View Full Version : Cyberpunk 2077

Depression Moon
09-03-2018, 06:49 PM
Yo did y'all see that Cyberpunk demo from a few days back!? I know y'all had to see it. That shit was wild! This game is going to be a 10 when it drops I have no doubts. I just can't stop thinking about this game.

Here's the gameplay demo in case you happened to miss it.

09-06-2018, 03:00 AM
Its basically what a Shadowrun video game should be, so I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out.

09-06-2018, 07:17 PM
It looks excellent and I am genuinely looking forward to it. I've never really been into the cyberpunk genre with the one exception being FFVII (and it's arguable whether it neatly fits into this genre) but maybe this'll be the game that bites me and gives me the bug.

09-08-2018, 07:48 AM
Not my cuppa of tea. Though do admire how ambitious it is.

12-04-2020, 01:07 AM
I know it's kind of my thing, but I'm unironically looking forward to the crazy genital customization.

Looking forward to this game in general! A bit bummed it's first-person only. Hopefully someone makes a mod. Seems a bit of a waste to have such an extensive character customizer only to make it FPS. Also I'm shit as shooters, but apparently there's a super easy babby mode.

12-04-2020, 02:39 AM
I think there's a photo mode where you can take pics of your person while they're shooting other people or whatever

I would assume anyway

Del Murder
12-04-2020, 04:44 AM
I know it's kind of my thing, but I'm unironically looking forward to the crazy genital customization.

Looking forward to this game in general! A bit bummed it's first-person only. Hopefully someone makes a mod. Seems a bit of a waste to have such an extensive character customizer only to make it FPS. Also I'm shit as shooters, but apparently there's a super easy babby mode.
FP only? Aww and I was looking forward to this one.

12-04-2020, 06:36 AM
This game has somehow absolutely failed to spark any excitement in me. The genital customization is a neat idea but personally I just don’t get why people are this excited. And I say that as someone whose favorite game is the Witcher 3.

12-04-2020, 03:17 PM
This game has somehow absolutely failed to spark any excitement in me. The genital customization is a neat idea but personally I just don’t get why people are this excited. And I say that as someone whose favorite game is the Witcher 3.

I didn't know that game had genital customization.

12-04-2020, 03:19 PM
Non-shitposty answer: I love sci-fi and I love cyberpunk, and this game looks stunning. I honestly know nothing about the plot, as I've wanted to reduce spoilers for myself. Also I'm HUGE on character customization. I really enjoy it and could probably get my money's worth on the game alone just on that screen.

Also, I can't wait for the resulting Monster Factory video. They've needed a new game with a good customization option for awhile.

12-04-2020, 03:36 PM
This game has somehow absolutely failed to spark any excitement in me. The genital customization is a neat idea but personally I just don’t get why people are this excited. And I say that as someone whose favorite game is the Witcher 3.

Simple really: It's the closest thing to Deus Ex that's not Deus Ex. Purely on that premise I'll already give it a chance day 1.

Lord Golbez
12-04-2020, 06:44 PM
I have no interest in avatar customization whatsoever, genital or otherwise. I've always found such character creation aspects to be nothing but a burden. That's not the only reason I'm not particularly interested in this game,but it definitely doesn't help.

12-04-2020, 06:50 PM
Apparently the character creation plays a huge part in how the other characters interact with you, down to find details like what kind of teeth you have - or what junk you have. Idk that bit sounds pretty neat actually

Lord Golbez
12-04-2020, 07:18 PM
It does. But the process itself sounds cumbersome. The novelty of how characters react will also probably be short-lived. I tend to have a dim view of these sort of advertised effects to the world which sound so nice but in execution tend to become old hat and rather inconsequential rather quickly ("oh ladeda here we go, a character is all up ons my sharpied abs again").

12-04-2020, 08:13 PM
yeah I agree, just give me a character that's already designed lol
like I'll wait until the story is out to see but I'm quite concerned it will miss the mark on cyberpunk ethos
but I hope I'm wrong
in terms of crunch the development has already missed it, by becoming one of the bad guys in cyberpunk stories lol
hope those devs are Ok

12-04-2020, 11:17 PM
I used to love cyberpunk, and to some extent I still do, but it is increasingly hard when it has spent 40 years performing a transition from "scary future" to "understatement of reality"

12-05-2020, 05:09 AM
Character creation is never something I look for just because I spend a long time thinking I’m making someone that looks decent. Then the game starts and they immediately turn to an angle in which they look ridiculous and I can’t take them seriously anymore.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-05-2020, 06:25 PM
but apparently there's a super easy babby mode.

That's my mode :cool:

I don't know how close this will be to Deus Ex, but when it comes to the futuristic open worlds, I prioritize exploring, story, and collectible hunting. The FPS is fun, but it's more a means for me to move on to the next part of the game.

12-05-2020, 07:02 PM
Question for all: What size genitals are you going with and why?

12-05-2020, 07:15 PM
I’m going none because I dislike romance options in games

Lone Wolf Leonhart
12-05-2020, 07:17 PM
Question for all: What size genitals are you going with and why?

Slide that MF all the way to the right on the character creation screen.

Quindiana Jones
12-05-2020, 09:23 PM
I cannot wait to play this in four years when it's on sale for $20.

12-05-2020, 09:27 PM
can't wait for the modding community to go to town on it
that's the true cyberpunk way

12-05-2020, 11:14 PM
Yeah, I'm going to wait for the Thomas the Tank Engine genital mods.

12-05-2020, 11:30 PM
Yeah, I'm going to wait for the Thomas the Tank Engine genital mods.
So 3 weeks

Quindiana Jones
12-06-2020, 12:03 AM
Yeah, I'm going to wait for the Thomas the Tank Engine genital mods.
So 3 weeks

Let's reach out to CDPR and see if we can get this on the Day 1 patch.

Lord Golbez
12-06-2020, 12:55 AM
Unless that's somehow public domain, I'm skeptical they could get permission.

12-06-2020, 03:34 AM

micropeen or elephant trunk, no inbetween

Quindiana Jones
12-06-2020, 04:32 AM
I want to have a micro and roleplay someone struggling with the ethical dilemma of sacrificing their humanity for a magnum dong.

12-06-2020, 11:48 AM
I love the futuristic theme.

I think one of the few action RPGs I've played with a futuristic setting was Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it remains one of my favorite FPS RPG games to play. I'm hoping Cyber Hunter 2077 will offer the same sense if not more. I don't keep up with any of the announcements or trailers because I don't want to get over hyped up.

12-06-2020, 12:41 PM
In that city you can be cum. (https://imgur.com/gallery/qVILrdD)

Night Fury
12-06-2020, 03:00 PM
Question for all: What size genitals are you going with and why?

I want to make my avatar as close to me irl as possible, so i'll have a massive dong of course

Quindiana Jones
12-06-2020, 07:39 PM
I cannot wait to play this in four years when it's on sale for $20.

jk I forgot my company got me a $75 EB Games gift card for my bday, so I just done pre-ordered it. Cyberpunk may now be my first ever launch day purchase.

12-08-2020, 05:37 PM
I would love to see a demographic survey one year later of who is using what genital customization. That would be super neat.

12-08-2020, 07:53 PM
this game giving people seizures already apparently
bug central on pc
40 gig day one patch

game studios need to limit their scope and tell better stories imo
and get actual communities consulted and involved when you portray them in the games

Depression Moon
12-11-2020, 04:20 AM
Forgot I made this thread. Got the game now and I can't lie. I'm disappointed. This game looks a lot uglier than in any preview I saw and I'm still getting a lot of performance issues even with the day 1 patch.

I spent a lot of time in the create a character, but disappointed at the hair options.

12-11-2020, 04:54 AM
Never assume the game will look as good as the trailers :p

To get it running smoothly (probably between 70 and 90 fps) on my PC i had to put graphical settings to low at 1440p, but with those settings it still pretty much looks as good as Witcher 3 did on the highest settings so eh, I can live with it. I'm used to my 1080Ti slowly just not pulling its weight anymore. If only the new GPUs were actually in stock anywhere :p

Anyway, my experience with the game so far has been about what I expected. The usual open world bugs (had a random civilian NPC spawn mid-air who then fell to his death, which was rather amusing) with gameplay that reminds me of Deus Ex.

Depression Moon
12-11-2020, 07:19 AM
I wasn't talking about the trailers. I was talking about like the last 3 previews this game had.

12-11-2020, 03:42 PM
i cancelled my preord for a variety of reasons
maybe they'll fix these reasons in like a year
cyberpunk 2078

Quindiana Jones
12-11-2020, 04:06 PM
I'm playing a lady because the man's voice actor fucking grates on me.

Depression Moon
12-11-2020, 07:05 PM
Man, this game runs horribly on my PS4. It looks like a PS3 game to me sometimes. It's blurry, and then my game crashed during a hand to hand boss fight.

12-11-2020, 08:50 PM
ouch, and that's after the patches?

Depression Moon
12-11-2020, 09:32 PM
There was only one patch I had to download yesterday. Things are confusing for this game online. Some are saying there was supposed to be another patch and then I read another saying the patch yesterday was both the day 0 and the day 1 patch.

My patch said 1.0. I'm still not clear if there was supposed to be another, but I don't see a way to download another one but this isn't good. I'll post some footage later when I get the chance.

12-12-2020, 02:34 AM
This was 100% inevitable and I don't know why people would have tried to play this on day 1 when the writing was on the wall that, for whatever reason, it was simply not going to be ready.

Depression Moon
12-12-2020, 04:14 AM
They said they would release it when it was good and ready. It was like all over their advertisement for this game.

12-12-2020, 06:59 AM
Back when they announced it. I haven’t seen them use that in their marketing since. Given how the gaming industry works and this is a AAA developer, any hope that this would be finished was misplaced

12-12-2020, 07:44 PM
Yep. In my opinion with any big open world AAA game in the last 10 years, unless you are really missing out on some social aspect it's really better to just play them 2 years "late" when it's all bundled up with its DLC/etc and 1/4 the price.

Del Murder
12-13-2020, 04:46 AM
You underestimate the price people will pay to be among the first to talk about how they customized their genitalia in a video game.

12-13-2020, 08:28 PM
They said they would release it when it was good and ready. It was like all over their advertisement for this game.

They also said there'd be no crunch on cyberpunk 2077 and we've known they lied about that for months. If they'll lie about abusing their employees I just assume they'll lie about pretty much anything myself.

12-14-2020, 12:13 AM
Being part of a buggy experience can be fun. FFXIV had some great examples. When Heavensward dropped we had Sky Bear (https://i.imgur.com/96Me3Ts.gif), a polar bear enemy that ended up in the sky for some reason. The community had a funeral for him after he got patched out. When Stormblood dropped we had Raubahn Extreme. There is a type of quest that is particularly demanding on the server (this one given by the NPC Raubahn) and because it was part of the main questline so many people were doing it on the first day that if you attempted it you would get kicked out of the instance and have to try again. Players started forming lines. (https://imgur.com/gallery/a4zZs) It was a really cool moment of cooperation that you could only be a part of on the first day.

So what I mean to say is there is something that makes being part of the initial hype worthwhile. Although it doesn't appear to have been worth it for CP2077, I think I'll wait on this one.

Quindiana Jones
12-14-2020, 04:32 PM
I have problems with Cyberpunk that aren't related to the temporary existence of bugs and glitches.

Core game design in terms of RPG mechanics are honestly wank. It's such a weird looter-shooter type thing, but then it also has this old school "+0.3% Crit Chance" level up and perk system so that levelling up rarely feels in any way like building a character. There is a solid story-driven FPS action game here, but it's completely bogged down by these just crappy systems. I genuinely think the game would be better if they stripped the entire looter-shooter and perk system out wholesale.

Keep the crafting system; make your guns better by upgrading only. Gives your weapons a "you-ness". Strip the perks entirely, and add a little bit extra to the cybernetics. Build a character through body mods rather than meta percentage tweaking.

Enemies are functionally bullet sponges, which is just something I dislike in general for most games. I wish they had built out a Rock Paper Scissors system instead, where certain enemy types are better or worse against certain moves or weapon types.

Visual design is weirdly lacking, too. The game is gorgeous and it's so nice to be in, but the visual design for enemies means that you never really know what you're shooting at. You're just shooting at the black shape with neon bits that is standing behind or in front of a black shape with neon bits, and the only reason you're shooting there is because your HUD put a red marker above the black shape. Like, this is fucking FPS 101: enemies need to be clear and distinct, or it's just a poor experience. This isn't unique to Cyberpunk, by any stretch, but it's still annoying to see.

12-14-2020, 10:28 PM
Quin has neatly summed up my thoughts. It's alright. Good in places, great in a few too. Genre defining best game in the history of games? Ah, no. Even without the bugs.

Like Quin, I smurfing hate bullet sponge FPS games. It does absolutely nothing for me in this genre unless I'm fighting a boss. And make no mistake about it, though it has RPG elements to it, it's primarily FPS.

I got so bored of plinking away at normal enemies with headshot after headshot to slowly chip down their health bars that I cranked it down to easy. Even then, it takes 2 point blank shotgun blasts to the face to just regular goons to take them out. Maybe when I level up that'll not be an issue (although then I assume I'll be facing buff goons so maybe not) but it just feels so unsmurfingsatisfying in the here and now.

12-14-2020, 11:44 PM
I'm one-shotting enemies left and right with my revolver on very hard and i haven't even invested in gun damage, so i can't say I recognize the bullet sponge aspect of things, except on bosses (though i've used my crappier non-lethal gun for those), which, well, they're bosses :p
Granted, that revolver has a silencer which increases headshot damage, and i specifically chose it for its high damage per bullet. Plus a couple of my stealth skills increase damage when stealthed.

Between that and my breach/quickhacking skills, I tend to annihilate everything before it even turns into an actual shootout. Though, on the occasion it does, I switch to an assault rifle and still don't really feel like my damage is small-time compared to their health.

All of this against enemies that are around or below my level, of course. I mostly avoid stuff above my level, and the one time I did a quest that was red at my level, I stealthed through it.

12-15-2020, 12:24 AM
The next open world shooter in which stealth both exists AND isn't flagrantly overpowered compared to every other tactic will be the first

Quindiana Jones
12-15-2020, 08:38 PM
Quin has neatly summed up my thoughts. It's alright. Good in places, great in a few too. Genre defining best game in the history of games? Ah, no. Even without the bugs.

Like Quin, I smurfing hate bullet sponge FPS games. It does absolutely nothing for me in this genre unless I'm fighting a boss. And make no mistake about it, though it has RPG elements to it, it's primarily FPS.

I got so bored of plinking away at normal enemies with headshot after headshot to slowly chip down their health bars that I cranked it down to easy. Even then, it takes 2 point blank shotgun blasts to the face to just regular goons to take them out. Maybe when I level up that'll not be an issue (although then I assume I'll be facing buff goons so maybe not) but it just feels so unsmurfingsatisfying in the here and now.

It's annoying because there are in-lore reasons that a person could be a bullet sponge, but it's not actually part of the gameplay.

We have Power weapons, which we know have bullets that can ricochet off hard surfaces. We have armour cybernetics, which we know can make characters big beefy bulletproof motherfuckers. How sweet would it be if that was an entire enemy type that was visually distinct, so you rock up into combat and go "oh shit, my Power SMG isn't gonna do anything here! I need to switch up my tactics, or maybe rock out my Tech revolver and go for weak points!".

But no: dmg nmbrs go brrrrr

Lord Golbez
12-17-2020, 04:33 AM
Reading all this criticism and I'm sitting here still wondering what it was that made people think this game was going to be so great in the first place.

12-17-2020, 06:24 AM
Reading all this criticism and I'm sitting here still wondering what it was that made people think this game was going to be so great in the first place.

Because people got drunk on the Witcher 3 and wanted more. CDPR was put on a pedestal, and look at them now. Whereas I’ve always been telling people the Witcher 3 wasn’t great because of CDPR - it was great because it was the Witcher :monster:

12-17-2020, 01:26 PM
Eh, plenty of people still think it's great despite the (valid) criticisms, like me. And no, Witcher 3 wasn't just great because of Witcher :p

12-17-2020, 01:28 PM
I knew you’d grab the bait ;)

12-17-2020, 03:56 PM
And, also, the Witcher 3 isn't as great as everyone thinks it is! So there's that aspect, too.

12-17-2020, 04:16 PM
True, it wasn't even my game of the year that year.

Lord Golbez
12-17-2020, 08:35 PM
I couldn't be bothered with it. To be fair to the Witcher though this was mostly due to interface issues I found infuriating and not core combat mechanics, story, characters, setting or anything like that, none of which I found particularly objectionable for the little I played.

12-18-2020, 03:17 AM
wow it just got delisted on psn store

Quindiana Jones
12-18-2020, 04:04 AM
wow it just got delisted on psn store

Aye, saw this! And Sony are actually refunding.

Fucking hell.

12-18-2020, 09:13 AM
Perhaps they should make sure the game is actually fully functional before releasing to avoid this sort of embarrassment in future.

No no, that's madness, forgive me my transgressions

12-18-2020, 09:20 AM
Big yikes

12-18-2020, 02:10 PM
the real issue was making an announcement that people can request money back from store fronts without consulting those store fronts, I assume

Loony BoB
12-18-2020, 02:12 PM
Perhaps they should make sure the game is actually fully functional before releasing to avoid this sort of embarrassment in future.

No no, that's madness, forgive me my transgressions
It's cool, there are some companies out there which are fairly known for ensuring their products are ready before they launch, like Proj-- oh.

12-18-2020, 08:42 PM
Eh, plenty of people still think it's great despite the (valid) criticisms, like me.

I imagine it's easier to ignore flaws when you're not playing it on a PS4 or XBone. I have trouble even fathoming how badly a game has to run for Sony to offer full refunds and remove it from the PSN. Major companies aren't prone to doing the right thing any time they can avoid it.

12-18-2020, 09:00 PM
Yikes, I thought it was like, Bethesda buggy, I didn't realize it was that bad.

12-18-2020, 09:42 PM
Eh, plenty of people still think it's great despite the (valid) criticisms, like me.

I imagine it's easier to ignore flaws when you're not playing it on a PS4 or XBone. I have trouble even fathoming how badly a game has to run for Sony to offer full refunds and remove it from the PSN. Major companies aren't prone to doing the right thing any time they can avoid it.

Absolutely, the state of the game on consoles is an irredeemable mess. Just thought I'd give my two cents on the PC experience i had :p

12-18-2020, 10:00 PM
There are those with decent PC rigs having trouble too. Seems that its just luck/how much personally bothers you.

Depression Moon
12-19-2020, 04:04 AM
I bought two copies. I'm trying to see if I can get a refund from CD Projekt themselves because I don't have a car and it costs too much to take a Lyft back to Best Buy. I sent them an email.

The game is designed really well though. Patch 1.04 fixed the visual problem, but it still runs poorly and there are still glitches. I'll keep one copy so I can review the game for my YouTube channel. I do like the game when it works and there was a really emotional side quest I experienced the other day. It was amazing. Outside of the glitches I really wish there were more black hair options. I had my hopes up from the usual 3 because Cyberpunk the tabletop game was created by a black man, but he probably had hardly any involvement with the development of the game. Still disappointed that I only had the choice of two kinds of locs and a weird looking curly fro.

12-19-2020, 04:48 AM
if you're running on pc, be careful, cause your save file increases in size when crafting, and if your save file reaches 8mb it will get corrupted apparently

Depression Moon
12-20-2020, 08:03 PM
Good thing I'm on PS4 in this situation I guess. Also CD Projekt Red may be facing a lawsuit from their investors. I'd provide a link but I'm at work and on mobile.

Quindiana Jones
12-21-2020, 05:06 PM
Not gonna lie, I'm finding the drama around Cyberpunk to be even more entertaining than I found the ~5hours I played.

Depression Moon
12-23-2020, 03:29 AM
Just got my email from CDR to get the refund process started.

12-24-2020, 02:09 PM
Good thing I'm on PS4 in this situation I guess. Also CD Projekt Red may be facing a lawsuit from their investors. I'd provide a link but I'm at work and on mobile.

Yeah turns out fraud is the sort of thing people frown upon. :shrug:

12-24-2020, 03:42 PM
My friend who works at CDPR said he’d give me his code for the game since he doesn’t plan on playing it. I’m not sure my PC can run it but hey, free stuff! :monster:

Depression Moon
12-26-2020, 06:23 AM
I'm mad the game won't let me romance Panam.