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View Full Version : Dude! I should have upgraded my TV a long time ago!

12-06-2016, 08:58 PM
I, being the stingy Scrooge that I am, have been using the same TV that we basically had back in the 90's. I.E. A really cheap CRT. Anytime I thought of upgrading a quick look at new tv prices would make me turn back.

However, I got hooked on the Trails series back when Trails in the Sky first got on Steam. That said I had none of the per-requisite consoles to continue on to Trails of Cold Steel. Being scroogy I didn't want to buy an expensive console for one series. And I didn't feel like doubling down on portable game consoles(plus I don't like portable game consoles much period). Well over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday dealeo I found a PSTV for 40 and a controller for about the same(damn I did not miss buying controllers). I muttered and muttered but figured I would count that and the Trails of Cold Steel games as my Christmas gift. So I get everything hooked up and realize. I can't read the screen. I mean seriously I didn't remember it being this hard to read the text on the screen back with my PS1 games.

So of course I can't play a text heavy game if I can't read the text~! So I finally broke down and bought a new TV. I kept looking for a small and cheap one, but apparently those things don't exist anymore. I needed a small one because my old 15 inch(more like 19 if you count the whole box and not just the screen) barely fit in the space available. Eventually I ended up buying an approximately 100 dollar 22 inch. Had trouble finding any cheaper and smaller. Found a number of 15 inches that were like 50 bucks more, but bleah.

The difference is a bit more profound than I was expecting. I not only can read the text, but there is TEXTURE on the notebook pages! That said it is a really tight fit.

Before(I did warn you that it was a cheap CRT)-


So uhmm. . . Maybe I should be such a scrooge if this is the what everyone else has been looking at for the past 10 or 15 years.

12-06-2016, 09:06 PM
Yeah the jump from CRT/SD to HD is really quite significant. I never really put much stock into it until I got an XBOX 360, several years back now, and was playing Resonance of Fate and realised it looked nothing like in the screenshots.

Shortly thereafter I picked up a HD TV and a HDMI cable, and the difference blew me away.