View Full Version : Is "Aero" too Final Fantasy to use?

01-21-2018, 05:28 PM
As those who remember my elixir thread may know, I plan on creating an RPG, which takes inspiration from Final Fantasy in places, while still being its own thing as much as possible. The magic system will include elemental attacks, (which already borrow from Final Fantasy in that they are "Element, Element 2, Element 3"), some of which are called what they are, and some are given relevant names.

For the wind element, would you say naming them "Aero" is too Final Fantasy? I do want people to see that I got inspiration from FF, but I don't want directly copy with things that are "officially" theirs (hence why I didn't want to use elixir, because I couldn't call its counter part a "megalixir"), so is calling a wind element spell "Aero" a too officially FF thing to use?

I contemplated calling the wind spells "Gust" or "Gale", but neither of them sound right at the moment, and having a spell called "Wind" sounds stupid to me...

01-21-2018, 05:31 PM
Yes. And what's more, Gust and Gale are both much better than Aero.

01-21-2018, 06:42 PM
You should call it "Aeroth" which is more technically accurate anyway

01-21-2018, 11:00 PM
What about "Breeze"? It's a light wind, without having to mention the word wind itself. "Breeze 2" & "Breeze 3" would emphasise the more powerful bursts of wind.

Darth Ganon
01-22-2018, 02:58 AM
Flurry 1, Flurry 2, Flurry 3?

01-22-2018, 03:56 AM
You should call it "Aeroth" which is more technically accurate anyway


01-22-2018, 01:19 PM
Thank you for the suggestions, everyone. I think out of all of them, I'll go with "Flurry", I didn't even think of that, but I love it. It just looks right, to me. :)

It also occurred to me while you were all answering, do you think I should change the "Cure" spells to another word that means cure, like "Heal" or something, or can I get away with "Cure" as it's an everyday enough word?

01-22-2018, 06:19 PM
"Aid" could work for "Cure". It's one of the least common synonyms I've seen. Recover, Heal, and Cure are all pretty common, though. Wouldn't be taken as just Final Fantasy, I don't think.

Rocket Edge
01-22-2018, 09:10 PM
I don't see anything wrong with using Aero. It's not like 'Ultima' or 'Firaga'.

01-22-2018, 09:15 PM
Flurry sounds too much like a snow thing to me. I really like Breeze, Gust, Gale as a progression. Ultimately, it's your decision, but Flurry isn't going to send the message you want. A lot of people will assume it's an Ice spell.

01-24-2018, 04:06 AM
I don't see anything wrong with using Aero. It's not like 'Ultima' or 'Firaga'.

Wiki says that Aero basically means air or flight, so don't see how it should be a Final Fantasy only thing. :/

01-24-2018, 07:47 AM
I don't see anything wrong with using Aero. It's not like 'Ultima' or 'Firaga'.

Wiki says that Aero basically means air or flight, so don't see how it should be a Final Fantasy only thing. :/

Yeah I mean it's also a chocolate bar so it's definitely not just a Final Fantasy thing xD

*casts Aero*

*Thousands of Nestlé chocolate bars swirl around the enemy*

01-24-2018, 12:58 PM
I don't think it really matters since Square didn't invent the use of "Aero" but "Gust" and "Gale" are definitely better.

01-25-2018, 02:27 PM
Wind really doesn't effect anything at a low velocity like Blow or Gust or Breeze. Wind's damaging nature comes into play at significantly higher speeds wherein it usually ends up colliding with an oppositely-directed wind. Maelstrom and Tornado pretty much mean the same thing but they should be enough to suffice. You should only need one wind spell unless your wind spell is simply a non-damaging knockback attack. Then you could use something like Blow or Burst... or Gale maybe.

For Cure, it's use never made sense to me. I think of Cure as the treatment of ailments whereas Heal or Recover would mean restoration from injury.

I agree Flurry sounds like a cold attack, although I much prefer Freeze. Also for fire: Flare. For earth: Rupture. For water: Cascade

01-25-2018, 03:11 PM
I mean, even light breezes can be destructive.
...Over thousands of years.

01-25-2018, 06:46 PM
Reading all the comments so far, it looks like I'm going to go back to "Gale" for my three main wind attacks, I have taken into account that "Aero" may not be as Final Fantasy exclusive as, say, "Ultima", but I agree with the views on people who say that Gale works better, and it just feels like a good one to have the 1,2,3 system on (I like the spell name "Aero", but it never really sounded like a wind attack to me, or even looked like on in Final Fantasy VII*.)

I agree that "Flurry" sounds more like an ice attack, but I still want to use it, so maybe it could be a separate attack, be it one you use, or an enemy attack (I do have a human enemy, who specialises in ice techniques planned.) In fact, it could even be an attack that contains both wind and ice as its element.

For Cure, it's use never made sense to me. I think of Cure as the treatment of ailments whereas Heal or Recover would mean restoration from injury. Yeah, I can see what you're saying about Cure being "wrong" - I got so used to it in Final Fantasy that I never thought of it before. I'm leaning towards "Heal" for my Cure equivalent, but maybe "Recover" could be my "Full Cure" counterpart?

I agree Flurry sounds like a cold attack, although I much prefer Freeze. Also for fire: Flare. For earth: Rupture. For water: Cascade I have names for the basic spells for these elements, but maybe these could be the more powerful spells that you get separately, later on, as could "Maelstrom" or "Tornado"? Like how in Final Fantasy VII you still levelled up the Fire, Ice, and Earth materias, but you still got the Contain materia, with more powerful spells for those elements later (maybe Cascade and the like could use too much MP, so you have to really think about whether you should use them, if you're under levelled?)

Yeah, I see the point about wind not really being that damaging, same with water really, but this is just going to have to be one of those times were you bend reality for the game. I mean, in real life, the lightning attack should kill you outright, and the fire attack should stay on you, and probably kill you too, if you, or someone, doesn't do something about it. Either way, I appreciate all the advice, and I really hope I get to design this game for you one day. :)

*I have never seen Aero or Aero 2 in this game...

01-28-2018, 02:10 PM
In Knights of the Old Republic flurry was an ability to attack multiple times. A flurry of attacks. It was physical melee