View Full Version : songs that strike fear in the hearts of all

10-27-2017, 11:30 AM
Over exaggerhttps://youtu.be/MAerlH_sozg
ted title.
I just mean songs that remind you of hellish times ingames.

for me it is MAerIH_sozg it plays only once apparatly but dorter slums is enough to make a man cry

10-27-2017, 01:20 PM

If you've ever played Dead Rising 1, I am sorry for the flashbacks I am going to give you. If you haven't, read the YouTube comments and you'll see this song is the definition of this thread.

Wolf Kanno
10-28-2017, 02:25 AM

The character theme for a villain associated with some of the game's most obnoxious boss battles. I usually know how far a new player is into the game by how much they wince when this theme plays.


The boss theme for the mostly optional Fiends, which are easily some of the nastiest fights in the game if you don't know what you are doing. Did I mention one of them appears after you use a save point,, any save point in the game?


Let me set the picture for you, you enter into Lea Monde's Undercity and as the screen loads, you hear a church bell ring in the distance jut as this theme kick in and is accompanied by the sound of children laughing, which are actually these really speedy marionette dolls that rush you in great numbers to murder you. This area is also filled with all the enemies with instant death magic, in a game with no defense against it. This is not a pleasant place.


Probably the one part of Bloodborne that is legitimately designed to be kind of freaky. Werewolves, Bloodsuckers, near total darkness and then the E.T. squad followed by something straight out of Lovecrat's own nightmares. This is the theme to that whole place.

Darth Ganon
10-28-2017, 04:30 AM

If you've ever played Dead Rising 1, I am sorry for the flashbacks I am going to give you. If you haven't, read the YouTube comments and you'll see this song is the definition of this thread.


Fortunately they usually got stuck on a lamppost somewhere and I could go wide around out of range of the gun.

10-28-2017, 08:45 AM
Indeed, although the one time they didn't would always be when Frank had a train of 8 survivors and it would just end up being a massacre. At that point it's every Frank for himself, sorry folks!

10-29-2017, 01:15 AM
WK, I see your Undercity and raise you a Snowfly Forest.


THIS IS THE SOUND OF DESCENDING INTO MADNESS. It is my least favorite "lost woods" of any game I've ever played. I have no clue how this was supposed to be beaten without a guide.