View Full Version : The Trepies

Midgar Mist
04-24-2016, 03:08 PM
Why does this fanclub exist? Does anyone know?

Night Fury
04-24-2016, 03:16 PM
Because Quistis is fucking mint and hot as shit.

04-24-2016, 06:00 PM
Why do any fanclubs exist?

04-24-2016, 06:09 PM
Because Quistis is smurfing mint and hot as trout.


all you need to see is her first cutscene. Then you can tell they went the "hot teacher" approach.

semirelated: idk why but it came a surprise to learn she was only 17 or 19.
same with yuna tbh

04-25-2016, 06:59 AM
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M4_Ommfvv0" target="_blank">
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M4_Ommfvv0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M4_Ommfvv0)

This video is pretty much their theme song. :P

04-25-2016, 08:33 AM
Because Quistis is smurfing mint and hot as trout.

Yeah this. Quistis is great, pity she (like the rest of the cast except for Squall/Rinoa) doesn't play a huge role past disc 1!

04-25-2016, 01:13 PM
Why does this fanclub exist? Does anyone know?

Because they have awful taste in people.

Midgar Mist
05-01-2016, 04:28 PM
So....this is basically based on her being a hot teacher. Okay....so it doesn't matter that she's annoying. Yeah, figures.

05-02-2016, 05:32 PM
So....this is basically based on her being a hot teacher. Okay....so it doesn't matter that she's annoying. Yeah, figures.
I never found her particularly annoying, however she always struck me as really insecure.
She seems to seek confirmation from other people too often, and this would make people in real life quickly lose respect for her.
Yes, an instructor should be kind and understanding to her students, but she also needs to have confidence and attitude, so that people can tell that she believes in her own skills and knows what she is doing.
Quistis seems to be more like "I am competent... right?" the whole time.

05-04-2016, 03:37 PM
So....this is basically based on her being a hot teacher. Okay....so it doesn't matter that she's annoying. Yeah, figures.
Maybe because she's seen as a ideal teacher by the other kids? I think Quistis' insecurities and other flaws only start showing in the middle disc 1 and only in front of Squall and co., which means the rest of the Garden probably never seen it.

Night Fury
05-04-2016, 10:03 PM
So....this is basically based on her being a hot teacher. Okay....so it doesn't matter that she's annoying. Yeah, figures.

Yes, it is based on her being a hot teacher - but isn't she also basically the Triple Triad King of Balamb Garden? She's also the youngest instructor, and a child prodigy. She's basically a massive nerd, and someone I expect a lot of people at Balamb would aspire to be.

Is she annoying? Yeah, isn't everyone annoying though? It'd be really really boring af if she was perfect and had no insecurities or character flaws.

Why do you hate Quistis's fan club?

05-05-2016, 04:34 PM
She's so thoroughly rejected by Squall, they had to make it known that she actually was desirable and not just a creepy weirdo.

05-06-2016, 09:41 AM
She's so thoroughly rejected by Squall, they had to make it known that she actually was desirable and not just a creepy weirdo.

It's a JRPG, everyone's a creepy weirdo.

05-08-2016, 12:47 PM
She's so thoroughly rejected by Squall, they had to make it known that she actually was desirable and not just a creepy weirdo.

It's a JRPG, everyone's a creepy weirdo.

You take that back about my waifus or we gonna have trouble fam :mad2::mad2:

05-09-2016, 01:13 PM
She's so thoroughly rejected by Squall, they had to make it known that she actually was desirable and not just a creepy weirdo.

It's a JRPG, everyone's a creepy weirdo.

You take that back about my waifus or we gonna have trouble fam :mad2::mad2:

She acts really strange toward Squall at the beginning. She comes off as a creep (along with everyone else, honestly).

05-09-2016, 01:34 PM
I wish the Trepies followed her around and finished off all her sentences so she realised how annoying it was when she did it herself.

05-18-2016, 12:51 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I already answered this question. (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/167107-Quistis-Glasses-or-no-glasses?p=3612546#post3612546)

05-20-2016, 03:11 PM
For some reason I have always thought that the Garden schools in this game have a bit of an "American college" feel to them.
I'm not sure what it is, but there is something about the general atmosphere and the way the characters interact that feels very American in some way.

Let's just say that it feels much more American than it feels Japanese.

Loony BoB
05-20-2016, 04:21 PM
Wait. Of all people in the game, people find Quistis annoying? That's like complaining you have mud on your arm when you're knee-deep in poop.

I mean, I like the game, but if you're going to pick out annoying characters in the game I would never have thought about Quistis because of all the other more obvious names.

Midgar Mist
05-21-2016, 10:40 PM
She's so thoroughly rejected by Squall, they had to make it known that she actually was desirable and not just a creepy weirdo.

It's a JRPG, everyone's a creepy weirdo.

You take that back about my waifus or we gonna have trouble fam :mad2::mad2:

Who's Waifus?

And.....I'm guessing BoB finds Zell annoying. I understand him, which is maybe just as weird as people understanding Quistis so.......

Loony BoB
05-23-2016, 09:31 AM
And.....I'm guessing BoB finds Zell annoying. I understand him, which is maybe just as weird as people understanding Quistis so.......
Actually, I don't really find any of them annoying to any major degree. But I can definitely see why people would find Squall, Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Seifer and Rinoa annoying, and if I were a less relaxed person I'd probably be annoyed by them to some extent, too. But Quistis? Maybe at a stretch, I guess, but not as much as any of the pre-mentioned.