View Full Version : Team Yen or Team Triss?

06-22-2018, 03:16 PM
Definitely not enough Witcher discussions on this forum. Witcher 3 players past and present, tell me - did you romance Triss, Yennefer, or neither?

06-22-2018, 05:04 PM
If I had to choose, it would be Yennefer. Yen is way better than Triss, but they're both terrible in their own way.

Loony BoB
06-28-2018, 01:21 PM
"You can’t ignore the relationship the bad in parts 1 and 2!"
You'll have to translate this for me. =x I've not played the first two games...

Triss was definitely the better person for me in Witcher 3. Yennifer, for me, had the emotional appeal of a vice with my character's balls in it, wondering why things aren't great when they're seemingly incapable of being fun in any way whatsoever. Honestly, without 1 & 2, I'm not sure if anyone could come up with a compelling reason for Yennifer. She was genuinely awful to be around.

06-28-2018, 01:28 PM
Triss was there in games 1 and 2. Yennefer was there for seven books.

Yennefer May come across as cold at times, but at least she didn’t lie to Geralt about his past, hiding the fact that he was perfectly happy with another person before she took advantage of his amnesia :monster:

Triss has done some horrible things, is what I’m saying.

Loony BoB
06-28-2018, 02:20 PM
Oh, yeah, that's right. Forgot about that. Despite that, in Witcher 3, with both of them having everything on the table, Triss was everything I needed for my video game character's girlfriend. Yenn, however, gave me about as much sexual appeal as the Baron. Honestly there was nothing about her in that game that appealed. I mean, I guess looks-wise she was okay, if she wasn't spending the entire time scowling at me as if I'd eaten her cat.

06-28-2018, 02:44 PM
She’s quick-witted, honest to the point that she really doesn’t care what others think of her when she knows she’s doing the right thing (confidence is sexy), plus when the soft and mushy moments do happen, they really matter. Not to mention just, as a book reader, I’ve been there with them through all the shit these two have gone through to finally be together that seeing Geralt and Yen banter just warms my heart more than anything in this game.

When it comes to general attractiveness, it’s apples to oranges. However, though I consider both great characters and good - if flawed - people, for many reasons I just don’t think Triss is a good choice of partner for Geralt.

Loony BoB
06-28-2018, 03:01 PM
Yeah, I can only guess that there is a lot of history that makes people hold Yenn this way. If you saw her from a fresh perspective like I did in Witcher 3 she just seems so... dreary. xD I wouldn't even say confident so much as cold and uncaring. Did they have the same writer for the games? Hmm.

I guess it also comes down to how much you put yourself in Geralt's shoes, and in which way. Like, I view Geralt as a character that is supposed to represent me somewhat when I play the game. Others might prefer thinking of Geralt as Geralt, even if that is the opposite of how they view themselves.

06-28-2018, 03:06 PM
Nah. Sapkowski isn’t too into games - though he does appreciate whatvthe games have done, don’t let people tell you otherwise. But even outside the books, I felt that the Witcher 3 captured her sarcastic nature really well. Though I can see how some people may consider her “dreary”, she never came across that way to me, if only because her banter with Geralt worked so well.

06-28-2018, 05:48 PM
Triss was far superior.