View Full Version : Final Fantasy XVI: What You Want

Loony BoB
02-02-2018, 01:49 PM
If you were to be asked by SE to jot down some details about what FFXVI should be like, what would you tell them? Assume you literally get full control but have to sum it up in just one post. You can go into as little or as much detail as you like... go crazy.

See my other thread in this forum for what you think we'll actually get. =]

02-02-2018, 03:27 PM
A nice balance between open-ended character progression and one that's more defined. Maybe a limited job system or something.

02-02-2018, 03:32 PM


02-02-2018, 03:48 PM
Moving away from Techno Fantasy and back to Classic fantasy.

The last several games have been more Modern techno fantasy games. I'd like to go back to the more traditional fantasy roots for an entry.

02-02-2018, 04:17 PM
You're a Final Fantasy game. Remember why the series got popular and don't be ashamed of that. Tell whoever decided "Hmm, the American kids these days don't want JRPGs anymore!" to fuck off. Oh, and Keep It Simple, Stupid.

02-02-2018, 10:06 PM
Keep it JPRG-ish like and stay away from trying it make it a WRPG. If I wanted to play Dark Souls or Skyrim- I would play those games.

edit : battle system like Persona 5 or Final Fantasy X

Darth Ganon
02-03-2018, 03:48 AM
Moving away from Techno Fantasy and back to Classic fantasy.

The last several games have been more Modern techno fantasy games. I'd like to go back to the more traditional fantasy roots for an entry.

Exactly this. I enjoy the modern fantasy settings, but it's all we've had since 2001. I'd like a medieval style game again.

02-03-2018, 03:58 PM

02-03-2018, 10:59 PM


02-05-2018, 05:02 PM
Admittedly, I like more modern-looking styles, but I thought XII struck a good balance between Post-Modern Hyperfashion and classic fantasy. I like my main characters decked out in ensembles that I don't have to stifle a laugh over (i.e. Firion, Bartz, and Terra). Although I couldn't help a beleaguered sigh at Vaan's outfit. More elf, goblin, and troll-esque tribes and have humans as just one third the main cast.

Fewer playable characters. Guest characters should have more substance. AI-'s should take an interest in the environment, scope points of interest and enemy weaknesses and such.

Okay, I'm heading into out there territory. Time to end the rant.

Wolf Kanno
02-07-2018, 10:44 PM
I'm not really sure to be honest. Maybe a plot that I care about? Though that's likely not going to happen anytime soon. With that said, I feel this is the area they need to improve on the most if they hope to keep their fanbase.

I would probably jump in with the bandwagon on going for something a bit more "fantasy" or at least medieval; and finally move away from the more modern world and star wars type stuff we've gotten for the last decade and a half. Also no time travel. Something about the words Final Fantasy and Time Travel never mesh well for me and all of their time travel plotlines are garbage, so let's just stick to one setting please.

After playing XII:TZA recently, I would love to see Ito take another crack at the ATB system for the game, since he mentioned once upon time ago that he had some more ideas for it. It doesn't necessarily have to be XII's system but I would love a system where more thought needs to be put into customization and strategy.

I would like some actual level design for once. I'm kind of bored of Squenix's love affair of roads and sandboxes.

Yasunori Mitsuda for music, cause he's a fantastic composer who doesn't get as much attention as he deserves.

If none of this works for the company, then I would suggest just putting the setting ~IN SPACE!, cause nothing says an IP has jumped the shark like placing the entire idea in space. Then they can stick to remakes and mobile titles.

Loony BoB
02-09-2018, 11:34 AM
Also no time travel. Something about the words Final Fantasy and Time Travel never mesh well for me and all of their time travel plotlines are garbage, so let's just stick to one setting please.
A thousand times this. I hate it when time travel gets thrown into Final Fantasy.

EDIT: For music, I'd prefer Hitoshi Sakimoto. I don't understand why they restrict him to Ivalice. His music is amazing. Having said that, I've enjoyed the music in FFXIII and to some extent XV, so I'm not against them sticking with those composers either.

02-09-2018, 05:25 PM
Which FFs had time travel? XIII-2 aside, the best I can come up with is Tidus, but that was more for a brand-new-world set up mechanic rather than the usual time travel/changing history tropes. Are we referring to Time Kompression? I'm honestly stumped.

02-09-2018, 05:44 PM
Final Fantasy 1? Ultimecia was from the future or something too

02-09-2018, 05:54 PM
Final Fantasy 1?Ohhhh yeah! Although that kind of ruins WK's point about FF and time travel not belong together given that the og did it.

02-09-2018, 07:17 PM
Director: Hiroyuki Ito
Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Go back to being a bit more lighthearted again, it's what FF does best. VI, IX and XII all had a less moody atmosphere than X, XIII and XV. For that matter, get a main character who isn't serious all the time again. Gotta strike a balance between mellow when the going's easy and serious when the going's tough.

As for medieval vs modern vs futuristic or whatever, honestly I don't care that much, just actually utilize it well. Don't make it a super high tech setting or modern and then have you away from all that, in a wilderness that could be medieval for all intents and purposes, for 90% of the game (XIII, XV barring the car)

02-09-2018, 09:37 PM
Yeah, definitely give Ito another shot. I think Shimomura did a mostly fantastic job with XV, and if she's the main FF composer from now on I would have no complaints. Mitsuda's great as well though. Just no Sakimoto or Hamauzu plz.

And yeah, I think a more medieval high fantasy setting a-la IX or XII would really do the series some good. I think it's important to return to that kind of setting from time to time - reflecting on your roots and trying to do something different based on that formula is a good way to both keep your franchise fresh and keep you grounded to what made it great in the first place. We've had some fantasy based on reality, now lets just have some fantasy again.

Oh, and some more RPG game mechanics please. Look, of my many many criticisms of XV, I have nothing fundamentally against going the flashy action game route. I just want some more NUMBERS to play with in my downtime, OK?

Wolf Kanno
02-09-2018, 10:30 PM
Final Fantasy 1?Ohhhh yeah! Although that kind of ruins WK's point about FF and time travel not belong together given that the og did it.

The first one isn't bad but technically the time travel element of the plot is a bit of a paradox. Forgivable for a game largely light on plot, but still showing the devs don't know how to do time travel. Even the Chrono games suffer from time travel plotholes.

Loony BoB
02-10-2018, 02:30 PM
FFI, FFVIII, FFXIII-2. Those are the key ones for time travel. I never enjoyed it. Same with any non-FF game, just don't like time travel much. I mean, I like aspects of it (especially FFXIII-2, and being able to experience multiple 'versions' of various maps) but I just dislike the paradox that comes with it.

Mr. Carnelian
02-11-2018, 03:10 PM
As others have said, a more traditional fantasy setting. I actually like the sci-fi stuff, but it’s about time to go back to more of a fantasy setting. Maybe something other than European-style medieval, though.

Some women playable characters.

A good story.

An actual complete game upon release, rather than an almost finished game which is completed by DLC.

Seeing as gameplay, i.e full turn-based vs ATB vs real-time, seems to be a bit of a bone of contention between old and new fans, maybe please everyone by being able to choose which of the three you want at the beginning of the game and/or being able to switch between them. Difficult? Certainly. Impossible? I doubt it. And to forestall objections, no I have no idea how to implement such a system. I’m just the creative director in this scenario, the gameplay department and the code monkeys can work out the practicalities.

The big villain is a maniacal, genocidal moogle, and the final boss fight is the moogle in a giant mech suit shaped like a moogle.