View Full Version : Unpopular FF opinions you have for each game

03-22-2019, 01:54 PM

The popular opinion seems to be that this one is the best of the NES originals and best of the classics, while it is a good game and shows why it made such a impact, it's not the best early Final Fantasy. FF3 has the Job Class System and FF2 has story.


It doesn't suck, it's not the worst Final Fantasy. In fact, it's quite decent.


I don't know ? To be honest, this game gets neglected a bit and there's not much popular/unpopular opinions about it ? I hate Onion Knight in Dissidia if that counts ?


Kain Highwind isn't that great and he isn't the best Final Fantasy Dragooner.

Edward is a good character and he isn't a coward or a wuss. Edward just saw everybody get massacred and his love sacrifice herself right in front of him and die slowly, you would be shaken up too. Saying that Edward should just "toughen up " is toxic masculinity. Also, Ed does get braver as the game goes on.


Exdeath isn't a terrible or cheesy villian, in fact, he's quite creepy and terrifying.


Gau is a good character, I see a lot people hate on the poor guy, but he's a sweet and tragic character that I just want to hug. ):


Crisis Core is a dreadful game, the main opinion seems to be that this game is fantastic and is up there with the original, lol no. Aerith feels so out of character, hate her original character or not, and the battle combat system is awful and gets annoying and tedious fast.

Shera was emotionally abusive towards Cid Highwind. Shera saying that "it's okay, Cid can just go and kill her and go to space ", was abusive towards Cid and was giving Cid a forced choice to either a: murder somebody and make his dream come true of going to space or b: save Shera, but never go to space.

Not cool, no wonder why Cid is so damn frustrated at her.


Quistis Trepe is a terrible and creepy character. Girl, you are a TEACHER HITTING ON YOUR STUDENT. Stop right there thaaaaaankyou very much.

Quistis : My final order Squall is for us to meet up in the school's secret area where people are known to makeout without being caught.

Me :



Princess Garnet deserves more love and attention. Tifa, Aerith, Yuna and Light seem to get all the love. Garnet should join that group. Rinoa too.


I don't know, might come back to this.


Balthier is a terrible and annoying character, I can't stand him, he's just as bad as Snow from FFXIII.

Vaan isn't that bad, in fact, he's pretty alright. Just shouldn't be the main character, that should've been Ashe.


I don't like Lightning I guess ?

What about you ?

03-22-2019, 04:08 PM
FF IV: The game does nothing interesting, at least by today's standards.
FF V: The game's difficulty is just about perfect.
FF VI: The opera scene isn't really memorable.
FF VII: No idea.
FF VIII: The combat system is damn fun.
FF IX: No idea.
FF X: The story really is Tidus' story at its core, and is at its best when it focuses on that more than anything else.
FF X-2: The game is a good follow-up to FFX.
FF XII: Vaan is good.
FF XIII: The combat system is pretty damn solid and has a very good amount of variety to it in itself.

03-22-2019, 07:26 PM
i only really have 1 for FFT and that is. I prefer ultima the perfect body over ultima the nice body music. im weird.

all the other unpopular opinions are mostly what maybee said. and also i agree with karifean on FFV difficutly and FFVI opera scene.

03-22-2019, 09:02 PM
Vaan isn't that bad, in fact, he's pretty alright. Just shouldn't be the main character, that should've been Ashe.

This really isn't a hot take. In fact, I'd argue this is probably the most popular take when it comes to discussions about Final Fantasy XII, particularly Vaan. The general consensus seems to be that Vaan shouldn't be the main character.


I don't like Lightning I guess ?

This isn't really a hot take either. Final Fantasy XIII is the black sheep of the series, and most people enjoy ripping on Lightning's character. Common criticisms of her include her being a Cloud clone, her being shallow, or just uninteresting.

I personally don't have unpopular opinions for each Final Fantasy, but I'll toss out a few:

Final Fantasy VIII: Probably the most underappreciated Final Fantasy in the series, alongside XIII.
Final Fantasy IX: Most overrated Final Fantasy in the series. It's great, but it doesn't crack my top 3.
Final Fantasy XIII: I could write an entire essay on my unpopular opinions about this game (because I love everything about it), but I'll just state that I think it has one of the best combat systems in the entire series, if not outright the best.

Wolf Kanno
03-22-2019, 09:43 PM
FFI: I feel I would concur with the notion that FFI is somehow the best FF of the 8-bit era. I feel regardless of which version you play, you get stuck with a broken version of it, whether you're playing the original version where half the gear and spells in the game don't work, or playing the version that fixes all that and discovering how painfully easy the game becomes once everything does function properly. Still love this game, but I certainly feel the sequels came a long way from it.

FFII: I honestly like the leveling system, barring magic which is too slow to build up and a little broken when you bother to. I feel the game's bigger issues is the obnoxious dungeon design and the awful inventory mechanics. I'm happy the core game mechanics lived on in SaGa as I feel it's one of the best parts of it.

FFIII: I honestly feel it's the best entry of the NES era, with a more interesting and original story with just far better gameplay. I'm always sad that it gets overlooked so badly by the general FF community who already overlook the 8-bit entries to begin with. I also feel the original is vastly superior to the remake, which I blame for the game's lukewarm reception in the West.

FFIV: My easy one here is that FFIV has the most balanced battle/leveling system in the series not including the DS version. I also feel Rydia is a bit overrated even though I do love her character.

FFV: While not necessarily an unpopular opinion, I feel FFV is the best entry in the series in terms of both the general gameplay and in the use of the Job System. I don't feel any other entry ever got it right before or after this one.

FFVI: I feel the Ruined World is probably one of the best sequences in the series and I've always been annoyed the series never really followed the formula of allowing the last third of the game to be more open with the narrative. CT did it the best, but as early as FFVII, you can tell the staff was moving away from this idea as fast as they could and I really feel a lot of issues that plague JRPGs could have been avoided had FF stuck to their guns on the idea.

FFVII: I don't really like the cast, they don't really do anything for me to be honest and I still rank this entry pretty low in that category for me. I also love the Nibelheim Flashback sequence since it seems like many fans hate it after learning it's a lie. I also feel the first disc was the only good part about the game.

FFVIII: I feel like it's one of the better entries, and if I'm to be so bold, I feel it's existence had a far more positive impact on both FF as a brand and JRPGs in general than VII did. I also feel Squall is one of the best written protagonists within the mainline series.

FFIX: Again, not an actual unpopular opinion, but definitely a minority one, I feel IX is the best entry of the PS1 generation. It remembers to have fun and make everyone actually memorable for once. My actual unpopular opinion is that I like the Trace mechanics because I feel VII and VIII made Limit Breaks into too much of a crutch mechanic, so throwing that out the door was a brilliant balancing move on the devs part.

FFX: I feel it's the most safe and boring entry in the series, and pretty much the beginning of the end for the franchise after the Golden Age of the 90s. I feel there is a lot of great ideas in this title, but I feel Square rested a little too much on their favorite tropes and the graphics to carry out a game I felt needed more polish and better pacing.

XII: I honestly feel this is the last entry to come close to the series legacy as a trend setting RPG juggernaut. While it feels more like a Matsuno title, and it doesn't stick the landing by the game's end, I would honestly say it's the last good entry to bear the actual FF moniker. I also feel Lady Ashe is the most underrated female lead in the franchise.

XIII: Not necessarily an unpopular opinion, but my stance is certainly more extreme than most. I don't simply feel XIII is just a bad FF game, I feel it's a bad game overall. If I were given the power to helm a remake of it, I guarantee it would barely resemble the original in any way outside of maybe a fourth wall breaking moment to troll the original.

XV: It's not a bad game, this coming from a crotchety old fan of the series who felt the series peaked nearly twenty years ago and has been on a downward slide ever since. Not to mention I don't really like action-rpgs or open world style settings. Still, I felt it did an admirable job considering how messy it's entire existence has been. Also, I don't believe for second that Nomura would have done better. Maybe a bit more original? Yeah sure, but I still feel Versus XIII would have been just as disappointing. Of anything, I feel XV would have done better had it not been associated with Versus XIII.

I'll come back to do spin-offs another time.

Lord Golbez
03-23-2019, 02:02 AM
Hard to answer because I don't really know what's unpopular. I see people listing the opposite of my view as unpopular on a number of things, so maybe that majes my view popular beats me.

As far as I'm concerned, FFXII marks the beginning of the downfall of the series, which certainly seems to be an unpopular opinion here.

I think FFX, far from being the start of the problems with the series, marks the swansong of an era that pasted about a decade in which Final Fantasy was the best game series.

I think FFVIII is actually one of the best games in the series. That doesn't seem that unpopular an opinion here, but everyone seems to think it is.

I think FFVI is brought down by the World of Ruin which overloads the latter part of the game with optional sidequests and tends to drain the personality from characters. The game would have been better of recruiting all (or at least more) of the characters were mandatory and worked into the plot more.

I think FFVII is the best of the series, which seems pretty unpopular to me here, but it also seems like most people here think its a popular opinion, so I don't know.

I couldn't possibly try to give one for each game.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-23-2019, 06:05 AM
Quistis : My final order Squall is for us to meet up in the school's secret area where people are known to makeout without being caught.

Hell yeah I was up for that.

Wolf Kanno
03-23-2019, 06:19 AM
To be fair, the opinions of this forum are mostly skewed because the contrarians (hello :wcanoe: ) are the most active anymore in the FF forums. If you actually got the members who stick to General Chat/Lounge/Discord or the admins involved, you would find that we're a pretty typical FF forum fandom with the one variable being the Pro-FFIX element. Like this is one of the few general FF fandom spots I've seen that has a rather large proportion of fans who love IX and would rank it as the best entry.

The XII hatedom died down, but I think we still have a few less active members who come in occasionally to try and set the rest of us straight. The VIII haters are honestly the most active in terms of making threads about why the game sucks for people. One sporadic member being the spearhead for the movement. Other than that, take solace in knowing your opinions are pretty much inline with most of the fandom and your confusion is being stuck with a bunch of loud mouth dissenters who make it seem like we speak for the forum when it's really the forum just letting us shout on our metaphorical street corners as the doomsayers they see us as. :D

03-23-2019, 08:52 AM
FF1: I don't know how unpopular the opinion is, but I vastly prefer the NES original to its remakes. I feel the rebalanced difficulty kills the experience, and MP instead of spell charges vastly changes up the resource management element of mages for the worse. I also can't stand the bonus dungeons at all.

FF2: I really like Leila. She isn't Minwu level or anything, but she comes on board with decent enough physical damage and pirates are pretty cool.

FF3: The final dungeon is not the worst in the series. Or even that hard. Also, the remake rebalancing Sages and Ninjas is terrible and I hate them for it.

FF4: I actually can't think of any particularly unpopular opinions I hold here, but, uh, Edward is a coward. I don't hold it against him and I've never minded his character, but the man hides from generic enemies little kids beat up and old people with sticks, and the implication really isn't that this is new behavior after the Red Wings bomb the castle. This is not brave man.

FF5: I guess my only unpopular opinion here is that this game is not underrated -- I find it to be a completely middling entry in the franchise. The story doesn't work for me, most of the events are uninteresting, and the combat mechanics are really the only thing that keeps me going each time I play the game. That said, said combat mechanics are fantastic, but even so -- one of the best? Ehhhhhhhhhhh.

FF6: Kefka is an overrated villain. Don't get me wrong, he and Vayne are my favorite villains in the series, but I really do think he is massively overstated by a lot of people, especially compared with . . .

FF7: Sephiroth is an underrated villain. Brother gets a lot of hate from a lot of people, and I really don't understand why. Disc 1 Sephiroth is probably the single most effective villain in the series, singlehandedly driving both you the player and your characters' quest across the world to track him down, remaining completely engaging the whole time. With almost unarguably two of the franchise's most memorable scenes linked to him, and at least two more that are pretty damn up there, its a pretty hard sell to me that he is a terrible villain.

FF8: I like the junction system and never found it especially confusing. There are certainly problems with it in the context of the game as a whole, but, much like FF2, as long as you aren't exploiting things the experience comes away pretty well balanced and enjoyable, and the GFs themselves are a wonderfully unique method of customization I'd love to have seen further explored.

FF9: I do not like Vivi. On a personal level he's a chill little dude and basically impossible to hate, but I have issues with him and wish I could have gotten the Black Waltz 3 instead.

FFX: I hate Yuna. Beyond hate. I like her less than a party of four thieves in the Marsh Cave. With no potions. In front of the Crown chest. I'd say with three of them dead as well, but, frankly, it's a party of four thieves without potions at the bottom of the damn Marsh Cave, so its basically the same either way.

FFXII: The combat system is irredeemably bad and needed to either go traditional turn based or full action based. The free movement in the game directly communicates to the player things that absolutely are not true, and I died numerous times to attacks in the game that weren't at all near me before I realized how the hell things were working. Do not appreciate!

03-23-2019, 12:56 PM
I don't have unpopular opinions on each game, but here's a few ones.

FFIV: Edge and Edward are great characters; Edge is not creepy and Edward is not a coward.
FFV: It's so underrated. I wish more people would like it and play it.
FFVI: the World of Ruins is my favorite part of the game. Also, this game deserves a remake like FFVII is getting.
FFVII: it's overrated. I don't particularly like the cast excepted a few characters. The story is great, but the first time I played it I thought it would be much better and I didn't enjoy it until my second playthrough.
FFVIII: I like Rinoa ? More than Squall, actually :P
FFX: Tidus is a great player character and one of my favorite one in the series. He becomes so brave and he's also so caring and funny.
FFXII: Vaan is great.
FFXIII: I like the combat system. Also, Hope isn't whiny: he's a child, he goes through a lot during the game and he becomes really brave through the game and even more through the entire trilogy.
FFXV: It's one of my favorite game in the series and I'm old-school fan. I love stories about friendship, and I love tragedy.

03-23-2019, 07:18 PM
I don't like the Red Mage. But people swear by it.

I like the skill system. It doesn't work as well as it should, but NES. It was fun building characters.

This game is good? Like everyone's said, not enough is said about the game to have popular/unpopular opinions. Which is sad.

Rosa gets a lot of undeserved flack for being weak. While Cecil was taking a leisurely stroll though a cave, she tried to cut him off by going through mountains to warn him about the plans. And at the end when Cecil is telling her how dangerous it is, she's basically tells him, "Yea, you'll die without my healing."

This is the best one.

I can't think of anything.

I can't stand Vincent. He reminds me of the internet "nice guy." He asked a girl out who was seeing someone else and she said no and he came into work the next day with sawed off shotgun.

I like Quistis. And isn't she the same age as Squall or at worst like a year older? And when she invited Squall to the make-out corner she was already fired. Because putting a teenager in charge of a bunch of other teenagers didn't turn out so good.

Steiner is the best character.

I like Tidus. I remember the first time I played it and couldn't stand the guy. But every subsequent play through he's grown on me more and more. And his sphere grid is interesting. I noticed that just playing through the game without grinding or anything, his stats get a lot better around Guadosalam. He could barely hold the sword at the start and has journey halfway round the world at the point. And by the events of Home he really develops into his roll to go along with his character development.

I don't find Fran's accent sexy.

I like Lightning and Snow. These two get a lot of hate. It might just be where I'm playing through Lightning Returns right now and just finished the Yusnaan arc. English VA's get a lot of flack. Ali Harris and Troy Baker were at top form during that scene. It has been years since I last played the first game. I remember enjoying the cast while I was playing it. Only going online and finding out I was wrong they were bad and I was bad for liking them. It made me want to go back to it.

Minfilia isn't a bad character. She suffers from the same problem Alphinaud had, she's a diplomat in an adventerer's world. And ARR was in a weird place and the writers hadn't really discovered their flow yet and she suffered a lot because of it. "Return to the Waking Sands" is a meme and all she's known for because she was written out before she could have any development. Here's hoping ShadowBringers fixes that because she deserves so much better.

03-24-2019, 05:20 PM
Rosa gets a lot of undeserved flack for being weak. While Cecil was taking a leisurely stroll though a cave, she tried to cut him off by going through mountains to warn him about the plans. And at the end when Cecil is telling her how dangerous it is, she's basically tells him, "Yea, you'll die without my healing."

Huh. I didn't think much of Rosa originally, but now I look at her in a different light. She also helps Rydia recover of her Pyrophobia as well.

I can't stand Vincent. He reminds me of the internet "nice guy." He asked a girl out who was seeing someone else and she said no and he came into work the next day with sawed off shotgun.

I looked up Vincent's past again on Youtube from the OG and he says "If she is happy, then I don't mind " and steps away from the Hojo and Lu relationship. It's only when he finds that that Hojo is psychopath experimenting on humans that Vin steps in; but that's more to try and stop Hojo from his smurfed up ness.

DOC we don't and shouldn't count. :lol:

I like Quistis. And isn't she the same age as Squall or at worst like a year older? And when she invited Squall to the make-out corner she was already fired. Because putting a teenager in charge of a bunch of other teenagers didn't turn out so good.

Quistis is 18 years old which counts as a adult and Quistis says something like "It's Midnight, that means that I'm officially fired and lost my job as teacher " and Quistis's last order as teacher was to order Squall to meet up with her in the secret makeout area.

But I do agree with you a lot that Balamb and Cid messed up by giving ( at the time ) a 16 year old a job to teach students.

Wolf Kanno
03-24-2019, 08:43 PM
Spin-Off Time!

General: I don't think SE has ever made a good continuation to any FF game. They're either poorly written rip-offs of their original game (Crisis Core, The After Years) or they're muddled messes that no one could agree what they wanted to do with it (Legend of the Crystals, X-2, Tactics A2) and I feel the franchise would be better if SE had never pursued this path for the series.

X-2: My biggest dissenting opinion for this game is that I honestly don't think the combat is good. Most of the interesting moves have too long of charge times, switching jobs and the entire garment grid mechanic honestly slows combat down even with animations shut off, and I feel the accessory mechanic is spread too thin in a sad effort to create the illusion of meaningful options when that's pretty far from the truth. The annoying puns and one-liners by the chatty cast does it no favors either. The job system also doesn't feel terribly balanced and like Tactics series, I feel you spend too much trying to unlock the "good stuff" instead of actually enjoying the jobs for what they are.

Crisis Core: It's awful and a serious slap in the face of the characters and narrative of VII. Genesis is the worst character to ever grace the series, and the character assassinations on Aerith and many of the other VII cast is appalling, and that's coming from someone who doesn't even like VII's cast. The gameplay is also just bad, and I often hold this game as a an example of how not to make an Action RPG. Also, I hate how they did the ending and retcon Zack's final moments.

The After Years: Is largely a lazy fanfic sequel to a great game. It even manages to bring in the two worst sins of a sequel, making the story about the main casts kids who are just less developed expies of their parents with little personality and the plot is basically a thinly veiled redo of the original game's main plot. This game also cranked the fanservice for the two most overrated characters in the cast to 11, with much of the plot revolving around Kain and Rydia.

FFTactics: I don't agree that it's the best version of the Job System like some fans do. I do enjoy the fact that abilities are expanded to include reaction, support, and movement skills but I don't feel the classes are as well balanced as they could be. The pacing of getting skills is also really skewed against the player, made worse by the fact the devs couldn't really think up enough good skills for each class and thus many of their moves are fluff.

Tactics Advance: I don't like the Mission mechanics in this game, I feel it bogs down the flow of the game. I also hate the use of IX's skill system as I feel the RNG factors of the game ruins all pacing for building a fun team. There is also an overwhelming bias of favoring Humes and Viera over other classes in the series as most of the game's most broken classes or combinations seem to be found exclusively in this title. I also love the Law mechanic and feel people who whine about it are simply too lazy too understand how to manipulate it to their favor or see that it exists to add variety to a game that asks you to play 300 variations of the same battle. Also, I'm firmly in the Marche camp and feel the rest of the cast were being selfish jerks to overwrite the world for their benefit.

Dissidia Duodecim: Was more of a director's cut/remake of the original Dissidia than a real sequel, especially since the bulk of the game is basically the original Dissidia with the new game's UI. I also feel that while the original did a pretty decent job of trying to make every character equally interesting and important, Duedecim's prologue plays too much lip service to Lightning, Kain, and to a much lesser extent Yuna, over the other new cast members. I can't even remember what Laguna and Tifa even did in this game. I also feel the re-balancing seriously screwed over certain characters and I don't feel they even bothered touching the characters who needed to be nerfed like Golbez and Jecht.

04-22-2019, 03:58 PM
I'm only doing the ones I can think of unpopular opinions for.

Final Fantasy VII: I like Cait Sith. I find him a fun character, never found him out of place in the game, don't mind him being a traitor, as I feel he mostly made up for it (the kidnapping of Marlene seemed pretty forced to me, like it was all the writers could think of to keep him in the party for that moment), and Slots is one of my favorite techniques in the game - I have barely (if ever) gotten the one that kills you, and I just find it a fun Limit Break to use. Hence, he is often one of my main party members so I can learn Slots as fast as possible, and then keep using it.

Final Fantasy VIII: The Orphanage thing was handled fine, in my opinion. There were enough hints that the characters could have known each other in the past, or at least that they were forgetting something, or that there was more than what we were seeing (I was apparently right about the real reason Irvine couldn't shoot Edea.) I feel that if they had made the hints more obvious, it would have been too obvious, and they work better as hints that you get after you realise they're hints. Like you replay the game, and you're like "Oh, that's what that part meant." or whatever. The only problem is they didn't need to make it because of the GFs, especially as the party keep using GFs after it and nothing happens - I guess they needed to explain why Irvine had more memories than the others.

I don't feel that Squall changed too much too soon, I feel that it was the right amount, and happened in a reasonable time (as much as the game could give you at least - like it had to be sort of quicker than real life, because then they story would be too long.)

I feel that people in the fandom are too harsh on Rinoa during the Odine Bangle scene. It is obvious to me, that she was willing to discuss things with Quistis's team, and plan what they were going to do, and genuinely wanted to help and knew that it wasn't a game.

Final Fantasy IX: I don't find the style "cartoony".

Final Fantasy X: I don't find Tidus whiney at all - I was surprised when I found out that this was a criticism of his character. As I said on the FFX forum, he did complain about things, like not being able to skip to the end of the pilgrimage, but this wasn't his entire character, and there were plenty of times when he seemed like a fun character.

04-24-2019, 07:54 PM
I: I have a bit of fondness for the original magic system? I can at least appreciate what they (or maybe just Kawazu) were trying to do.

V: I like it a lot more than I thought, but it still doesn't beat 6. (most people who like seem to like it more than the rest, so I guess this counts?)

IX: I like Steiner.

X: I like the characters, my biggest gripe with the game is the cloisters and some annoying bosses.

04-25-2019, 05:31 AM

In desperate need of a full-overhauled remake maybe even moreso than the FF7 remake.


For most of the game, you only have three party members and the occasional fourth joiner because the original fourth friend Leon decided to ditch you and go evil. This isn't how a fantasy is supposed to play out... is it?


Cloud of Darkness was lame.


I always hated being forced to change to Paladin. I'd already gotten used to Cecil as a Dark Knight. If anything, maybe the change should have come much sooner.


I hate the villain's name. I've always hated the villain's name. I hate anyone who defends it as well. It does not suit FF's fantasy theme. It sounds more like the lead singer of a death metal band or a goth-styled prestidigitarian claiming to have a contract with Satan.


I hate Kefka. I think I just don't like his design. Other clown villains have been better approached. The original incarnation of Sweet Tooth measures about the same. Then again, I didn't like the TMB version either.


I love Genesis. If he doesn't show up in the Remake, I will find a way to acquire his copyright to do with hin what I pleasure. (Lol)


Should have stuck with the original script concept that a virus killed everyone once they reached their 20s. More interesting. Easier to explain the school of teenaged soldiers.


I never thought Dagger was a suitable name for a character who continued to be a white mage. Literally any other class (thief, warrior, berserker, paladin, BLACK MAGE)

Also, I liked Necron.


I liked Lulu's lightning challenge. (that's a lie, I want to kill the man who came up with it.)


I hate MMOs. I hate that SE decided to force its fanbase to choose between playing a main title as part of a mmo or not playing it at all.


I feel like Fran was annoying. Then again, it's hard for me to count any character in this installment as less than annoying in one way or another.


I like Lightning. I honestly feel by what I've read in the past that this is the unpopular opinion. Of course, I base this mostly on her physical design. I also like genderbend Lightning. And Cloud in Lightning's clothes.


Read my bit for XI. Need no more say words.


Creators should have had faith in its core release rather than desperately releasing DLC after DLC. The core game and story were good enough as is.


Should be Agni's Philosophy