokey gag gifts, and the like. Seriously, go wild.

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Any examples of fine gifts in the past?

Struggling for inspiration? Look at this selection of post Santa goodies and be in awe!

A veritable selection of images and GIFs (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/160645-Secret-Santa-2014?p=3494949&viewfull=1#post3494949)
All expenses paid trip to the Golden Saucer! (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/147022-EoFF-s-Very-Own-Secret-Santa!?p=3187816&viewfull=1#post3187816)
Mermaid Shell Bra. No, Seriously (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/147022-EoFF-s-Very-Own-Secret-Santa!?p=3187825&viewfull=1#post3187825)
The best MS Paint has to offer! (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/147022-EoFF-s-Very-Own-Secret-Santa!?p=3187832&viewfull=1#post3187832)
An expletive laden chainsaw katana (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/147022-EoFF-s-Very-Own-Secret-Santa!?p=3187849&viewfull=1#post3187849)
Final Fantasy VII themed Nativity (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/153392-EoFF-s-Second-Secret-Santa!?p=3350275#post3350275)
'Vintage' American Straight Jacket! (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/153392-EoFF-s-Second-Secret-Santa!?p=3350325#post3350325)

And many more! Hopefully you've realised that when we mean 'gifts', we really mean 'anything'.

You won't find these in your stockings.

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Sounds awesome! Lemme in!

Great! Just post in this thread, clearly stating your intention to join in! Remember, you have until the 14th December to participate, but even if you choose not to, there's still the possibility that you may be drawn as a lucky second recipient. Because more love is good.

Confirmed Santas!

Jar Jar Jinks
Mr. Carnelian

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask any! From all of us at EoFF, have a lovely holiday season!

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa196/narcissisticprincess09/ZbAcTcA_zpsrxt7ojlp.gif Don't forget to participate in this year's Candy Cane Extravaganza (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165006-Candy-Cane-Delivery-2015)!

Christmas Moomba
12-08-2015, 01:26 AM
Thanks for the shout out, Formy-friend!

12-08-2015, 01:35 AM
Yes! Yes! Count me in. I love Secret Santa <3

12-08-2015, 01:46 AM
Me toos

Mr. Carnelian
12-09-2015, 04:27 PM
I'm up for this :)

12-09-2015, 04:33 PM

12-09-2015, 04:42 PM
Sounds interesting... Count me in, mate! :P

12-09-2015, 04:42 PM
Polacks represent!

12-09-2015, 05:31 PM
count me in!

Baked Moogle 420
12-11-2015, 04:40 PM
I'll give it a go :)

12-12-2015, 02:47 AM
Awesome! I'm pleasantly surprised with the level of interest. :D

There's still two more days left until the participation cut-off. I've just begun drafting a list of active EoFF members together to be the recipient of the 'wildcard' gift sets, and I've begun messaging a few people who I think could make great Secret Santas.

12-12-2015, 12:22 PM
Seeing as you asked me so nicely, go for it :p (I'd probably end up being the wild card anyway xD)

12-15-2015, 03:45 AM
It's the 15th! Thanks everyone who signed up for being a Secret Santa, but sign-ups are now closed! I will be sending PMs to the Secret Santas (via randomiser) their two recipients: another secret Santa, and a currently active member of EoFF.

Stay tuned, and keep an eye on your Mognets Santas!

12-15-2015, 03:45 AM

12-15-2015, 02:29 PM
i havent even read the entire purpose of this game, so... ill do that now

12-15-2015, 02:31 PM
Since the deadline has passed, can we just start this already? :stare:

12-15-2015, 02:32 PM
so it comes down to that i get 2 ppl asigned to me, and i have to 'make' them a gift? :3

12-15-2015, 02:44 PM
Since the deadline has passed, can we just start this already? :stare:

I said you'd get a Mognet today didn't I? :colbert:

You'll receive your Mognet by the end of the day. I do have a life outside EoFF :p

so it comes down to that i get 2 ppl asigned to me, and i have to 'make' them a gift? :3

Basically, yes. If you looked at examples in the OP, you'll get an idea as to the sort of things you could do!

12-15-2015, 02:45 PM

That's my festive greeting.

12-15-2015, 02:46 PM
Since the deadline has passed, can we just start this already? :stare:

I said you'd get a Mognet today didn't I? :colbert:

You'll receive your Mognet by the end of the day. I do have a life outside EoFF :p

I'll have you know Im busy at work and still able to post on the forums :doublecolbert:

12-15-2015, 02:49 PM
Since the deadline has passed, can we just start this already? :stare:

I said you'd get a Mognet today didn't I? :colbert:

You'll receive your Mognet by the end of the day. I do have a life outside EoFF :p

I'll have you know Im busy at work and still able to post on the forums :doublecolbert:
Working hard or hardly working? :p

12-15-2015, 02:51 PM
Since the deadline has passed, can we just start this already? :stare:

I said you'd get a Mognet today didn't I? :colbert:

You'll receive your Mognet by the end of the day. I do have a life outside EoFF :p

I'll have you know Im busy at work and still able to post on the forums :doublecolbert:
Working hard or hardly working? :p

I wouldn't say squeezing out an article per hour is hardly working now, is it ;)

12-15-2015, 06:14 PM
Sheesh! Check your mognets within the next hour. I'm back from Christmas shopping and I'm now allocating people.

THERE. :colbert:

12-15-2015, 07:06 PM
And the Mognets are up! I certainly hope there's been no double-ups, I paid careful attention to make sure no-one had the same person.

And with that, start thinking up gifts! Remember, if you're stuck, you can always look at the selection of previous gifts to give you a flavour of what we're expecting. Of course, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.

Remember, your deadline is the 23rd December: Do please try and keep to that!

Good luck, Santas! :D

12-15-2015, 07:51 PM
Moogle Clause is coming to town ;p

12-15-2015, 08:04 PM
I'm sure my recipents will love their gifts! :D

12-18-2015, 04:59 PM
A few Santas have sent in their goodies, but I'm still waiting on more; if you're only remembering now, I highly recommend you start!

12-18-2015, 08:21 PM
Don't forget the greatest Santa of all.


12-19-2015, 01:00 PM
meh, its gonna be a litle tight this week, but i should be able to make everything on the 22nd :$

12-19-2015, 11:46 PM
meh, its gonna be a litle tight this week, but i should be able to make everything on the 22nd :$

That's fine! And again, it can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. The holidays are a busy time, so any input you can give to this will be seen and appreciated.

12-22-2015, 04:25 PM
A final call to crafting! Any Santas who haven't yet sent me their presents, please do so by late tomorrow. The big reveal will be on the 24th December, so please make sure there's no missing entries!

I do think near everyone has sent them though, so well done Santas!

12-24-2015, 02:01 PM
It's the 24th! Today, at 7:00PM GMT (14:00 EST, 06:00 ACT), the big reveal will take place at this very thread! You don't necessarily have to stay around for the big reveal, but do make sure you pop in at some point so you can see what the clever Secret Santas got everyone!

Also today, I'll be sending Visitor Messages to everyone who wasn't a Secret Santa, but was selected randomly to be a lucky recipient, so that they are aware that they've received gifts too!

So don't forget! 7:00PM! See you there! :D

12-24-2015, 03:13 PM
What?! I had missed the sign up and yet, I'm randomly selected too! Eeeeeeeee you guys are the best

12-24-2015, 03:33 PM
What?! I had missed the sign up and yet, I'm randomly selected too! Eeeeeeeee you guys are the best

Basically, I took the the top thirty posters of the last seven days back when I drafted the list, and just use a random list generator and took the first names from the top.

It's a shame you missed the sign ups, though. There's always next year!

12-24-2015, 06:38 PM
Presents! Presents! Presents!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Our Santas and our Lucky Recipients! Tonight's the night! Or it might be the morning or afternoon, depending on where you are. But no matter! Today, starting in under an hour, is the big reveal where one by one, I reveal what our lucky Santas have unearthed, discovered and found across the world.

We have everything from Amiibos to decadent foods, so we have something for everyone!

But let's remind ourselves who our Santas are:

Jar Jar Jinks
Mr. Carnelian

Unfortunately, Baked Moogle 420 did not provide any presents, but that's still 9/10, which is pretty good for me. :)

Alongside our Santas, we also have the people who have been randomly chosen to also be on our Secret Santa's list, and they are:

Aerith's Knight
Colonel Angus

In just half an hour, we'll be jumping straight into it with the first Secret Santa! Stay tuned folks!

12-24-2015, 06:42 PM
ooh i didnt miss it :3

12-24-2015, 06:58 PM
Made it just in time!

12-24-2015, 07:16 PM
im more or less forced to be here because i cant play the game i want yo play..
i wanted to check this inbetween

12-24-2015, 07:24 PM
Secret Santa #1

The order of the Secret Santas has been randomised, so don't worry, this isn't Ayen's gifts. Or is it? Who knows?

Anyway, first up in Secret Santa No.1's list:

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Formalhaut!

santas has also heard that Formalhaut has been a good lad, and left some presents for him in my care.

there is little i know about formy, and his profile doesnt give much information either


kittens are always good, how does he feel about Clint Eastwood with a kitten?





http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF community... Colonel Angus!

Dear Colonel Angus,
Santa has told me that you have been a good boy this year.


Unfortunately Santa did not give me a list of what you want for christmas, so ill just have to take a leap in the dark and hope that you enjoy your presents


perhaps a something from final fantasy, after all that is the reason why you are here on this forum..

but then the big question becomes: wich final fantasy?

i spotted from your profile that you like Mario
well.. here it goes then, i hope you like your gifts!




What amazing gifts from our first Secret Santa! A great start; let's see what else is in store!

12-24-2015, 07:26 PM
I like the dancing Mario and Luigi!

12-24-2015, 07:31 PM
Lol, that jon travolta meme stays funny :3

Aerith's Knight
12-24-2015, 07:36 PM
Gave away hundreds of euros worth of presents today.. now it seems I'll actually get some. Ermagerd.

12-24-2015, 07:39 PM
I just got in! Talk about timing :)

12-24-2015, 07:44 PM
Secret Santa #2

By the by, thanks Secret Santa #1! By nature of me being event co-ordinator, I did know who would be giving me a present. They were spoiler tagged though, so I didn't know what I'd be given.

After that GIFtacular start, who's the lucky people from Secret Santa #2?

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Jar Jar Jinks!

This particular Santa let the pictures do the talking, so I've embellished my own commentary!

For Sam:


[Oooh, eggnog. Even better, eggnog of the premium, golden variety! Awesome!]


[Aww, cute wookies!]


[Who wouldn't want a tree-lined lane for Christmas?]




[Everybody loves a gift set!]

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... maybee!


[A classic game... that I still haven't played yet. Good find!]


[Welcome to Happiness! If you gift package emotions...]


[A lovely Yuna action doll thingy! Summons not included.]


[Hey! The new chibi game! Cool!]


[And lastly, some chocolate. Because everyone needs more chocolate.]

12-24-2015, 07:47 PM
... i want that wookie

12-24-2015, 07:48 PM
me 2

12-24-2015, 07:51 PM
I want the Yuna action doll.

Aerith's Knight
12-24-2015, 07:52 PM
I want that chocolate.

12-24-2015, 07:58 PM
Secret Santa #3

We've some amazing gifts so far, but we've not even started yet! Secret Santa #3 has some fantastic gifts as well for these two lucky people!

This particular Santa is notable for being the first to send me their presents; talk about a speedy Santa! Indeed, this Santa is very excited about taking part!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... fat_moogle!


This is such adorable moogle! *O*
I'm sure this user will love it! :D


I also want to give... a year's supply of finest british tea!
That's why I love UK, hahaha!!! :D

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Laddy!


Since he loves FFVII, I wan to give him the most famous weapon in FF series: THE BUSTER SWORD!!!
Everyone shall be scared of him now! :P


Since he's from Memphis (TN), I wanna give him this album.
I think that's the one of his best albums in his discography. :P

==================================================================================================== ==================================================

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ^^

12-24-2015, 08:11 PM
Secret Santa #4

Next up! Secret Santa #4! And we go from the speediest Santa, to the slowest! Boy, I had to nag this Santa, but it all paid off in the end, so here are their gifts!

I particularly like the commentary.

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Shaibana!

It's that time of year again...

That time when an anonymous and strangely dressed man sneaks into your virtual house and leaves you electronic presents. In a totally not creepy way.


Let us begin!

You're pretty smurfing cool, Shaibana.


Just for you, I cornered George R.R Martin and forced him to give me a sneak preview of what's coming up in Game of Thrones...


Have I blown your mind?! Hmm, maybe I revealed too much...


Have a Christmas hat!


And look who I've got waiting for you under the mistletoe...


Finally, now for the most magical part of Secret Santa...


Merry Christmas!


http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... escobert!

You're someone who could appreciate good food, so I'm going to treat you to a delicious, no expense spared three-course meal!

For starters, we have a lovely oven-baked pink salmon steak served with thinly sliced fresh cucumber.


Or, if you'd prefer, a crunchy Waldorf salad.


I want to keep thing light for the starter, so just water to drink with that.

For main course drinks, we have a simple, but charming Yellow Tail Shiraz, which has a full body to complement the main course, but won't overwhelm your palate.


Or we have a range of fruity non-alcoholic cocktails to choose from.

For main course, we have a delicious braised lamb shank.


Or, a spicy vegetarian chilli.


Finally, for dessert we have a choice between a glorious cream-filled profiterole stack, smothered in dark chocolate sauce and served with strawberries...


... or an indulgent mixed berry cream cheese cheesecake.


May your Christmas be filled with scrummy culinary delights.


12-24-2015, 08:11 PM
Excite formore presents :excited:

12-24-2015, 08:14 PM
Chris Pratt waiting under a mistletoe.. best pressent ever
thank you my sweet secret santa <3

i guess the fence between us would be for his safety

12-24-2015, 08:20 PM
JT is awesome. My dad played golf with JT's dad once.

12-24-2015, 08:30 PM
Secret Santa #5

So we're about halfway through our big reveal tonight. Already, we've seen some fantastic presents, but there's more to come, and more people to make happy. Let's see who'll be happy after this round of gifts!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Mr. Carnelian!


I hear you like Classic Who, and it doesn't get any more classic than with the First Doctor!


Five Doctors in one place? Could you ask for anything better?


A timeless classic from the Fourth Doctor's era. Genesis of the Daleks!


Many of the episodes of Doctor Who were lost. This DVD attempts to recapture those glory days, providing audio footage for the shows that has no visuals.


It's an all new story from the Fifth Doctor by Big Finish! These audio productions are all the rage these days and a great way to bring back the old Doctors.


Were you expecting something else? A handbook about none other than the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker.


This may look like a regular TV Remote, however... my awesome Santa powers fooled you. It is actually the BOYFRIEND REMOTE 9000! Have a pesky boyfriend who's always bothering you? Well, now you can put him on mute so you don't have to listen to him complain any longer. Taking too long in the bathroom? Fast forward! Missed something he said? Rewind! Just want to smurf around with him? Put it on slow motion! There's nothing you can't do with the BOYFRIEND REMOTE 9000!


This may look like a regular pair of 3D glasses you can find at the movies, but once again my awesome Santa powers fooled you. You at looking at the one of a kind CONTEXT GLASSES! Ever had trouble interpreting someone's tone on the internet? Fear no longer! With the special Context Glasses you can now read when someone is happy, sad, angry, sarcastic, sincere, and every other emotion you can think of. Never again will you be confused by the message of another with the super awesome CONTEXT GLASSES! Also available for written messages like letters and Christmas cards.

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Psychotic!


A professional Sony HD Camera with a microphone so you can now show your face in your videos like the professionals! Or just use the mic for the clearest possible sound that can be!


The Game Capture HD Pro allows you to capture video game footage in glorious HD not just for the PC, but for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360! Furthermore you can live stream directly to YouTube and Twitch! Game capturing will never be the same again!



Don't forget to edit dem smexy videos with Adobe Premium Pro and After Effects. Edit like a professional and watch your user base grow in no time flat!

12-24-2015, 08:32 PM
Thats a lot of Doctor Who!

12-24-2015, 08:39 PM
Thank you for my gifts! I don't have a Moogle Plush (shock, I know!) so I'll treasure it forever! It may even feature as a new Avatar at some stage ^^

Also I've been drinking FAR too much coffee these days so tea is very much welcomed!


12-24-2015, 08:41 PM
this is fun :3

12-24-2015, 08:44 PM
Somebody need to mass produce the Context Glasses.

I want Psych's camera and game capture :shifty:

12-24-2015, 08:55 PM
Secret Santa #6

Our next Secret Santa has equally thrown themselves into the festivities. So let's get stuck in!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Fynn!

1) A meet and greet with Santa! Let's hope you have a Chimney as he will be stuffing his way down there on 25th December.




3) A Persona themed Cake!


4) The only copy in the world of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII ~ Cloud Cover Edition. Ready for when you're finished with FFXIII-2.


http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Karifean!

1) Pop up LED Santa. HO HO HO!


2) Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. So you can sell the copy you have and put it towards another game!


3) Your favourite Chocolate delivered in person by an Anime girl!


12-24-2015, 09:00 PM

12-24-2015, 09:01 PM
Does he get to keep the anime girl? I mean, it is Christmas, after all.

Aerith's Knight
12-24-2015, 09:08 PM
Does he get to keep the anime girl? I mean, it is Christmas, after all.

It's not no if she's passed out before you ask.

Chloroform, the present that keeps on giving.

12-24-2015, 09:11 PM
Secret Santa #7

It's lucky number 7! We have just a few Santas left! Let's get fired up!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Pumpkin!

So I've known Pumpkin for awhile, and she's always been such a great member of EoFF, and I hope she continues being a shining light of our community for years to come!

When coming up with a suitable gift, I thought long and hard about what to get her. I've noticed that money have been slightly tight as of late, due to textbooks, college costs and you know, having a tree land on the house.

So my first gift for Pumpkin is a whole stack load of books!


Surely one of those books is related to what you're doing in college, right?

For my second gift, I went technological. I learned recently that Pumpkin and Sharky purchased a a PS4. They've purchased a few games, but Pumpkin was flummoxed when purchasing a Dynasty Warriors game: she's bought the expansion game by accident!

So, whatever will she do?


Yes! As a Christmas present, Pumpkin will be receiving the Dynasty Warriors 8: Complete Edition. This edition comes with both the original edition and the 'Xtreme Legends' expansion game.

This isn't merely an electronic gift: this gift will be finding itself in your abode shortly! I'll be PMing Pumpkin after Christmas to arrange delivery details!

It's a Christmas miracle! Merry Christmas Pumpkin!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Skyblade!

Skyblade has been really looking forward to Cloud's arrival into the Super Smash Bros. universe, and I hear that Cloud Amiibos are in rather short supply!

Well how fortuitous then that I've sourced one already! So here you go, Skyblade! A Cloud Amiibo, just for you!


I also know that Skyblade is really into the Lord of the Rings, so my second gift for him is a lovely print by The Colourful Cat Studio, of Bag End.


Yes, hang this up on your wall and be the envy of your friends! Make your friends seething even more with this!


Now when you're on your computer, you can never be far from Middle Earth! You merely have to look down and remind yourself of the geopolitical tension, the war, the pillaging...

... and on that note, merry Christmas Skyblade! May you continue to bless EoFF with your strong insights and opinions on all things gaming!

12-24-2015, 09:14 PM
Ooo what lovely gifts! You secret Santas are just splendid!

12-24-2015, 09:17 PM
Oh my how wonderfully generous! Thank you mystery Santa who I think I know! You're awesome :squeeze:

12-24-2015, 09:18 PM
Does he get to keep the anime girl? I mean, it is Christmas, after all.

It's not no if she's passed out before you ask.

Chloroform, the present that keeps on giving.

You're gonna get us in trouble with the admins again :(

12-24-2015, 09:21 PM
Secret Santa #8

It's number eight! Just three members left, who's excited for the end? This Secret Santa has gone raunchy, finding some cosplayers to send as gifts.

Yeah, not entirely certain 'people' count as gifts, Secret Santa #8. Also, what makes a Christmas Tree Polish!?

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Zanmato!

1. A sexy Lulu cosplayer


2. A sexy Wakka cosplayer - because if you're giving away fanservice, it's better if it's equal-opportunity ;)


3. Magic: the Gathering cards galore!


4. A whole bunch of Olsztyn bus tickets.


5. The most Polish Christmas tree imaginable


http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Fox!

1. A fox window cleaner


2. An outspoken anime girl


3. The hero EoFF deserves


4. Merlin, to remind him what to do when haters keep persisting.


5. Mucho dinero


12-24-2015, 09:23 PM
Dat armpit hair.

12-24-2015, 09:25 PM

Dinero of the mucho variety, neko, kitsune, dancing wizards and KOGAMI AKIRA DESU!?!

This is the best day!!


Arigatou gozaimasu Santa-san!!

12-24-2015, 09:34 PM
I have le dinner to go to but yay for all of the presents, thank you Santa and I hope everyone enjoys their gifts. Merry Christmas everybody :jess;!!! You're all very super duper awesome and stuffs

12-24-2015, 09:34 PM
Secret Santa #9

Like the previous Secret Santa, this Secret Santa chose some interesting gifts. Make sure you check your local laws, Baked Moogle 420! And careful with those fire hoops, Freya! Maybe you could train your new otter to be a performer?

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Baked Moogle 420!

A trout ton of weed!


This beautiful moogle-inspired pipe to smoke it in!


This picture of Stiltzkin I stole off of Google and made some adjustments to!


http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Freya!

Some flaming hoola hoops!

An adorable pet otter!

A biscuit!

And a whole lot of money!

12-24-2015, 09:36 PM
lol @ Baked Moogle gifts. Well played Secret Santa 9.

12-24-2015, 09:57 PM
It's ironic that I'm using one of Baked Moogle's gifts now and he's not here. And he lives close to me.

I didn't do it.

12-24-2015, 09:57 PM
Secret Santa #10

As was sadly revealed at the beginning of this event, Baked Moogle 420 was unable to deliver his presents to me. Maybe he got caught in a snow drift? Maybe he was stoned from all the weed he received? Who can say?

Having said that, the two members on his list couldn't go present-less, so a Secret Santa covered for Baked Moogle, so happiness all round!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A fellow Secret Santa... Ayen!

So Ayen's presents was kinda thrust upon me at the last minute, so I spend a good time thinking (read, an evening) thinking of good presents.

Firstly, I knew he was critic who loves games. I also know he won the Winter Ciddies '15 award for MLT Get Minecraft on Wii U instead of PC. This is a travesty, so my first gift is exactly what Ayen asked for!


Ayen's also an avid reviewer, and is constantly looking to improve his recording equipment. Well he's in luck! I just so happened to come across new state of the art equipment, like this capturing device!


I kinda phoned in my last gift, but who doesn't like chocolate?!


Yes, with this, Ayen can spread the Christmas cheer by sharing his hamper... or indulge all to himself. Hey, it's his call!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif A member of the EoFF Community... Aerith's Knight!

Like Ayen, I wasn't expecting to be doing Aerith's Knight's gifts this Christmas, but no matter!

So I can't say I know much about him. But I know that all knights need a new, shiny suit of armour!


And all knights require a squire, so here's your personal assistant!


He's a tad young, but look at that knight! He seems happy enough with the service!

I interact with Aerith's Knight mostly in the English Premier League thread (go check it out, we have some pretty fun banter in there). Which is a strange hobby for a knight, but no matter.

This season has been chaotic, right? You can't call anything these days! Up is down, left is right and sandwiches has risen up against their human oppressors. What I mean is; you can't call any results. What AK needs then are these magical specs!


They may look hideous, and you wouldn't want to be seen wearing them, but they're MAGIC. Wearing these, you can see past the obfuscating data, the passing statistics and the confusing team form, and see the real truth behind football fixtures!

Here's hoping you have a lovely Christmas, AK!

12-24-2015, 10:01 PM
Oh, thank God. A Game Cap is just what I need. -hand hits the monitor- Um... It doesn't seem to want to come out. What am I doing wrong?

12-24-2015, 10:02 PM
Baked Moogle definitely didn't get caught in a snow storm. There's not a trace of frost let alone snow down here in the south west at the moment!

Aerith's Knight
12-24-2015, 10:07 PM
Here's hoping you have a lovely Christmas, AK!

Cheers, buddy! I'll need some glasses to protect myself from the salty air.

12-24-2015, 10:27 PM
Thank you for my Christmas gifts, Secret Santa. -stuff face with chocolate-

12-24-2015, 10:34 PM
Handing out presents like a boss

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif The Other Big Reveal

So we have the gifts! But who are the delightful Santas who presented each gift?

Well, that's to be revealed on Boxing Day! When we return to reveal whether Santa #1 really was Ayen, or was actually Jar Jar Jinks, and so on.

So sit tight, enjoy Christmas Day, and come back on Boxing Day at 7:00PM GMT to see who actually gave you your gifts! :D

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif Concluding Thoughts

Do you get the nagging feeling at times that you don't quite fit in? That you feel in danger of winning the Most Underrated Member Ciddie? I have to admit, sometimes my self-esteem dips slightly and these thoughts creep in, especially during Christmas. But then I remember that EoFF has a really tight community, and I'm shored up once more.

If you're still wondering why EoFF does this each year, just look around. Look at all grateful messages people have been posting, even towards simple images! It really drives home the simple message: that it really is the thought that counts. That people, even near strangers, are willing to invest the time to think up original gifts that really make people feel welcome at EoFF!

So, we hope you enjoy all the gifts! And we wish you all, from everyone at EoFF, a very, merry Christmas! :D

12-24-2015, 10:57 PM
Boxing Day? I'm a World Heavyweight Champion, you know.

12-24-2015, 11:10 PM
I like that you're delaying the reveal. I was reading some previous EOFF Secret Santa threads and sometimes it was revealed right after.

Also I have Boxing Day off work this year as well \o/

12-24-2015, 11:12 PM
Oh wow, I didn't know this was a thing!

1) Pop up LED Santa. HO HO HO!


Awesome! Let me add that to the list of fun tools to traumatize my nephews with.

2) Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. So you can sell the copy you have and put it towards another game!


A wise investment. Copies of good FF instalments will surely go up in value as the quality of the games drops further and further.

3) Your favourite Chocolate delivered in person by an Anime girl!


That's so sweet! I'm just glad it's not homemade chocolate because by the laws of anime you cannot receive homemade chocolate without something having gone horribly wrong beforehand.

Many thanks to my secret santa :love:

12-24-2015, 11:15 PM
Awesome work, fellow Santas :D

Thank you for my gifts! That cake looks super yummy because it has Junpei on it.

12-24-2015, 11:19 PM
The reveal is going to be tense xD

12-25-2015, 12:25 AM
Awwww thanks for theoney, otter, biscuit and fire hoop! So awesome!

12-25-2015, 12:41 AM
I like that you're delaying the reveal. I was reading some previous EOFF Secret Santa threads and sometimes it was revealed right after.

Also I have Boxing Day off work this year as well \o/

I'd thought I'd crank up the tension a bit.

And no eating Junpei, Fynn! You man animal!

Colonel Angus
12-25-2015, 01:38 AM
Thank you, Secret Santa, that was awesome! :D :thumbsup:

12-25-2015, 09:43 AM
You know what? All of those presents would legit please me! I did not expect something along those lines so nicely played! Thank you, Secret Santa, you are truly a diamond in the night sky :aimkiss:

Mr. Carnelian
12-25-2015, 09:46 AM
I love my Doctor Who presents, and that boyfriend remote is definitely going to come in real handy. :) Thank you, Secret Santa! :ty:

Merry Christmas, everyone! :omghey::cheers::squee::cheer::kaocheer::pinkelephant::chocobo::dance::eager::excited::hyper::roll:: spin::thumbsup::giggle::exdee::love::D:):party::party::party:

12-25-2015, 07:12 PM
Thank you for gifts, Secret Santa! :D
Magic cards, tickets... you know me well, buddy! :P
I'll keep Lulu in my basement as a slave, MUAHAHAHAHAHA... ekhem... But I'll treat her nice, I swear!

PS: Psssst... I know who you might be, but I'll wait for The Big Reveal, hehe! :P

12-26-2015, 08:49 PM
Let's Remove The Fake Beards Tonight!

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif The Second Big Reveal Is Here!

I hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas Day, and a restful Boxing Day! But tonight is the night when the Secret Santas will be revealed at last! I did say I'd do this at 7:00PM, but it's Boxing Day, so!
For the next hour, I'll be revealing the identity of the Secret Santas to all EoFF! So stay tuned, particularly if you received a gift on Christmas Eve!


12-26-2015, 09:05 PM
The Identity of Secret Santa #1

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580315&viewfull=1#post3580315), but these are the highlights:

Dancing Reindeers!
Mario GIFs!
A Final Fantasy of some description!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Formalhaut and Colonel Angus?



The Identity of Secret Santa #2

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580323&viewfull=1#post3580323), but these are the highlights:

[*=left]A Hickory Farms gift set!
[*=left]Final Fantasy IX!
[*=left]Peanut Butter M&Ms!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Jar Jar Jinks and maybee?



Two Santas down, eight to go!

12-26-2015, 09:35 PM
May the Season be with you. Always.

12-26-2015, 09:49 PM
The Identity of Secret Santa #3

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580329&viewfull=1#post3580329), but these are the highlights:

Moogle plushies!
Buster swords!
Afternoon Tea!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for fat_moogle and Laddy?



The Identity of Secret Santa #4

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580331&viewfull=1#post3580331), but these are the highlights:

[*=left]Hot men under the mistletoe!
[*=left]A delicious banquet!
[*=left]A special scoop from George R.R. Martin!
[*=left]A Santa hat!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Shaibana and escobert?


Mr. Carnelian!

12-26-2015, 10:03 PM
The Identity of Secret Santa #5

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580340&viewfull=1#post3580340), but these are the highlights:

Doctor Who memorabilia!
A Video Game recorder!
Context Glasses!
The Boyfriend Remote 9000!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Mr. Carnelian and Psychotic?



The Identity of Secret Santa #6

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580346&viewfull=1#post3580346), but these are the highlights:

[*=left]Anime girls with chocolate! (NOT what you think!)
[*=left]Final Fantasy Type-0!
[*=left]An intimate meet and greet with Santa!
[*=left]A delicious Persona themed cake!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Fynn and Karifean?



12-26-2015, 10:13 PM
The Identity of Secret Santa #7

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580352&viewfull=1#post3580352), but these are the highlights:

A Cloud Amiibo!
A Lord of the Rings print!
Dynasty Warriors 8: Complete Edition!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Pumpkin and Skyblade?



The Identity of Secret Santa #8

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580359&viewfull=1#post3580359), but these are the highlights:

[*=left]A sexy Lulu cosplayer!
[*=left]Magic: The Gathering cards!
[*=left]An outspoken anime girl!
[*=left]a smurfton of money!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Zanmato and Fox?



12-26-2015, 10:23 PM
Thankyou, Zanmato!

*cuddles plush and sips tea*

Mr. Carnelian
12-26-2015, 10:55 PM
Thank you, Ayen!

Have a happy New Year, ya' filthy animal! :P

12-26-2015, 11:01 PM
The Identity of Secret Santa #9

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580367&viewfull=1#post3580367), but these are the highlights:

More Weed!
Even more Weed!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Baked Moogle 420 and Freya?


Jar Jar Jinks!

The Identity of Secret Santa #10

http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif What Were Their Gifts, Again?

The original post is linked here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/165007-EoFF-s-Secret-Santa-2015!?p=3580375#post3580375), but these are the highlights:

[*=left]A sexy Lulu cosplayer!
[*=left]Magic: The Gathering cards!
[*=left]An outspoken anime girl!
[*=left]a smurfton of money!

But who was the benefactor of these fine gifts for Ayen and Aerith's Knight?



http://home.eyesonff.com/images/eoff_smilies//icon2.gif That's a wrap!

So that is it for another year! Thanks to all the Secret Santas for bringing light to such a fantastic, well-meaning event, and thanks to the recipients for being awesome members of EoFF!

You're all great people. Have a very happy New Year, and we'll be back holiday season for another edition of EoFF's Secret Santa!

12-26-2015, 11:04 PM
That was a good event :D I'll take part again next year.

12-26-2015, 11:22 PM
You know what? All of those presents would legit please me! I did not expect something along those lines so nicely played! Thank you, Secret Santa, you are truly a diamond in the night sky :aimkiss:

Now that I've been outed I can offer at least two of the things I provided for Secret Santa.

Compliments of Freya (https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html#)

You have to sign up, but they offer older versions of Premiere Pro and After Effects for free. Freya linked me to the site a while back. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to really sink my teeth into them yet. Every time I get a moment to myself I just don't want to do anything.

And thanks for the presents, Formalhaut, and for hosting.

12-27-2015, 12:09 AM
Aww thank you Formy :D And everyone was such great gift givers!

12-27-2015, 09:36 AM
Thanks, fat_moogle! There were awesome :D

12-27-2015, 12:17 PM
Thanks, fat_moogle! There were awesome :D
You're welcome :D

12-27-2015, 03:08 PM
Fynn! Thank you! You have good judgement xD

12-27-2015, 03:16 PM
thank you, my secret santa Carnelian!:cool: for my awesome gifts

12-27-2015, 03:59 PM
I knew it! Thank you, Fynn... ye old basterd! :V

PS: I felt my Secret Santa wasn't THAT secret and random...
Formy... Can you explain it? :P

12-27-2015, 06:20 PM
It literally was just random luck that meant Polish Fynn was drawn to give presents for you. It'd be weirder if you had to give presents for Fynn as well, come to think of it.

I think Fynn gave the game away with those highly specific bus tickets. :p

12-27-2015, 07:05 PM
It literally was just random luck that meant Polish Fynn was drawn to give presents for you. It'd be weirder if you had to give presents for Fynn as well, come to think of it.

I think Fynn gave the game away with those highly specific bus tickets. :p

Yep, thanks to those tickets I felt it must be Fynn! :lol: