View Full Version : Are you good at Tetris?

07-21-2016, 05:02 PM
This is probably the most popular puzzle game out there. Are you good at it, or do you stink at it like I do?

07-21-2016, 05:03 PM
I often top the leaderboard on every planeride I take :smug:

07-21-2016, 07:04 PM
Me and Pheesh need to have a Tetris-off. I reckon I could take any of you.

07-21-2016, 07:59 PM
The question now is...

Who among us can play INVISIBLE Tetris?


Lyndis Highwind
07-21-2016, 09:04 PM
Oddly enough, I've never played it. I'm good at it in real life though.

07-21-2016, 10:52 PM
I don't really ever play but, I can sometimes do okay when I do play!

Night Fury
07-21-2016, 11:00 PM
I am shit at it.

07-21-2016, 11:44 PM
No, I don't really play this but when I do I often give up.

Del Murder
07-22-2016, 06:31 PM
I guess. Never really tested my skills except against my family growing up and I would usually win.

07-22-2016, 11:19 PM
Sometimes. If I have important work to be doing, then yes I am excellent at Tetris and will have to hone my skills at Tetris whilst neglecting the important work. If I have literally nothing else to do but play Tetris then I am awful and last about three minutes before giving up.

08-12-2016, 08:25 PM
Sometimes. I'm a really random player when it comes to winning and losing. XD