View Full Version : What do you think is the most annoying segment of any FF game?

02-20-2017, 10:38 PM
I was talking to a friend today about Final Fantasy VI (which is their favorite) and then we both got to talking about how much we hate Zozo :mad2: it has my vote for the most annoying segment in the series.

What about you guys? Which part of FF do you dread replaying?

02-20-2017, 10:50 PM
The part where Seymour opens his mouth to talk. Or just exists in general.

02-20-2017, 11:18 PM
How about that smurfing glacier section of VII? Sometimes it's tolerable but 75% of the time it sucks. Or maybe invading Galbadia garden in VIII where you have to go on that stupid card key hunt. Fossil Roo in IX is a section I hate passionately, even though I instinctively don't want to say anything bad about IX at all.

02-20-2017, 11:31 PM
I can agree with Zozo. It wouldn't be as bad if it was a few toughs on the street as you walk and a boss. Also I'm not annoyed at the fact they all lie to you for the puzzle to get the chain saw. It's the random encounters in the town that just drags the place down. That and no place to stock up supplies. Unless someone pulls something else out I have forgotten about in the series I may say Zozo, or FFXIII in general.

Lyndis Highwind
02-21-2017, 05:36 AM
Agreed. I did not like Zozo. Also, the last part VI was pretty miserable for me. It was sooo hard!

02-21-2017, 06:01 AM
Chapter 13 of Final Fantasy XV. Pretty much all of it.

02-21-2017, 06:32 AM
Ditto on Zozo. Some of the Laguna segments in VIII are pretty unbearable and the ducking Cloister of Trials.

02-21-2017, 07:00 AM
Friggin mandatory Blitzball

02-21-2017, 12:17 PM
D-District Prison in FFVIII
Kalm Flashback in FFVII (though that is solely due to the amount I replay that game)
That bit in FFI where you get into a fight every smurfing step

02-21-2017, 01:12 PM
OK, good call on D-District. I forgot about all the obnoxious backtracking through identical floors except SOME OF THEM have the shortcut blocked off because smurf you

02-21-2017, 02:17 PM
FFI - Marsh Cave with the chance of more Mindflayers
FFII - The beginning so you are even motivated to start
FFIII - World of Darkness; too hard to get through if you ask me
FFIV - Magnetic Cavern I guess, plus the bit of Babil in the DS version where you have to fight that Overkill CPU that can randomly kill you if it starts off with Laserbeams which happens almost always
After Years - No idea
FFV - The desert bit
FFVI - Split Scenario parts and Floating Continent
FFVII - Old Corel, so the Desert Prison under the Golden Saucer
Crisis Core - Abyss of Judgment
Dirge of Cerberus - Nibelheim Sewers
FFVIII - Desert Prison-Figaro Castle-Galbadia Prison Submarine Super Transformer + Running around in Esthar to sneak into the Lunatic Pandora
FFIX - Evil Forest & Ice Cavern
FFX - Mhh ... probably Bikanel or Macalania Forest or Mount Gagazet
FFX-2 - Being forced to collect the uniforms and being forced to arrange the concert
FFXII - The stupid Cave with the Plant Bosses and the Ahriman Boss
Revenant Wings - Cannot really say there was too much that was normally enjoyable for me because of the style itself; that does not mean I did hate it but I have a hard time choosing then
FFXIII - Palumpolum and Nautilus, I guess. Missed opportunities. And
FFXIII-2 - Augusta Tower, I guess
FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns - Dead Dunes Ruins
FFXV - All chapters that were ridiculously short

No 100% guarantee on some of them.

02-22-2017, 03:08 AM
Well, there's that part of FFXIII that starts right after the main menu and ends right around the beginning of the end credits. That was pretty bad I'd say.

02-22-2017, 03:26 AM
Well, there's that part of FFXIII that starts right after the main menu and ends right around the beginning of the end credits. That was pretty bad I'd say.

Man the anti-FFXIII circlejerk is strong.

02-22-2017, 04:24 AM
FF VII- Sephiroth Flashback- It wouldn't be so bad, if they included a simple skip button. But I don't think SE knew that people were going to replay the game so much. ^^;

02-22-2017, 12:04 PM
Well, there's that part of FFIX that starts right after the main menu and ends right around the beginning of the end credits. That was pretty bad I'd say.

there we go, fixed it...

i can honestly say that about IX though, because of the battle system... "woo-hoo i learned 20 skills from equipment, what the fark i can only use 3 of them?".. sorry, that's really bad design... luckily i found a Gameshark code to give me 99 Magic Stones to do away with that egregious design flaw, that makes the game far more bearable, now if i can only do something about the uselessness of Trance...

02-22-2017, 12:33 PM
I don't really like when Yuffie steals our materias in FFVII (I'm not a fan of Yuffie to begin with, so maybe that's for that).

Wolf Kanno
04-17-2017, 02:58 AM
FFI: Elfland, one giant fetch quest/chain of deals with no plot significance and it all happens when the game decides to crank up the difficulty, introduce poison status, and jack up all prices. Not a fan.

FFII: Hunting down the masks to get into Ultima Tower. Boring quest, with awful dungeons and it's ultimately just padding for the game.

FFIII: Honestly? The last stretch of the game with the triple threat dungeon (four dungeons if you do Eureka as well) and death is painful with the games limited save options.

FFIV: Tower of Babil and the Sylph cave.

FFV: Probably the Pyramid and some of the early sections of the last world. It was kind of easy to see the team was running out of ideas around then.

FFVI: Mt. Kolts and chasing down the Espers in Thamasa.

FFVII: Cosmo Canyon and pretty much everything after Disc 1.

FFVIII: Esthar and pretty much the rest of the game.

FFIX: The entire quest to find entry into Terra.

FFX: Everything between leaving Luca until you reach Zanarkand. If I had to pick one specific point, Mihen Highroad, and Operation Mi'hen

FFXI: The long hours of reading the Wiki to actually figure out how to do anything.

FFXII: The Great Crystal or the Yensa Sandsea.

FFXIII: The whole damn game.

FFXIV: Listening to my friends rave about it and how I should check it out despite my many admissions of not being big on MMO games.

FFXV: Everything before Titan, the early chapters are seriously light on plot.

FFTactics: Chapter 4, when the Lucavi plotline overtakes the actual good part of the story.

Tactics Advance: The early game when very little happens.

TA2: The Story missions in general.

Forsaken Lover
05-21-2017, 04:20 AM
FFVII, the Northern Crater Whirlwind Maze. There's that part where you have to dash through the wind and lightning and some energy thing or something? I can never get the timing right.When you get it wrong, you get knocked back and forced into an encounter.

This is no joke in hard mods. Constantly getting forced into battles before a boss is bad, bad news.

05-22-2017, 09:18 AM
FFX blitzball and the calm lands. Both annoying.

05-26-2017, 09:59 PM
Thunder Plains in Final Fantasy X. I'm terrible at dodging the lightning bolts. Never fails to get me cursing at the screen.

07-25-2017, 03:33 PM
I hate to say it, but the tutorials of every game and just how the first 30 minutes or more of an FF game seem to be visiting what's new in the game, or dumbing down the game for brand new fans to get a feel of the gameplay. Now I know I like having a heads up and practice on new aspects of the game, but sometimes its repetitive and I just like to get into the action to figure out what I'm doing.

07-26-2017, 03:32 AM
Sitting through 10 minute unskippable cutscenes before a boss battle in FFX. Also the mandatory blitzball match, smurf blitzball.

Any time I had to grind in IX, because the battle system is already ungodly slow and tedious enough without adding grinding on top of that. Also that one dungeon you weren't allowed to use any magic in.

Anything to do with Rinoa in VIII. smurf Rinoa.

Chocobo racing and breeding in VII. Enough said.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the stupid card game tournament in IX.

07-26-2017, 07:36 AM
I fear the Great Crystal in Final Fantasy XII.

07-26-2017, 09:08 PM
Of the games I've played a lot/know well:

VII: Fucking Kalm flashback. No, I know it's not an original answer, but it's an hour of the game coming to a screeching halt and just being STUCK. The flashback is boring as fuck. It's the worst, dude.

VIII: Literally all of it. Worst game I've ever played. And I played Shadow of the Colossus.

IX: Love this game though I do, Dali is fucking dire and it takes way too long. Honestly, really, the first disc up until you leave Lindblum is a huge slog.

X: Luca. JESUS it's just boring, ugly, and forcing you to play Blitzball is a cardinal sin. It's amazing how much better the game gets after Luca. Also the Calm Lands. Basically my exact same criticism for Luca, minus the Blitzball.

XIV: Titan storyline/Company of Heroes. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

07-26-2017, 10:24 PM
Cloister of Trials in FFX was bad. I hated them and their irritating music only made me more annoyed.

Also the infamous Chapter 13 in FFXV. Apparently they patched it to make it less of a godawful terrible troutshow, but you only get one chance to make a first impression.

07-27-2017, 01:41 AM
Of the games I've played a lot/know well:

VII: smurfing Kalm flashback. No, I know it's not an original answer, but it's an hour of the game coming to a screeching halt and just being STUCK. The flashback is boring as smurf. It's the worst, dude.

VIII: Literally all of it. Worst game I've ever played. And I played Shadow of the Colossus.

IX: Love this game though I do, Dali is smurfing dire and it takes way too long. Honestly, really, the first disc up until you leave Lindblum is a huge slog.

X: Luca. JESUS it's just boring, ugly, and forcing you to play Blitzball is a cardinal sin. It's amazing how much better the game gets after Luca. Also the Calm Lands. Basically my exact same criticism for Luca, minus the Blitzball.

XIV: Titan storyline/Company of Heroes. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

That's the first time I've seen any negativity towards Shadow of the Colossus.

07-27-2017, 11:09 AM
Definatly the sandsea in ffxii. Its boring as hell. This is annoying because everytime ive tried to play the game again I always give up around here. A big blight on a great game.

07-27-2017, 02:10 PM
Definatly the sandsea in ffxii. Its boring as hell. This is annoying because everytime ive tried to play the game again I always give up around here. A big blight on a great game.

That's around the point where I dropped the game too. I'm pretty sure I was extremely underleveled by that point, hence I was getting my shit wrecked by all the tomato plant monsters, which meant I had to skip almost every fight in the entire area. Then the giant bird boss battle at the end proved to be unwinnable without first completing a sidequest all the way back at the beginning of the area, and there was no way I was backtracking through all that shit all over again.