View Full Version : Started an epic 24-game quest...

03-01-2019, 03:30 AM
Hi all, I'm new here. Basically the short story is: I played VII, VIII, X with my friends growing up, and we were obsessed of course. Now that I'm set with a family/career, I have more patience with which to really delve into the universe of FF, and I've been addicted to the research for months now. Problem is, my old FF friends aren't around to share. But I don't care, I love it, you know how it is. So I'm looking to the old school internet (EoFF) for anyone who has any comments or advice. I included/excluded games mainly based on my style preferences, but tried to stick with the main series minus MMO. Not trying to strictly 100%, but definitely trying to get every side quest/optional boss.

Here's the plan, if I can actually get through it:
FF I on NES Classic (recently finished)
FF II on FF Origins via PSN (currently playing)
FF III on PSP-2000 (Crisis Core edition!) to use as a controller, AV'd to my PS3 for the big screen console experience
Chrono Trigger on FF Chronicles via PSN
FF Tactics on PSN
Xenogears on PSN? haven't checked for it yet
Chrono Cross on PSN
Vagrant Story on PSN
FF X-2 on PSN
FF XII (The Zodiac Age on PS4)
FF Type-0 HD PS4
Lightning Returns PS3
World of FF PS4
Octopath Traveler (Switch)

So pumped. Have most people here literally played through all/most of these games? Or are most of us just casual FF snapshots in time, of the 2 or 3 we played in our day? Any comments on another game that you thing I should add? Anyone else living in the DC/Northern Virginia area and think this sounds fun? Let me know.

Lord Golbez
03-01-2019, 03:52 AM
I've played through 14 games on your list. So yeah, most. I've also played parts of at least 4 other games on that list. Most of the games I haven't played, I don't want to. Some of the games I have played (FFXII), I don't want to either. :p

I also live in Nothern Virginia near DC, but there's really only a few games on the list that I haven't finished/played that I might want to.

03-01-2019, 04:01 AM
I've played through 14 games on your list. So yeah, most. I've also played parts of at least 4 other games on that list. Most of the games I haven't played, I don't want to. Some of the games I have played (FFXII), I don't want to either. :p

I also live in Nothern Virginia near DC, but there's really only a few games on the list that I haven't finished/played that I might want to.

It's all good, I figured that would be the case with most veterans here. And XII and XIII are probably the ones people have warned me the most about, so we'll see. If anyone is currently playing any of those let me know, and if it's the first playthrough or what your goal is this time.

03-01-2019, 08:22 AM
You should Bravely Default to that list too, since it’s badically a modern FFIII or V. And yes, Xenogears is on the US PSN.

Wolf Kanno
03-01-2019, 09:54 AM
I've played most of your list. I never bothered with the XIII sequels since I have a low opinion of the first game to put it very mildly. I do have Type-0, but haven't made a real attempt at it like I should and while I enjoyed the demo for it, I've yet to pick up World of Final Fantasy. For everything else, I can help you, though you may need to track down Karifean for the FFX Duology since he's way more into both of them than I am.


03-01-2019, 07:05 PM
Bravely Default does look like it could be fun, thanks. These early FFs don’t take too long... starting a new one this weekend. I do really like seeing how they tried different things and fixed certain annoyances as they released new editions.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-01-2019, 10:16 PM
Can confirm Xenogears is on PSN. I bought it a few years back, though I've still only played the PS1 version.

I've played every game on your list except for World of Final Fantasy and Octopath Traveler. But much like you, I started with the PlayStation era and had to work my way back.

03-01-2019, 11:32 PM
Have fun. No Tactics Advance? I don't know about the Switch, but it's on the WIIU store.

03-02-2019, 08:24 AM
Oh yeah, TA is a must-play!

03-02-2019, 03:56 PM
Cool I will add TA, seems more up my alley than Bravely Default. Is Grimoire as good as TA? Worth the time? I definitely want to play everything on a tv, console style, but like you said that’s pretty feasible for any game these days. Haven’t yet played any of the “tabletop” grid games yet but I think I’ll like that.

As for BD, it’s almost TOO cutesy/cartoony for me, even though that battle system sounds interesting. Example: I loved VII, can’t wait to try Xeno. Violence with some sci-fi elements 👍

Lord Golbez
03-02-2019, 04:15 PM
Wait. Bravely Default is too cutesy, but Tactics Advance is fine? Weird. One of the main reasons I was never interested in Tactics Advance is that even the basic plot premise sounded too cutesy after school special with all your favorite saturday morning cartoon characters shit and by the way don't do drugs kids.

03-02-2019, 05:06 PM
I've beaten 20 games on that list. I'm missing Vagrant Story, Xenogears and Chrono Cross. Two of those I probably would played but, y'know, Europe. I've also begun Octopath Traveler but got a little bored... I'll return to it soon I'm sure!

Out of curiosity, why have you put Type-0 between XIII and XIII-2? I think it would make more sense to do Type-0 after completing the XIII trilogy rather than breaking

03-02-2019, 05:57 PM
Golbez yea I don't know much about either, just speaking from a bit of youtube gameplay I've watched. Maybe I'm just still that intrigued by the grid games? Dunno. Maybe I'll try both, especially if others here really liked Bravely Default.

The Type-0 HD timing I'm not sure what my thought was... Probably the order of the original Type-0 (JP) release date (a big part of this for me is the nostalgia of the changes in releases over time). But I do think your point makes more sense and I'll probably switch that now, thanks.

03-02-2019, 06:03 PM
I've beaten 20 games on that list. I'm missing Vagrant Story, Xenogears and Chrono Cross. Two of those I probably would played but, y'know, Europe. I've also begun Octopath Traveler but got a little bored... I'll return to it soon I'm sure!

Out of curiosity, why have you put Type-0 between XIII and XIII-2? I think it would make more sense to do Type-0 after completing the XIII trilogy rather than breaking

Vagrant Story is out in Europe to. Also, to play Xenogears, just make a US PSN account. If you haven’t played it yet, I don’t think I can even begin to describe how much you’re missing out.

As for FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift... hmm. The gameplay is a definite step up and there’s a lot more mission variety, with a lot of the wuesrlines having very cool stories. However, the main plot is incredibly bad, which is such a shame considering how fantastic TA’s story was. I’d still recommend it, but do keep in mind that you’ll win some and lose some.

03-02-2019, 06:22 PM
Fynn good advice there surely. Yea the critical hype around Xenogears and Vagrant Story seems incredible. I'm already sad about the second "disc" of Xenogears even though I haven't even played it yet!

Wolf Kanno
03-02-2019, 06:39 PM
Fynn good advice there surely. Yea the critical hype around Xenogears and Vagrant Story seems incredible. I'm already sad about the second "disc" of Xenogears even though I haven't even played it yet!

It's not too bad, of anything, it's very reminiscent of the last two episodes of the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series but with more action. Depending on how one feels about the gameplay side of things, Xenogears' second disc can come across as a godsend for some.

Lord Golbez
03-02-2019, 07:51 PM
Anyway you want to frame it, disc 2 of Xenogears wouldn't have been made that way if it weren't for time contraints set on the development cycle at the time. It works alright. It's not like the game suddenly gets bad on disc 2 or anything, but it would probably be nice to have it more in the style of disc 1.