View Full Version : FFVIII Voice Actors

10-09-2017, 05:47 PM
If FFVIII ever got a remake/sequel/movie or whatever, with voice actors, what would you picture each character to sound like?

Squall - A bit like a more depressed/emo version of Noctis
Rinoa - I picture her to be British for some reason
Zell - A bit like a more aggressive and manlier Prompto
Quistis - Well spoken, probably like the scientist woman from dirge of cerberus
Selphie - A bit like Rikku
Irvine - Hardest one to call. Maybe a bit redneck sounding like Cid VII, but at the same time, much younger sounding?

Then some of the others:

Seifer - A bit like a less exaggerated Seymour
Edea - Just as you'd expect her to sound, well mannered, calm, but sinister (during the time she's possessed), but drop the sinister when she becomes good again
Laguna - Like a more mature Tidus. Deeper voice, but similar naiive delivery
Kiros - Balthier-esque? But maybe not as exaggerated
Ward - (when he talks) Probably like that fat guy from X-2, one of Lebanc's bodyguards. But a more dignified version of him
Cid - Robin Williams-esque. It would have to be done.

10-09-2017, 06:51 PM
Squall and Laguna actually already have voice actors! They're pretty spot-on

10-09-2017, 09:02 PM
Squall and Laguna actually already have voice actors! They're pretty spot-on

On what? Dissidia or something? (I haven't played it)

07-29-2019, 12:25 AM
Kingdom hearts