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View Full Version : That Discord Thing

08-04-2017, 05:11 PM
Speaking to Freya about how Dat Matt is a country music star has reminded me that Discord has a voice chat function. Well, I say reminded. I was reminded that we have never done a single thing with the voice chat function.

We should do something! I dunno if we want to get some game nights on, or just have a few chill evenings where we all hang out in voice chat, or... I dunno. There are plenty of things to do.

What say you, members of EoFF? Any ideas of fun things we can all get together and do utilising that Discord server?

08-04-2017, 05:42 PM
That requires me actually speaking to you weirdos

Maybe like once a month we can plan something. Maybe play some game together or something

08-04-2017, 05:59 PM
I've had a few ideas regarding that. We could probably have a bi-weekly or monthly Mario Kart night or something. Maybe even Mario Party with the netplay feature!

08-04-2017, 05:59 PM
It's gonna have to be one of those days when I'm at home and wife is at work because it's embarrassing.

08-04-2017, 07:44 PM
I've had a few ideas regarding that. We could probably have a bi-weekly or monthly Mario Kart night or something. Maybe even Mario Party with the netplay feature!

But I don't have any of that

08-04-2017, 07:56 PM
Discord chat? I thought it was called Disconnected. Reconnected. Disconnected. Reconnected.

08-04-2017, 08:06 PM
I've had a few ideas regarding that. We could probably have a bi-weekly or monthly Mario Kart night or something. Maybe even Mario Party with the netplay feature!

But I don't have any of that

If you have a computer, you can. :P

08-04-2017, 08:12 PM
You can play mario kart on non nintendo things? :O?

08-04-2017, 09:44 PM
I can't even get on Discord, hence why I'm never in chat. I have a shitty Microsoft phone which doesn't support the app & I don't have a computer, either.

08-04-2017, 09:45 PM
:( poor moog

08-04-2017, 09:59 PM
We could all play Munchkin?

I can't see it being more confusing over voice chat than it was in real life.

08-04-2017, 10:00 PM
tbf Bubba you were incredibly drunk and tried for all of three seconds to play

But yeah, we can do online board/table top games and stuff!

08-04-2017, 10:06 PM
I seem to remember abandoning the game on my first night at your house. Sorry about that... We had a good three hour game the next day though!

08-04-2017, 10:08 PM
Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that one. xD

08-04-2017, 10:08 PM
So we're talking weekend for this, yes?

I'm sure we can sort timescales out for Yank/UK/Europe :D

08-04-2017, 10:09 PM
Yeah, it would be a weekend thing.

Chibi Youkai
08-05-2017, 02:06 PM
Maybe a team trivia night? Randomly throw people in a group and make them figure stuff out? Could be entertaining, if nothing else.

12-02-2022, 02:53 PM
We could talk about who we should unban and see if they ever return to post. :bigsmile:

Or who has the greatest functional wee wee.

12-02-2022, 04:54 PM
Is there a chance the greatest is unfunctional?

Mr Gashtacular
12-02-2022, 09:43 PM
function is not relevant only the greatest is important

12-13-2022, 08:24 AM
Does yours have any of those qualities? :bigsmile:

Mr Gashtacular
12-13-2022, 07:21 PM