View Full Version : Rogue Galaxy

10-27-2017, 04:40 AM
So, I was trying to think of my favorite RPG battle systems and this title popped into my head. It's a pretty spiffy space-adventure from what I remember, but, despite owning it for ever, I've never finished it -- not because it wasn't fun, but because of the sheer amount of side content I always get distracted by. X _X Anyone else remember this game? Thoughts, opinions?

Depression Moon
10-29-2017, 05:37 PM
Never got to play this. I will someday.

10-31-2017, 06:55 AM
I think it might be in the PS4 shop, if you ever find you have the spare time and don't have horrible gamer ADD like me.

11-01-2017, 01:42 PM
I've always been interested in this game but never got around acquiring it. My girlfriend got it on PS4 though and that made me more interested. But its tied to her account and I had other games going on at the time. She said she had it when she was younger but never beat it for being to difficult. Not sure if that was actual difficult or just complicated. She never beat it this time either

11-06-2017, 09:56 PM
i enjoyed it but it suffered from the ff13 dungeon design issue of 'here's a tunnel get going'

edit: to say more; I finished it all the way through and it was great. it helped me thru some weird life moments as well. very tropy anime adventure but also very fun and imaginative. felt a lot like chrono trigger to me without as many plot twists.
great music too

11-28-2017, 12:21 AM
Doomed by sidling. Also, my PS2 had an anneurism so I need to buy a new one. I probably shouldn't be so determined to collect all the seven-star swords until I've at least completed the game once.

11-28-2017, 04:50 AM
< .<

Is that better or worse than collecting all the bugs the first time through?

12-04-2017, 04:30 PM