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01-13-2016, 08:14 AM
My best quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.

My worst quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.

I put this in General Chat because I can be sure someone's worst will be their flatulence.

Night Fury
01-13-2016, 02:37 PM
Best quality - my flatulence
worst quality - my flatulence

01-13-2016, 02:41 PM
I think my best and worst qualities are that I manage to be both hard-working and lazy at the same time

Night Fury
01-13-2016, 02:46 PM
I have many good qualities and many bad ones, I guess my worst though is that I'm bitchy and pretty direct/blunt with people.

01-13-2016, 02:57 PM
Best quality? I suppose people say that I'm kind, generous etc., so that must at least partly be true. I'm also hardworking, but that rolls into my worst qualities as well.

In terms of worst qualities, I'm quick to draw to the worst conclusions, something which EoFF has shown me many a time. As I said before, I'm hard working, but not always in the area that I should be focusing on. Like, I could work really hard in my role in my University's LGBT society, but less so in my Uni work. I also dishearten very easily, and can lose confidence and self-esteem in an instant.

01-13-2016, 03:06 PM
I think my worst quality is that I'm competitive. I mean, it's a good trait to have as long as I'm in control of my emotions, but sometimes I can really beat myself up pretty hard when I lose, and it has in the past had a negative impact on my relationships with friends. Being cocky and self-loathing at the same time can drive you insane, I'll tell you hwat.

I enjoy the fact that I inspire people. Both in terms of creativity and the fact that my enthusiasm has been many times described as infectious. I've also become much more confident recently, which I also consider a very good trait, considering what it was before.

Del Murder
01-13-2016, 04:47 PM
My best quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.

My worst quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.
That makes no sense at all. Unless we are just looking for joke answers here.

My best quality is probably my ability to adapt to almost any situation and eventually thrive in it. I can handle pretty much anything that comes at me and at least seem like I know exactly what I'm doing. I think that's been my best quality for most of my life.

My worst quality is tough because I think it's changed a lot over time. Apathy and lack of ambition used to be in there but I don't think I have that as much as I used to. Maybe now it is my commitment to routine and stubbornness to break from the routine.

01-13-2016, 05:20 PM
Best quality - my flatulence
worst quality - my flatulence

Bravo, but your worst quality is redundancy. I know I did it too, but at least humor can be bad and good. Flatulence is just bad, you heathen. Stay away from the summoner!

My best quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.

My worst quality
That I have a very dark and dry sense of humor.
That makes no sense at all. Unless we are just looking for joke answers here.

My best quality is probably my ability to adapt to almost any situation and eventually thrive in it. I can handle pretty much anything that comes at me and at least seem like I know exactly what I'm doing. I think that's been my best quality for most of my life.

Except you could not thrive at understanding that post. *insert perfect opportunity to use Grover* :grover:

Best: tits
Worst: literally everything else about me

Well definitely tits, but I'm pretty sure everything about you isn't all terrible. I mean, you don't murder small children do you?

Being cocky and self-loathing at the same time can drive you insane, I'll tell you hwat.

Yeah I know the feels, mang. I hate a lot of things about myself, but I love that I'm also incredibly amazing at certain things and will tell you about said things. IT'S ALL I GOT. By the way, look at my ass. It's great.

01-13-2016, 05:20 PM
I feel like my tendency to be very trusting and assume that everyone is automatically my friend is both my best and worst quality.

01-13-2016, 05:27 PM
My best quality? Well I'm very friendly and I'm open to talking to everyone. I'm great at small talk so I'm a chameleon at public gathering events. If they only knew I spend most of my free time on a video game website muahaha.

My worst: I can get really emotional and have foot-in-mouth syndrome a lot when it happens. For the most part, I'm pretty calm and collected but when my emotions get riled up, I say the things I normally would have just shut up with gritted teeth and bore it. It sucks in person because my face can't hide my thoughts when I'm emotional so even if I'm not saying anything, you can read it on my face. That has gotten me kicked out of a house before. Whoops.

01-13-2016, 05:32 PM
My best quality is probably my ability to adapt to almost any situation and eventually thrive in it. I can handle pretty much anything that comes at me and at least seem like I know exactly what I'm doing. I think that's been my best quality for most of my life.

My worst quality is tough because I think it's changed a lot over time. Apathy and lack of ambition used to be in there but I don't think I have that as much as I used to. Maybe now it is my commitment to routine and stubbornness to break from the routine.This is a pretty good description of me too.

01-13-2016, 05:32 PM
Best: tits
Worst: literally everything else about me

Well definitely tits, but I'm pretty sure everything about you isn't all terrible. I mean, you don't murder small children do you?

She already listed her best quality.

01-13-2016, 05:35 PM
Are you insinuating that she murders small children with her tits? I...have to see that.

01-13-2016, 05:38 PM
I was just insinuating that she murders small children, but now I'm wondering about the tits part.

01-13-2016, 06:19 PM
My best quality is being me.

My worst quality is I've never managed to finish a 20" pizza by myself.

01-13-2016, 06:57 PM
Pros: I feel I'm equally adept at going with the flow, taking direction, and letting a person who seems to be knowledgeable lead the way in a group, and also taking charge and leading a group when I feel I'm the best suited. I also feel I'm good at being able to tell when I'm the best qualified and when someone else is.

Cons: If I feel like someone isn't pulling their weight, making excuses, doesn't have determination, etc. I get annoyed and impatient really quickly. If I'm not in a position to easily get them to contribute more it can wear on me to the point where I don't work as hard either due to lack of motivation and frustration.

01-13-2016, 08:10 PM
Are you insinuating that she murders small children with her tits? I...have to see that.

I was just insinuating that she murders small children, but now I'm wondering about the tits part.

"She was sure that the detectives didn't suspect a thing. Little did they know that the murder weapons were there before their eyes... the whole time."

Best: patience
Worst: when that patience has worn thin

01-13-2016, 08:32 PM
Best: I'd say loyalty and my determination which comes in handy when doing my work.
Worst: Easily irritable with people which leads to anger which leads to me ripping my clothes, turning green, and destroying several city blocks until Jennifer Connelly comes to calm me down.

01-13-2016, 09:46 PM
Best: I'm a kind person
Worst: I need constant validation and it's led me to do absurd things to get it

01-13-2016, 11:08 PM
Best: i aint particulary nasty
worst: im blind to see my good qualities

01-13-2016, 11:57 PM
worst: I am FAR TOO emotional. Somehow need to learn to have a cap on them and became 'adult', but I'm prone to getting defensive, taking things personally, getting a bit stressy (although I tell employers I'm none of those things)

best: I wear my heart on my sleeve, I suppose. I have the best intentions, always.

I can relate to Pike's pointers also - I'm also learning repeatedly that friendships are 9999% one-sided IRL - I start every job and think everyone is my bezzie - its just not the case. No one cares.

01-14-2016, 12:09 AM
best: I am confident and aggressively charismatic in social situations
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters and suffer from chronic tardiness

01-14-2016, 01:19 AM
My best quality is also my worst. I'm a very giving person who tries to give to everyone even if I don't have it to give. It has made me a great person, but people like to take advantage of it too.

Colonel Angus
01-14-2016, 01:27 AM
best: I am confident and aggressively charismatic in social situations
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters and suffer from chronic tardiness

My best quality: Don't feel like thinking of anything right now.
My worst quality: Laziness, procrastinator.

01-14-2016, 01:29 AM
best: I am confident and aggressively charismatic in social situations
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters and suffer from chronic tardiness

I'll be invading your house shortly with my copy of Ghostbusters and some nachos. We will correct this grave injustice.

01-14-2016, 08:56 AM
Best Quality? I have no idea.

Worst Quality? I just have problems to socialized with people.

01-14-2016, 09:57 AM
Best quality: I'm kind, I guess. Also, a handsome devil.

Worst quality: I have no patience. Like at all. I once yelled at an old lady for walking too slowly, when I was in a hurry. >>

01-14-2016, 10:41 AM
I think my best and worst qualities are that I manage to be both hard-working and lazy at the same time

Pretty much this. At work I'm incredibly efficient which makes me look good but I'm only like that cause it lets me spend more time doing nothing.

01-15-2016, 10:14 PM
I think my best and worst qualities are that I manage to be both hard-working and lazy at the same time

Pretty much this. At work I'm incredibly efficient which makes me look good but I'm only like that cause it lets me spend more time doing nothing.


01-15-2016, 10:17 PM
My best quality is being the kawaiiest. My worst is being an eternal slacker. 12 YEARS FOR 1K POASTS GUYS

01-15-2016, 10:25 PM
My best quality is being the kawaiiest....

being the kawaiiest....



Weeaboo sensors tingling. So many memories of Naruto cosplays, and glomping.

01-15-2016, 11:11 PM
My best quality is being the kawaiiest....

being the kawaiiest....



Weeaboo sensors tingling. So many memories of Naruto cosplays, and glomping.

It's true, I still go to anime conventions and cosplay. Last couple years I was Lucca and midna from LOZ:twilight princess. If I get around to it eventually I'm cosplaying as Beatrix this year for youmacon. But I'm a slacker and haven't started it yet :spin:

01-15-2016, 11:15 PM
My best quality is being the kawaiiest. My worst is being an eternal slacker. 12 YEARS FOR 1K POASTS GUYS

It's the quality of your posts over quantity, right starlet?

01-15-2016, 11:25 PM
My best quality is being the kawaiiest. My worst is being an eternal slacker. 12 YEARS FOR 1K POASTS GUYS

It's the quality of your posts over quantity, right starlet?

Theres not a single quality post from me. Basically I'm the kraft of forums posting.... Just junk and artifical color :D

01-16-2016, 01:22 PM
I've never seen Ghostbusters

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Best and worst.

Best: I can be both adaptable/improvisational when the situation calls for one of those, but I'm also very much a researcher. If I'm able, I will get all of the information before I make a decision or a plan.

Worst: I'm forgetful of tasks. Like, I have a great almost photographic memory for people and social/emotional situations and life events, but if I'm supposed to do a simple task I have to write it down or I will forget it.

01-16-2016, 08:16 PM
Best: I am intelligent and emotionally intuitive.

Worst: I have a lot of faults and I ACCEPT those faults which is the worst part. "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours." I lose my patience and blow a fuse? Oh, that's just the way I am. Being forget and missing appointments? Just one of my many quirks! Lazy and unproductive? Just part of my personality. Screw that! I'm trying this year to not just accept the worst parts about myself as intractable immovable permanent parts of my personality.

Madame Adequate
01-16-2016, 11:14 PM
Best: I have a pretty good ability to read people, make clearer what they're trying to say if someone else doesn't understand, and to help negotiate agreements that are acceptable enough. I might have actually made a pretty good diplomat. I also seem to be someone people are more-or-less happy to let lead? I mean in college and stuff I seemed to default into the leader role in group tasks, without being appointed and without really trying to assert it. I note that as distinct from being a good leader though, which I'd like to think is something I at least have the potential for, but is sorely underdeveloped.

Worst: My disabilities restrict me pretty severely. On top of that, most of my ambition has been hammered out of me. I just do stuff either because I have to or because I want to, not for much in the way of longer-term goals. Aside from writing, which I would really file under "have to". I don't really mind it and I'm hopeful things will improve once I can finally get on with my life, but I could do more.

01-16-2016, 11:32 PM
I think my best quality is the way I'm able to adapt my naturally relaxed personality to be useful. I.E. I'm able to take a step back from a situation if it has the potential to be overwhelming and calm myself or others down. I would say this, coupled with my ability to offer sympathy/empathy makes me pretty good at giving people advice that relates to emotions (but probably not as good at giving advice about money/career stuff). Also my favourite quality about myself is musical talent.

Worst quality is probably procrastination. I would probably be in a much better situation in my life if I just bit the bullet and did things in a timely manner more often.

01-17-2016, 02:39 AM
Best quality is the unconditional love I have for my children and being an awesome, beautiful and down to earth fiance (even at our worst, are love and the bond that we share is unbreakable). My worse quality would be trusting and forgiving and loathing rude, manipulative attention seeking people that can't have a laugh or two.

01-17-2016, 08:30 AM
Best: I'm one of the most intelligent people I know, and as a result I'm often relied on for getting things done that no-one else can get done (in academic and work environments).

Worst: Every woman I've ever had feelings for has considered me 'just a friend' or 'my bro', and to be honest, it's starting to get to me - especially considering my lack of dating experience and that I'm not getting any younger, LOL. It's starting to get embarrassing, and honestly, a little lonely, tbh.

01-19-2016, 02:21 AM
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters

But why?

01-20-2016, 10:50 AM
I retract my former "Worst". My "Worst" is definitely vodka, yup. I'm a happy/funny/social drinker, but vodka does something else entirely. It transforms me into an angry Russian (especially odd because I'm not Russian). Make that "angry Russian Godzilla".

01-20-2016, 12:48 PM
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. :cool:

01-20-2016, 08:51 PM
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters

But why?

I never did as a kid and I've been saving it.

01-20-2016, 09:13 PM
My worst is being an eternal slacker. 12 YEARS FOR 1K POASTS GUYS

It took me two years but I'm finally about to surpass you.

01-20-2016, 10:32 PM
My worst is being an eternal slacker. 12 YEARS FOR 1K POASTS GUYS

It took me two years but I'm finally about to surpass you.


01-21-2016, 07:27 PM
My best quality is just how well balanced and in equilibrium my worst qualities are. I am a perfectly amalgamated sh*tbag! :)

Mr. Carnelian
01-22-2016, 01:20 PM
Best quality:

Worst quality: If anything, I'm too fabulous. Sometimes people just can't handle it.


01-22-2016, 05:17 PM
Best quality, I'm very open-minded and nonjudgmental which by extension also means I can take enjoyment out of pretty much anything and everything. No matter what it is I concentrate on what good I can take away from it. It's probably not even an exaggeration to say there's never been a character or game or story or movie I've ever actually disliked, including the ones I'll gladly proclaim to "hate".

Worst quality is my slothfulness, I'd say. I will endlessly procrastinate on things I should be doing long since past just because it takes effort. Same goes for trying new things. My life could probably be a lot more colorful and less monotone if I actually did stuff. I doubt I'd be doing nearly as well in university as I am if I didn't have friends to egg me on and a sense of duty to keep moving forward.

01-22-2016, 06:14 PM
worst: I've never seen Ghostbusters

But why?
I never did as a kid and I've been saving it.

Saving it? Break that Ghostbuster hymen.

01-25-2016, 04:12 PM
Best: My compassion extending beyond humans.
Worst: My compassion extending beyond humans APPARENTLY lmao

Loony BoB
01-25-2016, 05:09 PM
I think my real best and worst qualities as viewed by others would probably be dramatically different from person to person. I'll just go with my gut, I guess.

Best: Integrity, honour, honesty. That general kinda thing.

Worst: Hard to pick between my resistance to change and/or going out (general introvertedness?) and my tendency to always think I'm right. Both of these things get me into bad situations.

01-25-2016, 11:53 PM
I'm allowed more than a single "Best/Worst" quality, so I'll add;

Best- My sh it don't stink.
Worst- I think my sh it don't stink.

01-26-2016, 12:01 AM
my best quantity is my dogecoins (20000)
my worst quantity is my yachts (0)

o wait