View Full Version : So Why Did Cid put Squall in Charge?

Depression Moon
08-07-2017, 05:44 AM
So I'm playing this again because of the 30th anniversary and I just got to the point where Cid made Squall in charge of the battle with the Sorceress and I wonder why did he throw that unto him? Squall is a rookie SeeD. He has had literally one mission assigned to him. I would think it would go to Cid himself or whoever's been a SeeD for multiple years. It seems like a dumb decision.

Darth Ganon
08-07-2017, 06:39 AM

Wolf Kanno
08-07-2017, 07:38 AM
Largely because he's the main character, but I think he does actually explain later in an apology that he didn't have the heart to fight his wife and chose someone who knew Edea, but wouldn't pull any punches. Granted, it's been years since I last played and my memory could be a bit fuzzy.

Depression Moon
08-07-2017, 03:58 PM
Squall didn't even remember her at that point though.

Also, I was wondering in the musical part of the game where Rinoa and Squall go on a date, does the dialogue change depend on what instruments you assign? I always get the text where Rinoa says she likes this song, but they're playing terribly right now, but I did google to see what the correct instruments are for which character and I still got that.

Forsaken Lover
08-07-2017, 05:43 PM
I always assumed Edea told him about meeting Future Squall so Cid ha Future Knowledge and knows it is literally Squall's destiny to fight the Sorceress and stuff.

Wolf Kanno
08-07-2017, 06:07 PM
Squall didn't even remember her at that point though.

Also, I was wondering in the musical part of the game where Rinoa and Squall go on a date, does the dialogue change depend on what instruments you assign? I always get the text where Rinoa says she likes this song, but they're playing terribly right now, but I did google to see what the correct instruments are for which character and I still got that.

Cid does this explanation either before the Battle of the Gardens or after it. I simply remember it happens long after you know the full plot by this point.

As for the concert, it does change.

If you play the Irish Jig version of FFV's Town Theme, you get the best conversation where Squall promises to be better with the other team members. If it's Eyes on Me, Rinoa complains and the two have an argument. If it's a mix of both songs, it's hard to understand and Rinoa says the band is awful and gets in a fight with Squall. It actually doesn't matter who plays what, as long as you have all four instruments needed to play one of the two complete songs.

08-07-2017, 08:39 PM
That makes SO much more sense now that I've played FFV. What a weird Easter Egg. Anyway as for the forum topic, I thought it had something to do with Squall and time travel, but I remember very little of anything past the Rajin and Fujin fight

08-07-2017, 09:20 PM
I always assumed Edea told him about meeting Future Squall so Cid ha Future Knowledge and knows it is literally Squall's destiny to fight the Sorceress and stuff.

This basically.

Also Edea would've known that the person who saves them in the future is a Gunblade wielder hence why Cid is so excited whenever there's a Gunblade expert. Cid says that Gunblades are hard to wield, so not only seeing somebody be good at the weapon is a amazing, but a expert ?!! Got to be the future hero.

And Seifer is later mind controlled to join Ulti in her command.

08-15-2017, 02:31 PM
Why is everyone in this game so dumb?

Lone Wolf Leonhart
08-18-2017, 01:37 AM
Cid says that Gunblades are hard to wield, so not only seeing somebody be good at the weapon is a amazing, but a expert ?!!

I love the gunblade, but I never did understand why it was so crazy hard for people to use.

It's basically a sword, but like, it vibrates when you squeeze the trigger? Is it hard to hold it or something?

08-18-2017, 03:28 AM
Cid says that Gunblades are hard to wield, so not only seeing somebody be good at the weapon is a amazing, but a expert ?!!

I love the gunblade, but I never did understand why it was so crazy hard for people to use.

It's basically a sword, but like, it vibrates when you squeeze the trigger? Is it hard to hold it or something?

Same. Guess because it's 2 weapons in 1.