View Full Version : On the Way to a Smile will be coming to the West.

Wolf Kanno
11-21-2017, 08:33 PM
Yen Press announced they will be translating and releasing the full collection of short stories within the series (http://www.siliconera.com/2017/11/20/final-fantasy-viis-short-stories-collection-will-published-west-yen-press/). Written by Kazushige Nojima, the series of seven short stories detail the events that take place between FFVII and Advent Children. Several of the short stories were released with the Collector's Edition of Advent Children, and several more were written for AC Complete including an anime adaption of Denzel's story.

While the novellas have seen fan translations and releases before in the West, perhaps the sudden announcement of their release could be hinting to more news concerning the highly anticipated Remake of FFVII due to be released within the next two years.

11-21-2017, 08:45 PM
woo :roll2:

I mean, I read one of these in the past. It was a fan-translation. Better story than Advent Children, still dumb and unnecessary though

12-02-2017, 11:14 AM
I'll probably read them online out of morbid curiosity, but I can't say I expect them to be any good, especially since they're connected to Advent Children.

Kibbs Kibbard
02-11-2018, 03:23 PM
I'm pretty stoked about it, I'm a big reader and I would love to read the events between FF VII and AC... I kind of have already but it was all translated and I feel not all the words where correct when I read them but who knows. The only regret I have is not building a time machine and jumping into the future to snag the game and bring it back to my time. Damn the chances...

02-16-2018, 09:12 AM
They're available as audiobooks too


Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-21-2018, 12:36 AM
Did anyone happen to pick this up? It came out the day before Halloween.