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View Full Version : What's one game someone forced you to play and loved?

09-06-2016, 11:33 PM
Like the title suggests, what is one game you were not very excited about and ended up loving it?

Mr. Carnelian
09-06-2016, 11:41 PM
Final Fantasy X, my first FF game. I wasn't interested, but Formy forced me to give it a go. X definitely isn't my favourite game, but it was more than engaging enough to get me into the series.

Lyndis Highwind
09-07-2016, 12:04 AM
Fire Emblem 7. My sister told me to play it. She said I would really like it, and she was right. It's my favorite game of all time. :)

Xenoblade is getting to be like that too. My brother really wanted me to play it, and I'm really liking it so far.

09-07-2016, 12:12 AM
holy shit Dragon Age I mostly only played it so I could talk about it with Mister Adequate (who was playing through at the time) and now I'm obsessed and it's like an all time fave lmao

09-07-2016, 01:49 AM
FF6. i was mildly interested but never thought itd hold my interest ahd leave me hungering for more. I'm still hungry after FF1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13-2 and LR.


Wolf Kanno
09-07-2016, 03:56 AM
Secret of Mana and FFVI are the big ones but smaller ones I enjoyed were Suikoden, Threads of Fate, and Batman: Arkhum Asylum.

09-07-2016, 06:17 AM
Baldur's Gate. I made my wife play FFVII on condition that I play Baldur's Gate. It was a rough transition for the both of us, but after that we both loved our respective games.

Big D
09-07-2016, 07:02 AM
Uncharted 4. I'd been indifferent to the series, never doing more than dabbling in the occasional demo for the earlier titles. Then a friend loaned me his copy of 'A Thief's End', raving about its gameplay and design.

I was hooked pretty early on - the fantastic action, the visual spectacle and the believable, banter-tastic characters all really worked for me.

I'm now planning to pick up 'The Nathan Drake Collection' in due course so I can enjoy the earlier stories.

09-07-2016, 10:12 PM
Dragon Quest V
The Walking Dead
Skies of Arcadia

Loony BoB
09-09-2016, 11:53 AM
Dwarf Fortress, by a long shot, tops this list. UFO: Enemy Unknown is up there. I'm not sure how many others though as it's pretty rare I have to get pulled into trying a good game. Halo 3 was great fun for a while, I can't remember if I was dragged into that one or not.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
09-09-2016, 06:43 PM
The original Halo. At the time I hadn't really dipped my toes into the shooter genre with the exception of GoldenEye 007 on the N64.

I was going to pass on it until I watched someone play it, then I couldn't help but want a turn and give it a shot. I was hooked. 15 or however many years later it is now I've played almost every single Halo game and I look forward to whatever comes next.

Every once in a while I still get online and play Halo multiplayer on PC. The community that's left is small but dedicated.

09-10-2016, 02:01 AM
I had to force myself to play Dark Souls for about 10 hours before I started feeling any enjoyment at all and now I strongly feel that the series is the best thing to happen to modern video games.

Del Murder
09-10-2016, 04:45 AM
Final Fantasy XI. Played it to hang out with my girlfriend and then it took over my life for three years.

09-10-2016, 05:07 AM
I had to force myself to play Dark Souls for about 10 hours before I started feeling any enjoyment at all and now I strongly feel that the series is the best thing to happen to modern video games.Actually, I had basically the same experience. I had to force myself to play it after putting it off forever, but once I finally got into it, it was immensely rewarding.