View Full Version : Telltale Games closing, future games cancelled

Lone Wolf Leonhart
09-22-2018, 04:42 AM
Found on Telltale's twitter:


Telltale has been one of my favorite game companies since the release of The Walking Dead in 2012.

The Wolf Among Us 2 and the game based on Stranger Things were reportedly cancelled, and conflicting "sources" are unsure whether or not the final season of The Walking Dead will even finish past episode 2 releasing in a few days. But certainly, a skeleton crew of 25 people doesn't sound promising.

All I can say is it's a shame and i'm super bummed.

:save: Pour one out and share your favorite Telltale memories :save:

09-22-2018, 05:28 AM
Sounds like TWD is done where it is. This sucks. I was really hoping for a Tales from the Borderlands 2. I hope the employees the best in getting new jobs. So fine talent over there.


09-22-2018, 07:57 AM
I didn't even know they were (finally) smurfing making TWAU 2 and now I've had it snatched away? :colbert:

I have a love-hate relationship with Telltale. When I played my first few - TWD, TWAU and GoT I was blown away by the concept and every situation felt tense and stressful because everything was at stake. Then I came to the conclusion that actually, your choices don't matter and the whole thing is an illusion - a compelling one - to make you feel like you have choice when really you're on the rails. Now I've come to accept them as visual novels and while I haven't played one in a while (and maybe this is why they've gone out of business) I do like to watch streamers play them because the storytelling is ace.

I think their version of the Joker is really smurfing unique and compelling, and along with the Lee/Clementine finale his transformation is possibly their finest hour.

09-24-2018, 05:40 PM
I called this out a few years ago. Their obsession with announcing new games before finishing any other games and signing up big licenses left and right was unsustainable. Plus they always let you buy a series at the outset, which is nice but it has the same problem as early access and Kickstarter games. You front load your money but when the product is done there's nobody left to buy it. And they didn't even have enough left from this to severance anyone. They just lost everything and now have to scramble for new jobs. Horrible mismanagement :/

09-24-2018, 10:02 PM
All I wanted was TWAU season 2. I waited 5 years for a sequel, then it's been about a year since they announced they were working on it. Then... nothing? It was like their third best selling game!

Their problem was they kept trying to cash in on all these random IPs for quick cash and didn't focus on the ones that were received well/popular. So they put their time and energy on games that didn't sell well and well, ran out of cash. Rather than working on the ones that DID sell well. They kept trying to catch that lightning in a bottle again.

Depression Moon
09-25-2018, 12:09 AM
Yo I was shocked when I heard about this. I never even got the chance to play one of their games. I always wanted to, but money.

Reading the tweets from the former employees was just.. I think I'll make another vid on this once I get my new microphone tomorrow.