View Full Version : Have you ever tried a Pokemon Nuzlocke (or variant)

05-18-2016, 02:48 PM
Ihave completed one and i am doing another.

05-19-2016, 06:07 AM
I've done a couple in previous generations.

Currently paused quite early on in a variant I invented in Pokemon Y because it is way harder than I expected.

05-19-2016, 10:52 AM
I've done a couple in previous generations.

Currently paused quite early on in a variant I invented in Pokemon Y because it is way harder than I expected.

oh. im interested what the variant was?

05-19-2016, 01:18 PM
I've done a couple in previous generations.

Currently paused quite early on in a variant I invented in Pokemon Y because it is way harder than I expected.

oh. im interested what the variant was?

I call it the "Neverlocke".

One of the problems I have had with watching Nuzlockes is that a lot of them go the same way: People have a lot of trouble at first, then eventually find one or two really powerful Pokemon and rely on them the rest of the run.

Part of what I love about Nuzlockes is the variety in team members, and I was a little tired of seeing only a handful of regularly appearing Pokemon at the end of most runs.

To combat this, I instituted a new rule: Rather than catching the first encounter, you look at the available encounter list and catch the first encounter of the Pokemon you have used the least on that route.

I wound up with huge team variety and a lot of Pokemon I had never used before (hence the variant's name), but I wasn't sure on the best way to use several of them, and they weren't exactly the strongest team members.

Still, it was a fun run, and I'll probably try to finish it at some point. It does work best with X/Y due to the huge number of available Pokemon.