View Full Version : Dragon Ball Super!

03-12-2016, 06:23 AM
Come on guys. Please tell me Dragonball hasn't died in this forum. I haven't posted in ages, maybe since 2014, but I had to see if people are following the show and enjoying it as much as I have. The animation has been very poor at times, but I think they will be reanimating parts when the English dub releases.

Any insight and opinions on what's going to happen?

03-12-2016, 10:10 AM
Where the heck is Gohan is my only question at this stage.

Also they ruined Videl.

03-12-2016, 01:57 PM
Didn't realize it had started. I'll need to check it out.

03-12-2016, 03:03 PM
I have been watchin it since it started and am also up to date when it comes to Toyble/Toyotaro's manga.

While in my opinion it has its good moments it is also full of disappointing moments.

03-12-2016, 06:30 PM
I watched the first two episodes when there was only like 3 out and then stopped cause i'm waiting on more to come out so I don't have to wait. The animation was bad in some parts.

03-12-2016, 06:55 PM
How did they ruin Videl D:

03-12-2016, 09:21 PM
She's just... become a housewife who sits at home and does nothing. Not that being a housewife is inherently a bad thing, but it is just a massive departure from the character she was in DBZ. Like she was a cool chick who stood up for herself and all that, but... that seems to be gone. She's just lost all that sass she had.

03-12-2016, 09:23 PM
Well that's a shame :(

03-12-2016, 09:45 PM
Ugh, that is a shame. Mind you, GT didn't do much better with a lot of characters back in the day. Pretty much anyone not named Goku became mostly useless for anything other than waiting for Goku to come save the day. I would have liked to see Videl actually continue training with Gohan and end up at least on the level of someone like Krillin or Tien. I felt kind of bad for her in DBZ when she thinks her and her dad are so strong and then she realizes neither of them can do anything against Buu.Here you had a nice, strong, female character, but in a world of aliens and super Sayans it basically just shut her down.

03-13-2016, 12:41 AM
I dunno. At the end of Z, she and Gohan were off doing Great Saiyaman and Great Saiyawoman things because that was the kind of people they were, and going from that to a quiet, happy homemaker... I just can't fit the pieces together.

And DBZ isn't that much better for people just hanging around waiting for Goku. Matt and I are watching it just now, and it has been pretty much entirely the Z fighters feeling useless and shouting for Goku to hurry up.

Eh. I'm enjoying Super enough. It's the same dumb nonsense you'd expect from Dragonball. Just some things are a bit... meh.

03-13-2016, 12:43 AM
Yeah, DBZ isn't much better for waiting around for Goku to save the day aside from the Cell saga, but at least there were other characters capable of holding their own in a fight for a while. And even some points where Goku wasn't the strongest guy ever.

03-13-2016, 01:37 AM
How did they ruin Videl D:

Not at all. In the final chapters she and Gohan were just a happy, ordinarily married couple. In the manga they do not even fight crime together as super hero team (as a matter of fact only the few crime fighting moments while she was trying to find out about Gohan's identity were shown) so it is very like that Toriyama-san did not remember what Toei did with Son Gohan and Videl in the anime. It could always be added and for the anime Toei already does change some things that are not exactly like Toriyama-sans draft but they do not rewrite every single thing. Especially something like that that was shown anyway. At the end of vol. 42 they were all living in peace, Goku was training for Oob, he trained Pan. Goten was forced to train by Goku but often had an excuse. Really the only to remaining fighters in the final chapters were Goku and Vegeta. Boo, Trunks and Goten also fought in the tournament but Vegeta already implied that both, not only Goten, are softies. Heck, in GT Videl got exactly one scene as Great Saiyawoman and the Perfect Files say Gohan continued training - which he also does in Super - but of course they have no spotlight appearance compared to the protagonist and deuteragonist. Gohan never wanted to be a fighter and Videl just has no reason to show her serious side at this point in the story. It is also ridiculous how people think "not shown = lost" everytime in fiction.

If anything is unfortunate then bringing Freeza back for no reason other than using him as punching bag and showing the characters have a weakness that should have been eliminated when Goku started training with Popo. But well, it is fiction.

03-13-2016, 05:42 AM
Wait, there's a new DBZ?!


03-13-2016, 06:29 AM
Wait, there's a new DBZ?!

Name-wise not. But a new Dragon Ball, yes. Dragon Ball Super. It plays between the last chapters of the last manga volume.

Right now it consists of:

Battle of Gods Saga
Goku meets the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus who wants to fight the Super Saiyajin-God

Fukkatsu no F Saga
Freeza is ressurrected by his minion and trains for 4 months to get his revenge while Goku and Vegeta tap into their God power.

Champa Saga
Goku and his friends follow Beerus and Whis' siblings, Champa and Vados for a tournament in their sister universe, universe 6. There they fight a bear-like opponent called Bottamo, a member of Freeza's race, Frost, a Saiyajin called Cabba, a robot called Magetta and the ominous looking Hit. Afterwards they look for the Super Dragon Balls in this univese.

03-14-2016, 10:49 PM
I kind of like the Manga, but it's missing things. There's a lot of blank space that I'm not figuring out between the 9 or so that are out (though a quick google search turned up the missing Rebirth of Freeza manga).

I watched the episodes, but I don't like how they've made so many of Z fighters horrifyingly weak again. Some have stepped up, but other's appear to have become stagnant (Piccolo). Not too impressed with how things have turned out so far.

03-15-2016, 12:02 AM
I definitely love the endless possibilities right now for the show to go.

Many people believe Beerus is to become the main villain ultimately even though the show presents an undertone of a partnership, or mentor-apprentice relationship between him and Wish towards Goku and Vegeta.

The show has already gone to episode 34. Episode 35 will air this upcoming Saturday and the spotlight is on Vegeta for the next three episodes. I won't give spoilers on the current story, but it is almost generally shown that Vegeta is at par with Goku, or maybe even has the edge right now.

To some of the earlier comments; Videl never had enough significance even in Dragonball Z, other than her connection to Gohan and Hercule/Mr. Satan.

And trust me, Gohan is coming back. They won't abandon him that easily. If any of you have at least watched the movies (the first two seasons of the show are Battle of Gods and Resurrection F retold), then you'd know Gohan has really fallen back in the pecking order of warriors. I am almost positive Gohan (my favorite character in the show, basically because of SSJ2 Teen Gohan, as many others like) will find a way to have relevance in this show sooner or later. I'm not saying he'll come back and be the strongest, but he won't be a completely useless character in my opinion.

03-15-2016, 09:26 AM
I'm not worried about Gohan not coming back, he's just not been around recently. Makes me suspish. Also I know Videl has never had that much significance, but then neither has Chi Chi and she still has a personality to this day.

EDIT: Ugh, Matt and I have just reached the Saiyaman Saga in our rewatch of DBZ and it is painful how much sass Videl had and how she has lost it all. xD

03-16-2016, 11:33 PM
Sorry if you guys are big Videl fans or something, but she TBH gets more attention than you'd think for a character like her. The Great Saiyaman Saga was just a filler saga just like the Otherworld Tournament Saga. Many people also wanted to see more of Pikkon, but he was just a big character for that saga, so his role was limited to that.

03-17-2016, 09:38 AM
But she comes back and we do see more of her. She continues to exist outside of the arc she was created to play a role in, unlike Pikkon and all those other one-off characters. I don't think it was unreasonable of me to hope that she wouldn't show up as a shell of her former self if she were to ever show up at all. :shrug:

Just to clarify - I don't care that she's not a fighter anymore. I expect that. But even the other characters who move to non-fighters keep their personalities. She didn't.

But. Whatevs, I'm just glad she doesn't get much screentime in Super so I can keep my sadness to a minimum. :p