View Full Version : A Moon Shaped Pool

05-08-2016, 06:40 PM
New Radiohead is out today, folks! I am looking forward to listening to it (after my homework is done, *cry*). I also just saw they are going to be playing in LA two days before I am scheduled to be there...should I try to extend my trip? ;_;

05-08-2016, 08:10 PM
Can't wait to listen to it, I really liked Burn the Witch. And it has True Love Waits on it!

05-09-2016, 01:34 AM
Can't wait to listen to it, I really liked Burn the Witch. And it has True Love Waits on it!
I am so, so excited about True Love Waits.

I bought the special edition because I'm nuts. The digital album is downloading right now. I'm going to wait to make a special time for a listening session.

05-09-2016, 02:46 AM
Woah, that's impressive; let us know what piece of tape you get! I thought about it but I am very picky about what I buy on vinyl - although I may change my mind after listening. Arrrgh; okay back to homework D:

05-09-2016, 02:14 PM
Haha, I doubt I'll ever rig up a way to know what I got, but I'll keep it in mind.

I spent all weekend traveling and was dead tired last night, so I listened to half yesterday and half today. I'm sure the hype will simmer over time, but it's really, definitely, incredibly good. Instantly accessible (which I can't say was my experience with TKoL or even In Rainbows) but with so much depth and texture. The mood of the album is just indescribable; somber and dark, like Kid A or Hail to the Thief, but while being much softer around the edges.

I think TKoL had a layering that gave it depth but also obscured the intent, and for AMSP they took those tricks and techniques and applied them in a way that maintains the depth of composition while also making tracks that just melt right into your ears. It's really incredible. I'm trying to avoid too much hyperbole, but it's incredible.

Also: True Love Waits, finally recorded in the studio. It's up there with Videotape as one of their finest closers, in my opinion.