View Full Version : ME:2 The Mordin/Krogan Thing

03-17-2016, 05:03 PM
So I wanted to discuss this when I was playing it and hopefully some other peeps have some input and this isn't a dumb thing to discuss among the fandom.

So when you have Mordin and you do that stuff where he talks to you about what he did to the Krogan and all of that, what are your thoughts of that whole situation? What dialogue choices did you pick when going through all of that?

Madame Adequate
03-17-2016, 05:42 PM
I don't remember my exact dialog choices, but I think I sided with Mordin for the most part. The genophage was a horrific act, but it was also the only option they had aside from total genocide.

Del Murder
03-17-2016, 07:09 PM
My actions were along the lines MILF said. Genophage was a necessary evil! They couldn't just let the Krogan run wild throughout the galaxy and they couldn't just destroy them all.

Forsaken Lover
03-17-2016, 10:20 PM
I remained as neutral on the topic as I could. It wasn't my place to decide the morality ofa ncient history.

Of course, the game forces you to choose in the end and in the end I sided more with the Krogan. I kept Maelon's research data, at any rate.

Mr. Carnelian
03-18-2016, 01:35 AM
I generally give Mordin a right old ticking off. Updating the genophage rather than let it cure itself over time just exacerbated the problems on Tuchanka. Like Shepherd says about one of the krogan women who died in the experiments to try and cure the genophage, "Look at the dead krogan, Mordin. It doesn't look like you saved her".

03-18-2016, 05:52 AM
I'm going to assume this game is old enough not to mark spoilers for ME2/3.

I don't remember what the exact choices were, but I made them so that by the end Mordin cured the genophage. I was extremely sad to see him die for it. He was my favorite character to talk to, but the choice had to be made.

03-18-2016, 05:54 AM
I'm going to assume this game is old enough not to mark spoilers for ME2/3.

I don't remember what the exact choices were, but I made them so that by the end Mordin cured the genophage. I was extremely sad to see him die for it. He was my favorite character to talk to, but the choice had to be made. I do remember the, "Look at the dead krogan, Mordin. It doesn't look like you saved her" line being spoken.