View Full Version : Square-Enix reveals key art for Episode Ardyn Prologue Anime

Wolf Kanno
12-14-2018, 06:08 PM
So the final DLC is being revealed, and it looks like Episode Ardyn is actually going to have a prologue anime before the actual DLC is launched. Here's a look at the first key art visual for it.


As many fans know, Episode Ardyn will be the last DLC for XV as the resignation of the game's director and the reshuffling of the XV/Type-0 team into the new Luminous Production Team has caused the rest of the DLC to be cancelled. Despite that, the team has said they wish to make the cancelled DLC available through some other means so perhaps anime or novel adaption treatment's can be in fans future as well. The first trailer for the anime will be revealed a week from today on December 21st 2018. The Episode Ardyn DLC is scheduled for March of next year.

Source: Siliconera (http://www.siliconera.com/2018/12/14/final-fantasy-xv-episode-ardyn-prologue-anime-reveals-key-artwork-trailer-out-tomorrow/)

Wolf Kanno
12-15-2018, 07:16 PM
Here's something we haven't had for a while about FFXV, a teaser for a teaser.


Wolf Kanno
01-10-2019, 11:14 PM
Next teaser trailer for Episode Ardyn has dropped.


The anime will be out next month, while the actual DLC will be released the following month in March.

07-02-2022, 10:15 AM
Ardyn is such a tragic little boy. I bet no one attend his bday party or replied to his friend request on Social Media. :(

Buying him a inflatable doll of the internet would have sorted everything. :(