View Full Version : People's Bad Habits

05-21-2016, 07:22 AM
So my nine-month old son has started to eat proper food and the mess is... the most horrific thing ever. It made me realise I can't stand messy eaters. Seriously, I have to let MissH clean him up because I can't even look at him when he's eating. I'm fine cleaning troutty nappies and vomit but soggy bread and vegetables? Nah. Nope. No way.

What a bad habits can't you stand?

05-21-2016, 08:01 AM
People who chew with their mouth open or talk with food in their mouth (without at least putting a hand over their mouth).

05-21-2016, 01:54 PM
People who walk slowly/stop in the middle of a walk area to talk. Just move to the side if you're going to do either of those things. Some of us walk with purpose.

Oh god, yes. This drives NF and I particularly crazy. At the shops it's always two ladies with a trolley each on either side of the isle as well.

05-21-2016, 01:56 PM
That or at the top or bottom of escalators. I mean come the fuck on.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
05-21-2016, 02:37 PM
People who scuff their feet when they walk.

Part of what my job entails is teaching new instructors how to teach, and listening to them struggle through the first couple of weeks is horrible. They never pick up their feet.

Night Fury
05-21-2016, 04:12 PM
People just in general tick me off.

05-21-2016, 04:39 PM
Chalk me up for slow/meandering walkers in the middle of walkways too! Absolutely infuriating lol. I swear shopping malls are designed to maximise the likelihood of this occurring, too.

05-21-2016, 08:23 PM
People who have a weekly get together in the middle of the isle while shopping. Seriously fuck you, go sit in the café bit.

05-21-2016, 10:42 PM
I also can't stand the slow random people chatting at random places. Yesterday when shopping there were people just standing in front of the meat. I will push your winkly old ass out of the way for steak.

05-23-2016, 12:55 PM
I hate scab-picking. It makes me shudder. So many times I've been sitting near people and they'll just be picking their skin until they're bleeding. AHHHH.:ohdear:

05-23-2016, 03:55 PM

If the point your trying to make is that important, it will still be relevant 6 seconds later when I'm done with my thought.

I'm not completely innocent of this, but I really try not to.

05-24-2016, 01:16 AM
I work with a girl who runs her entire hand upwards over her nose and sniffs to clear her nostrils. It happens every day and it's absolutely revolting.

05-24-2016, 09:27 AM
I really find it annoying when people are in a hurry just for the sake of being in a hurry.
Whenever I walk at normal comfortable speed (everone has a natural walking rhythm that has to do with periodic motion of the legs as a function of gravity etc) someone always ends up walking right behind me in a stressful and demanding manner and trying to get past me.
And if I stand in queue at a supermarket or something people in every queue will always stand and look annoyed, because oh crap, they have to stand still for a moment.
Personally I just check out the shelves or whatever that's close to me, and see if I happen to spot something that I might wanna buy next time.
This also makes the waiting time feel much shorter, because I zone out a little and think of other things than the goddamn queue.
Same thing in traffic as well - if I take longer than 4-5 seconds to cross a zebra crossing some people will either honk the horn, or accelerate very quickly to show how irritated they are.
Wow, yeah I took one second too long to cross the road, that's so horrible.

People seriously need to learn to relax, not everything has to be accomplished at turbo speed.

Night Fury
05-24-2016, 09:36 AM
Can I just add one?

I don't want to burst the brimming can of worms of things that annoy me - but I absolutely can't stand it if I'm standing in a queue and the person behind me gets right up my ass practically breathing down my damn neck.... So I take a step forward so they're out of my personal freaking space - so THEY THEN FOLLOW AND GET RIGHT BACK IN MY GRILL AGAIN.


05-24-2016, 12:49 PM

06-15-2016, 02:37 PM
People digging their nose and ate whatever they found in it. :(

06-27-2016, 07:36 AM
Public smoking piss me off when I can't get away from it. Worse example was outside the Sprint Center back in 2010 when some asshole decided they couldn't wait until they were home to light one up and the smoke drifted right back to me and you can only hold your damn breath for so long.