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View Full Version : Weird combos that work

01-31-2017, 07:13 AM
Do you ever try food that sounds really weird on paper but then when you actually try it, it's amazing?

It's happened to me on several occasions, but I think the most rewarding experiment out of all of them were chocolate muffins with blue cheese. It sounds weird - I like both chocolate and blue cheese but in wildly different contexts - so I really couldn't believe this could work until I made them. Now I make them on the regular!

01-31-2017, 12:58 PM
Turkey and cranberry!

Person: "Do you want some jam with your meat?"
Me: "I'm sorry... what?"

01-31-2017, 06:45 PM
Cooking chicken in peanut butter. :> Just make sure to season it properly!

Lyndis Highwind
01-31-2017, 07:45 PM
Apples and cheddar cheese! Although I don't think it's that uncommon since I've seen recipes for apple and cheese pie.

01-31-2017, 07:48 PM
Well, I could talk about how Mr. Carny likes to dip his biscuits in cola. But no, nothing so weird. I do know a guy who swears on stuffing marshmallow into a Marmite toastie, though.

Vincent, Thunder God
02-01-2017, 03:33 AM
I've started putting hummus on my sunnyside-up eggs. It doesn't look very pretty but it's tasty.

02-02-2017, 05:26 PM

Mr. Carnelian
02-05-2017, 02:16 AM
Well, I could talk about how Mr. Carny likes to dip his biscuits in cola.

That is a thing I do, but it's not weird. :shifty:

Salted fries with chocolate sauce and soy sauce. Sweet and salty yumminess.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-11-2017, 07:05 PM
Well, I could talk about how Mr. Carny likes to dip his biscuits in cola.

That is a thing I do, but it's not weird. :shifty:

Salted fries with chocolate sauce and soy sauce. Sweet and salty yumminess.

Nothing posted was weird until I saw this...what the...

03-24-2017, 02:17 AM
having pan friend onion + egg + MINCED CARROT

surprise it's not terrible

Squall Leonhart Loire
03-24-2017, 02:32 AM
Sprite(or any carbonated soda) + Milk