View Full Version : [KH] So Olympus Coliseum has been confirmed for this game, so...

02-28-2017, 08:38 AM
... which FF hero do you think Hades will hire to off Hercules this time? I'm betting on Lightning. She's done friggin' Luis Vuitton - she CAN'T not appear in KH. Another option I think is maybe Noctis, but honestly, I doubt it, considering how high Lightning's odds are.

02-28-2017, 04:01 PM
If they're sticking with FF heroes - and even sticking with the 'Hades summoning a lackey again' plot, then yeah, Lightning is a pretty good shout.

I can even foresee a cutscene whereby Lightning shows Sora how cool changing weapons can be. "Hey Sora, my gunblade can turn from a sword into a gun and back again!"

"Yeah, my keyblade can turn into a dual pistols, a cannon, a shield"

02-28-2017, 04:09 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if, since it's been confirmed that the other form of the Keyblade depends on the specific Keyblade, if she gave him one that transforms into a gun.

02-28-2017, 04:10 PM
Yeah, no way on earth is she not appearing in that game and she's the most obvious suspect for this. I agree that Noctis is the dark horse.

02-28-2017, 04:29 PM
It doesn't necessarily have to be the main character, mind. Auron wasn't the main character of FFX, yet he appeared. Heck, Sazh's weapons transform from dual pistol into a hunting rifle, so I wouldn't rule him out.

I still agree that the best best is for Lightning's return.

03-01-2017, 05:34 PM
Lightning is the logical conclusion here, being the female Cloud and everything.

Darth Ganon
05-23-2017, 03:46 AM
With his track record of control and manipulation Hades would fit the part of a "fal'Cie" perfectly. Making it Lightning's Focus to defeat Hercules and Sora.

05-23-2017, 06:21 AM
With his track record of control and manipulation Hades would fit the part of a "fal'Cie" perfectly. Making it Lightning's Focus to defeat Hercules and Sora.

I just had a mental image. The scene in FFXIII where Barthandelus is revealed.

"I am fal'Cie. My name is...HADES, lord of the dead, hi, how you doin'?"

Glorious. 10/10. Would play XIII again.