View Full Version : Chocobo Help

Lyndis Highwind
07-19-2016, 01:22 AM
So I wanted to do the Chocobo Breeding sidequest, but I don't really know where to start. Do you guys have any tips on how to do this sidequest?

07-19-2016, 01:38 AM
Do you want the entertaining method or do you just want an Ocean Chocobo without any "fun"?

07-19-2016, 03:26 AM
First buy four stables for starters. If you need money try selling an "all" materia.

Catch chocobos from Midel or gold saucer areas. When you have a male and female from those tracks you need to put them in your stables.

Next you will need to steal a carob nut from Vlakorados near bone village in the green areas not the forests. Better still two or more. You need three altogether.

Next you are ready to breed. You can raise your chances of getting a blue or green chocobo from racing but its not necessary. All you have to do is save, mate the two with a carob nut and if you don't get a rare bird reset and repeat.

One you get a green and blue chocobo of opposite sex its time to mate them. Save in case you don't get the results right. Use another carob nut and you should get a black chocobo.

From there catch a chocobo from the icicle inn area and you should get a wonderful chocobo. mate a wonderful and a black chocobo with a zeio nut and you should get a gold. Zeio nuts can be found on goblin island on the east most part of the map.

Lyndis Highwind
07-19-2016, 06:04 PM
Do you want the entertaining method or do you just want an Ocean Chocobo without any "fun"?

The latter. I'd prefer to do it as quickly as possible.

07-19-2016, 10:42 PM
Saber has outlined it nicely there. The main problem with chocobo breeding (I've found) is money. So yeah, a Mastered All material sells for 1.4M Gil. A couple of them sold will be all the greens you need for breeding then racing. I'm sure there are plenty of quick methods of getting Gold though.

07-20-2016, 09:48 PM
If you want to get a Chocobo super-fast then you could make use of a really simple exploit. If you wanted to. If you wanted to do it the legit way then read up on it here (http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/answers/431479-how-do-you-breed-a-gold-chocobo). I wrote this not too long ago, and it's a nice and simple method to (legitimitely) getting yourself a Gold Chocobo. If you wanted to exploit the broken RNG mechanics however, saving you from having to take part in a single Chocobo race then here's how (taken from my walkthrough (http://www.neoseeker.com/final-fantasy-vii/faqs/1733035-dynamixdj.html)):

Note - The following expects you to grasp the basics of Chocobo Breeding, so either follow the GFaq link above, or use my walkthrough and search {Chocobo Breeding}

1.) With a Great and Wonderful Chocobo in your pen, save your game and
perform a hard reset. The RNG should now be at 000.

2.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be
at 002.

3.) Move your Great Chocobo. This should be a Female. The RNG should now be
at 003.

4.) Move your Wonderful Chocobo. This should be a Male. Now save your game
and perform a hard reset. The RNG should now be at 000.

5.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be
at 002. Feed one Krakka Green to a Chocobo. The RNG should now be at 003.

6.) Mate the Great and Wonderful Chocobos (selecting Great first). You
should get a Blue Female.

7.) Now fight in 6 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

8.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be
at 002. Feed 50 Krakka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 052.

9.) Mate the Great and Wonderful Chocobos. You should get a Green Male.

10.) Now fight in 8 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

11.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now
be at 002. Feed 5 Krakka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 007.

12.) Mate the Green and Blue Chocobos using a Saraha Nut (it doesn't matter
which one you pick first). You should get a Black Female.

13.) Now fight 3 random battles, then save and perform a hard reset.

14.) Run into the stables without hanging about outside, the RNG should now be
at 002. Feed 6 Karaka Greens to a Chocobo to bring the RNG to 008.

15.) Mate the Black and Wonderful Chocobo using a Zeio Nut (you need to
select the Black Chocobo first). You should get a Gold Female.