View Full Version : World of Final Fantasy

06-30-2018, 11:37 PM
So I got this one on the steam summer sale few days ago and... I LOVE IT. Seriously the chibi style, the characters, the constant jokes, the anime cutscenes, the voice acting (even the english one, I somehow actually prefer that one to the original jap too), the playstyle, combat system, pokemon like catching, the nostalgia from tens of titles mashed into one game that is not just that but a complete game of its own...

I would give it a subjectively solid 10/10 but now that I am rougly in the half of the game, I do have a slight problem with it. NOT ENOUGH SERAFIE. I need much more of her right now D:

But nah seriously now, I really do love the game extremely much and it is very well done in my opinion.

What are yours thoughts on WoFF?

06-30-2018, 11:39 PM
It was honestly a fantastic little game and I loved it from start to finish.

07-01-2018, 10:37 AM
Cute, but I hated the twins. So annoying.

07-01-2018, 09:41 PM
I loved the combat, it was a nice through back. And the stacking was neat. The story was okay too. I loved this game with two major exceptions.

Cute, but I hated the twins. So annoying.

DUDE, how could you find them both the-annoying. DUDE, Reynn doesn't have the-annoying voice the-tics of other two the-characters. I did not like Tama or Lann.

07-02-2018, 01:34 AM
I loved the combat, it was a nice through back. And the stacking was neat. The story was okay too. I loved this game with two major exceptions.

Cute, but I hated the twins. So annoying.

DUDE, how could you find them both the-annoying. DUDE, Reynn doesn't have the-annoying voice the-tics of other two the-characters. I did not like Tama or Lann.

One twin is unbelievably stupid (imo) and the other twin is a asshole. There's sibling rivalry and whatnot, but then there's just being a asstwat towards your sibling.

07-02-2018, 08:33 AM
One twin is unbelievably stupid (imo) and the other twin is a asshole. There's sibling rivalry and whatnot, but then there's just being a asstwat towards your sibling.

Sometimes Reynn goes too far in being a jerk, but most of the time, her harsh behavior is caused by Lann being completely clueless.

07-03-2018, 07:18 AM
I agree with maybee, Reynn comes across as an unlikeable bully for most of the game. I get what the writers were going for, sibling banter, but they went for the LANN YOU ARE DUMB joke too frequently and it wore out its welcome quickly.

I thought WoFF was decent enough, a fun little romp with solid gameplay. I'd describe it as a Final Fantasy version of Kingdom Hearts which I appreciate sounds slightly weird given that there are of course FF characters in KH!

The dialogue writing and voice acting was atrocious and cringeworthy though. And yes, I definitely include Serafie in that! Ugh! With that said, the story in the last quarter of the game became suddenly very good and I really got into it.

btw goblin princess is bae

Loony BoB
07-03-2018, 01:50 PM
Do you guys have siblings? That was a pretty run-of-the-mill sibling relationship to me.

WoFF was excellent and a fantastic model of what the main FF series can look to for a balance between fun, graphics and gameplay. The intervention quests were an absolute delight and I got excited whenever new ones popped up, and they didn't disappoint.

07-06-2018, 08:35 PM
Holy chocobo!

I just reached the "false end" as in defeating the king of bahamut and watching all those cutscenes leading to a postcript. I will admit, that since I am in love with the game, I have been seriously overleveled already so the "final boss" fight was REALLY not giving me any "that end" feelings but still, that hit pretty hard... Those two were their parents possesed all that time, I kill them by my own hand and then Lann dies for the siblings guilt.

Then the Tama dies to give them another chance. (I will admit, that although I did not play any of the postscript yet, this loss was somewhat already mitigated by the fact, that my beautiful, lovely, sarcastic, godly SERAFIE is the one replacing Tama, so I will take a guess and I will see alot more of her before reaching the true end).

I am really getting attached to this story a lot. I feel that it is already giving a lot of thoughts and I did not even see the true rest of it. It already is up there sharing my first place with FF9 and 10.

07-06-2018, 09:29 PM
Yep that's the point that made me have a lot more love and respect for the story. It really kicked it up a notch in quality in that final stretch.

07-07-2018, 09:22 AM
Do you guys have siblings? That was a pretty run-of-the-mill sibling relationship to me.

Yeah, I do. Though they are older brothers, and older brothers tell you to piss off and leave them alone unless you get bullied or get hurt and then they transform into presidential FBI bodyguards.

Oh? This game makes me glad that I don't have an older sister or younger brother then. Wouldn't last a day.

Loony BoB
07-07-2018, 09:38 AM
I have an older sister and a younger brother. This "bullying" you guys refer to isn't bullying to me, it's just an older sister trying to be an authority because she's the oldest, and a little bro being dorky because he feels like it and/or isn't the brightest. Regardless of how they acted towards each other in some situations, they clearly love each other. I never felt either were being too harsh. And if either sibling were getting legit bullied by someone and they were getting teary eyed over it, I'm sure either sibling would stand up and fight for them (and they did repeatedly fight for each other in the game).

If you guys think this is bad, you'd shudder at some of the 'bullying' my friends give each other. :D

07-07-2018, 09:52 AM
If you guys think this is bad, you'd shudder at some of the 'bullying' my friends give each other. :D


07-07-2018, 10:50 AM
Why am I not surprised that Loony "Punch your arm until it looks like a Van Gogh" BoB is a bully apologist? :colbert:

Also the older-younger sibling dynamic is stupid, they're twins! You're not suddenly more mature and developed just because you're a few minutes older!

Loony BoB
07-07-2018, 11:28 AM
I assure you that I significantly doubt my older sister would care if she were one second older or ten years older, she would always treat me like I'm 500 years younger.

07-07-2018, 11:24 PM
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell I am fucked... Today's power outage caused data corruption that had to be dealt with clean install so my save is gone and since WoFF does not have cloud save utility, byebye my 32 hours, hour or two from true ending.

While I do love the game oh so very much, I will put it aside for now... I just cannot deal with completely replaying it from beginning immediately :/

07-09-2018, 02:04 AM
Why am I not surprised that Loony "Punch your arm until it looks like a Van Gogh" BoB is a bully apologist?

As children, my brother smashed a vase over my leg causing a large gash. I threw a plastic bowling ball at his face (we were not playing catch) and he gushed blood from his nose. Which of us was the bully?

Our world has gotten so ridiculously sensitive that name-calling has been labeled a form of abuse. There have been kids who have been bruised, bleeding, had bones broken and even been killed by actual bullies and yet people are worried about words.

07-09-2018, 03:40 AM
Also the older-younger sibling dynamic is stupid, they're twins! You're not suddenly more mature and developed just because you're a few minutes older!

Though it's not hard to take control and predominate when your brother is thicker than a bowl of whipped cream. ;/

07-09-2018, 07:00 AM
Why am I not surprised that Loony "Punch your arm until it looks like a Van Gogh" BoB is a bully apologist?

As children, my brother smashed a vase over my leg causing a large gash. I threw a plastic bowling ball at his face (we were not playing catch) and he gushed blood from his nose. Which of us was the bully?

Our world has gotten so ridiculously sensitive that name-calling has been labeled a form of abuse. There have been kids who have been bruised, bleeding, had bones broken and even been killed by actual bullies and yet people are worried about words.

I do agree that the society overall has become too sensitive, and I do agree that the twins relationship is not bad, I mean yeah the sister keeps throwing comments on Lann, but he never minds it, either hes playing along or he is really so thick in the head, that he does not even really mind it, so all is good I say.

Just one thing, there have been a lot of kids over the world, that killed themselves due to bullying in the form of words and not physical abuse, so when that is taken over the edge, it is just as bad.

07-09-2018, 07:23 AM
Why am I not surprised that Loony "Punch your arm until it looks like a Van Gogh" BoB is a bully apologist?

As children, my brother smashed a vase over my leg causing a large gash. I threw a plastic bowling ball at his face (we were not playing catch) and he gushed blood from his nose. Which of us was the bully?

Our world has gotten so ridiculously sensitive that name-calling has been labeled a form of abuse. There have been kids who have been bruised, bleeding, had bones broken and even been killed by actual bullies and yet people are worried about words.If you're looking for a morality debate on what is and isn't bullying and the sensitivity of society then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. The post you quoted is me making a joke at BoB's expense. He isn't really a bully or bully apologist and what I'm referring to wasn't bullying either.

I think a couple of people have misunderstood my position so I'm going to explain it again to save you all arguing against something that doesn't exist. I get Square were going for a sibling relationship and that was a good idea. They failed in the execution of said good idea. "Hmm, siblings tease each other right?" "Sure!" "Okay, CTRL+C, CTRL+V Reynn calling Lann dumb and we're good to go!" The overplayed "YOU ARE DUMB" joke got ran into the ground and to repeat, Reynn comes across as an unlikeable bully as a result.

I'm not on a moral crusade about it though. I am not demanding she be executed or that we get #justiceforlann or that this sick filth video game be censored or banned for depicting such obscenity. I'm not against teasing, or making fun of people, or banter, hell, I actively enjoy it when done right. I'm sure I might enjoy whatever it is BoB does with his friends or his sister if I were to witness it. Hell, I am giving BoB trout in this very thread!

See, I don't like the taste of lemons, or the sound of jazz music, or take enjoyment from watching one character call another one dumb over and over. Not my particular cup of tea, but not the end of the world either. If it's your thing, more power to you! Enjoy your jazz music!

Wolf Kanno
07-09-2018, 10:19 AM
Enjoy your jazz music!


Oh I will. :wcanoe:

07-09-2018, 11:01 AM
B-but Psy, you said you enjoyed my jazzy Chocobo theme arrangement for your game. You lied to me? :cry: