View Full Version : So how about that FFXVI?

12-14-2015, 07:28 PM
We all know it's coming and they'll probably announce it like a week after FFXV comes out, not to mention Ito has been mysteriously absent from big projects for quite a while. What are your hopes and expectations for the next numbered entry now? Things might have changed a lot since the last time we've had one of these :p

12-14-2015, 07:32 PM
For them to learn from past mistakes, consider valid criticism, and make an overall better product than the majority of the stuff they came out with in the past decade. Basically, do what they did with XIV after they dropped the ball.

Wolf Kanno
12-14-2015, 10:23 PM
I would be pretty excited to learn that Hiroyuki Ito was directing the game. The battle system would certainly be interesting and probably closer to more traditional ATB unless he decided to do his own spin on an Action-RPG. I would especially be intrigued to see what he would do with current gen systems seeing how one of his last comments concerning game design was that last gen was too inefficient to make the type of game he really wanted to do.

If it's another Toriyama game, then I'm probably just going to check out at this point.

Mr. Carnelian
12-16-2015, 04:59 PM
I would hope that they try to make a good game, which appeals to the fan base without pandering to them, and moves the franchise forward in a clear way.

I'm not going to hold my breath...

12-16-2015, 05:13 PM
'One step at a time' springs to mind, I think. Let's just see how FFXV goes :p

12-16-2015, 06:18 PM
'One step at a time' springs to mind, I think. Let's just see how FFXV goes :p
This, although I am intrigued to see where the series goes post FFXV. FFXVI will be the first offline numbered game since FFXII that cuts ties with the Fabula Nova Crystalis. Clean slate.

12-16-2015, 06:38 PM
Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's already in development for a couple of years, so it wouldn't exactly be skipping steps ;)

12-16-2015, 07:07 PM
I am excited for it! I hope I'll like XV and I plan to try it, but I'm not as excited as I would like because they've taken some directions I'm not as find of. So I am hoping XVI will have some things I enjoy in it and I can once again be pumped for Final Fantasy!