View Full Version : A new point of view

02-22-2016, 05:46 PM
So, imagine an FF game, but with the main point of view being a different character, not necessarily a party member. What do you think would change if they got to be the hero of the story and make all the important decisions?

Like, imagine Cid from FFVII being in charge of everything. I don't know why, but I can kind of see him ramming the Highwind into the weapons.

02-22-2016, 06:29 PM
I would definitely play the tragic tale of Final Fantasy VI and the fall of the Empire as we play through General Leo's story.

02-22-2016, 06:39 PM
I can see Final Fantasy VII from many point of views. In that game everyone has a huge past explained at one time or another.

One thing I like about Final Fantasy is you get to see the character in some light or another. Not many characters are explained but a lot of them tell their tale.

I'd be an NPC who just walks from town to town.

02-23-2016, 05:09 PM
FFIX from Quina's POV

Rin Heartilly
02-23-2016, 08:37 PM
I'd love to play FFVIII through Seifers POV :D

Midgar Mist
02-24-2016, 04:30 AM
I would make one of the employees in the Shinra building a main character. Tell it from their POV, how awful it is to watch their bosses destroy the world. How torn they are between feeding their family and their morality. A family member of theirs is killed when they destroy sector 7 so they decide to settle their past. But then, they also find they they were experimented on by Hojo and are controlled by Sephiroth/Jenova in the same way as Cloud.

02-24-2016, 04:32 AM
I'd love to play FFX through Rikku's PoV, and FF8 through Seifer, and probably FF12 through ashe's pov.

02-24-2016, 05:16 AM
Final Fantasy VII with a rotating point of view so we get each character's insights to what's happening, especially in instance where that character has history or special relevance.

02-24-2016, 09:03 AM
FFVII told from the perspective of Mukki.

Man... the stories.

Forsaken Lover
02-24-2016, 09:25 AM
I'd love to play FFVIII through Seifers POV :D

It's the most depressing game ever as you keep losing every boss fight and then the end of the game happens without you.

But I'd pay full price for it because Seifer was the best thing about FFVIII.

02-24-2016, 03:44 PM
Let's do all Final Fantasy's through the eyes of a Chocobo that they rented from the stable and never returned.

03-01-2016, 09:31 PM
I would definitely play the tragic tale of Final Fantasy VI and the fall of the Empire as we play through General Leo's story.

I'd totally play this. :D

03-02-2016, 03:49 AM
I'd love to play FFVIII through Seifers POV :D

It's the most depressing game ever as you keep losing every boss fight and then the end of the game happens without you.

But I'd pay full price for it because Seifer was the best thing about FFVIII.

I could see him winning the parade actually. it would be optional but Edea wins it anyways and seifer lives. His party would be epic with some Raijin and Fujin love. <3 In the end yeah he meets the same fate as Zack but when time goes back he lives!

Forsaken Lover
03-02-2016, 05:25 AM
A Seifer/Fujin/Raijin party game be pretty awesome.