View Full Version : Fallout 3 or Oblivion?

Forsaken Lover
04-17-2016, 06:59 AM
This is just some random stuff I came upon while looking at old Gamefaqs threads.

Apparently people used to say Fallout 3 was just Oblivion with guns.

Now, I finished FO3 but never finished Oblivion. I want to finish Oblivion but I need to buy the PC game because its faces and Speech system are hideously bad.

But yeah, which of these two games do you prefer and why?

Incidentally, it feels like some Bethesda fans are....I'm not sure what the term is. It's like, once Skyrim came out, they abandoned Oblivion. Once Fallout 4 came out, they abandoned 3. Once TES VI comes out, maybe they'll say fuck off to Skyrim. Do you get what I mean? I don'tget this mentality.

04-17-2016, 10:37 AM
Could never get into oblivion. I played FO3 a lot though.

04-17-2016, 10:59 AM
Can I... pick neither? :|

EDIT: I'm picking Fallout 3 because http://www.tunnelsnakes.com/

Incidentally, it feels like some Bethesda fans are....I'm not sure what the term is. It's like, once Skyrim came out, they abandoned Oblivion. Once Fallout 4 came out, they abandoned 3. Once TES VI comes out, maybe they'll say smurf off to Skyrim. Do you get what I mean? I don'tget this mentality.

I spend a great deal of time in the "Bethesda fandom" on tumblr - I think they mostly prefer Morrowind and New Vegas, honestly. FO3 and Oblivion are the odd eggs.

04-17-2016, 11:18 AM
Fallout 3, but I really enjoyed both games. While they're both overshadowed and surpassed by other titles in the series, I'd never describe either as a bad game and I had some great times with them.

04-17-2016, 01:47 PM
I enjoyed both but, Fallout 3 has held up better over time than Oblivion has.

Forsaken Lover
04-17-2016, 04:32 PM
I spend a great deal of time in the "Bethesda fandom" on tumblr - I think they mostly prefer Morrowind and New Vegas, honestly. FO3 and Oblivion are the odd eggs.

NV is not a Bethesda game and Morrowind is liked by the same kind of people who prefer FFVI to VII ie. a vocal minority. Morrowind is nigh unplyable these days. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time reading Morrowind but playing it? Ehhhh.

Madame Adequate
04-17-2016, 05:56 PM
The fact that it's a minority doesn't really matter? I could just as easily say the very fact that it's a minority demonstrates a refinement and depth on the part of those people. Morrowind might have inferior game mechanics to parts of Oblivion, but it adds up to one of the best games ever, whilst Oblivion is a big steaming pile of warm guar dung.

Oblivion is mediocre but I've had some fun with it. FO3 is pretty shit in almost every way except aesthetic design and the VATS system.

04-18-2016, 02:17 AM
People "gave up" on the previous games because they're objectively inferior.

Forsaken Lover
04-18-2016, 08:06 AM
I dunno, I like that my FO3 character has more things to say than
Give Me Money

Besides, whatever inferior mechanics, maybe you like the Capital Wasteland more than the Commonwealth or Cyrodill more than Skyrim. Or you like Oblivion's guild quests more than Skyrim's. That's notreally determined by technical proficiency.

04-18-2016, 08:38 AM
Despite how long I've owned the game and had it installed, I haven't played more than an hour of Oblivion; I've played at least a few of Fallout 3. I suppose that makes Fallout 3 the winner for me.

Out of curiosity, is there anyone in this thread that started with Oblivion or Skyrim that thinks Morrowind is the best of the three titles?

04-18-2016, 09:44 AM
Both of these game kinda blow tbh

04-18-2016, 10:31 AM
Out of curiosity, is there anyone in this thread that started with Oblivion or Skyrim that thinks Morrowind is the best of the three titles?

*points to self*

I'd played bits of Morrowind and Oblivion but didn't *really* sit down to play a TES game until Skyrim. Put close to hundred hours into it, enjoyed it. Then played Morrowind. Put SEVERAL hundred hours into it and it's my favorite game of all time :p