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View Full Version : FFVII Remake: Random Battles?

06-24-2017, 10:01 PM
Do you think that the Final Fantasy VII Remake will have random battles? I just can't imagine walking around the world map (if there is one) and spotting random motorcycle enemies roaming around the outskirts of Midgar, or houses with rockets chasing you around the slums xD I wouldn't even be surprised if enemies like this were completely removed from the game because they didn't really make sense, did they? I know FF has a lot of odd enemies but these take the biscuit.

06-24-2017, 10:04 PM
Do you think that the Final Fantasy VII Remake will have random battles? I just can't imagine walking around the world map (if there is one) and spotting random motorcycle enemies roaming around the outskirts of Midgar, or houses with rockets chasing you around the slums xD I wouldn't even be surprised if enemies like this were completely removed from the game because they didn't really make sense, did they? I know FF has a lot of odd enemies but these take the biscuit.

I will be bitterly disappointed if the 'Hell House' enemy isn't included in the game. My first reaction when meeting that enemy is 'just what the smurf is that!'

06-24-2017, 10:09 PM
My Moogle Hug meant to say "I loved it too" but my thumb slipped xD

I'm rubbish at remembering what enemies are called but I'm intrigued to see how they're implemented.

06-24-2017, 10:54 PM
I can imagine it being like in Lightning Returns where sometimes enemies already where visible and sometimes they just spawned. So random like that, yes - complete Battle Dimension, no. I mean, in Lightning Returns there was a battle dimension, but I can imagine the remake enemies to spawn and you can straight attack and fight them without such a dimension.

06-24-2017, 11:50 PM
That would make sense, actually. I never bothered to play Lightning Returns so I wasn't aware it had a system like that in place.

06-25-2017, 02:08 AM
Do you think that the Final Fantasy VII Remake will have random battles? I just can't imagine walking around the world map (if there is one) and spotting random motorcycle enemies roaming around the outskirts of Midgar, or houses with rockets chasing you around the slums xD I wouldn't even be surprised if enemies like this were completely removed from the game because they didn't really make sense, did they? I know FF has a lot of odd enemies but these take the biscuit.

I will be bitterly disappointed if the 'Hell House' enemy isn't included in the game. My first reaction when meeting that enemy is 'just what the smurf is that!'

This is actually what I'm afraid of, and I'm almost 90% sure they're going to do this.

I feel like FF7R is going to take the "realistic" approach that FFXV had to its enemies. You're not going to see any of the ridiculous enemies or designs from the original FFVII; instead they're going to take a more grounded approach to their appearances.

Which means the game will have less fantasy-looking enemies...which means the game will be worse off for it.

06-25-2017, 04:30 AM
I still cannot believe that people think just because FFXV has a more realistic look the enemies are pretty realistic. They may look "more realistic" fitting the environment but by the end of the day they are still totally unrealistic running cactus monsters, flying fireball monsters and green tentacles swamp dwellers and puddings and crap. There is no problem with Hellhouses and others to appear, just fitting the PS4 remake style, instead of PS1 models. Wall Market is way more problematic because the cartoony style gives a totally different impression and we know that it is included nevertheless.

Darth Ganon
06-25-2017, 05:59 AM
I still cannot believe that people think just because FFXV has a more realistic look the enemies are pretty realistic. They may look "more realistic" fitting the environment but by the end of the day they are still totally unrealistic running cactus monsters, flying fireball monsters and green tentacles swamp dwellers and puddings and crap. There is no problem with Hellhouses and others to appear, just fitting the PS4 remake style, instead of PS1 models. Wall Market is way more problematic because the cartoony style gives a totally different impression and we know that it is included nevertheless.

Those are all Final Fantasy staples, though. There was a lot of whacked out stuff in FFVII that wasn't seen before or since.

06-25-2017, 11:15 AM
I want to see how the swinging axe guys from the Shin-Ra mansion are implemented, too!

06-25-2017, 11:36 AM
I still cannot believe that people think just because FFXV has a more realistic look the enemies are pretty realistic. They may look "more realistic" fitting the environment but by the end of the day they are still totally unrealistic running cactus monsters, flying fireball monsters and green tentacles swamp dwellers and puddings and crap. There is no problem with Hellhouses and others to appear, just fitting the PS4 remake style, instead of PS1 models. Wall Market is way more problematic because the cartoony style gives a totally different impression and we know that it is included nevertheless.

The enemies are pretty realistic, visually speaking. Just look at them. They're all really dull looking, grey-brown colours. Even the grenades (the fireball monsters) are darker blue. Nothing in the game is visually unique or uses vibrant colors, which doesn't inspire much confidence for future games in the series to be less realism-based.

06-25-2017, 12:20 PM
I still cannot believe that people think just because FFXV has a more realistic look the enemies are pretty realistic. They may look "more realistic" fitting the environment but by the end of the day they are still totally unrealistic running cactus monsters, flying fireball monsters and green tentacles swamp dwellers and puddings and crap. There is no problem with Hellhouses and others to appear, just fitting the PS4 remake style, instead of PS1 models. Wall Market is way more problematic because the cartoony style gives a totally different impression and we know that it is included nevertheless.

The enemies are pretty realistic, visually speaking. Just look at them. They're all really dull looking, grey-brown colours. Even the grenades (the fireball monsters) are darker blue. Nothing in the game is visually unique or uses vibrant colors, which doesn't inspire much confidence for future games in the series to be less realism-based.

They do not use any magical rainbow colours but non of them except for enemies like snakes and stuff looks realistic, it is just that. When the monsters where spoken about in a trailer they said they made them look like and gave them an environment where you would expect them to realistically live and while it is true that you can see enemies living in area x there is still no way to actually see a giant fireball because no matter the colour, the design automatically rules out the possibility. Before you mentioned it I have already very well acknowledged that they tried to make it look fitting the environment, thus also the colours and all. But you will not see me saying with the colour choice I can believe that floating fireballs come down some stairs or that flans and nagas wait in my sewers below. The monsters still do not look like they could be real for the very reason that their appearance is just over the top different from our animals in wildlife, no matter the colours. Hence only stuff like those who just look like some normal animal mutation really are imaginable to some extent. An appearance matching the environment does not really qualify for me to be enough to look truly realistic. As said, they "match their world" but that's really it. Not more, thus not enough.

And what even is the problem for enemies to appear in VII, just with a bit of a different colouring. We already have seen Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core bringing in old monsters PS2/PSP style. It looked "more realistic graphics-wise" and still they were included. We would have to skip half of the bosses and monsters. And that will not happen. What people also seem to forget: a) The trailers were about Midgar. Midgar is a dark and dirty place where only the neon light signs are truly colorful. The rest of the world looks different. And even then people should not complain too much, because b) the world of Final Fantasy actually even on PS1 is already shown to have been heavily influenced by being abused with the whole energy consumption thing and all. So I very much expect a lot of dark colours and dying places simply because Final Fantasy VII always was that. People just tend to forget that because of the 1, 2 cartoony elements that are included. Yes, they are there. They are not all of it though.

Those are all Final Fantasy staples, though. There was a lot of whacked out stuff in FFVII that wasn't seen before or since.

Being a staple does not change that they are included but they look as ridiculous and impossible to exist as walking houses or matroschka barrels with eyes or other stuff. And it is Final Fantasy VII, so why do you think your second sentence would be a problem for the remake? They have a bunch of people working for the monster monsters and their behaviour. Of course they look up the old monsters in the original. But I will surely not cry when I realize that 1 out of gazillion monsters is missing. I will say "damnit, that was in the original and is not there now" and then continue to play for another 1000 hours.

And I am sorry but stuff like the Hellhouse can easily be pulled off in the remake. Also with a very cool look. I believe a mechanical house to exist after being created by some organization 100% more than running skeletons in FFXV, etc. And we know that undeads are also in VII. They would have to reduce the monster palette to 10% and this will not happen. They are out enemies then.