View Full Version : Favorite subreddits

Lone Wolf Leonhart
05-02-2019, 11:35 PM
Edit: Before clicking any links, be conscious of the fact that people on any given subreddit are randomly posting Endgame spoilers that have nothing to do with the subreddit they're in.

Alright here's a few:


"A subreddit for chronicling how an advanced Capitalist Society is not only dystopic, but also incredibly boring". Is more broadly used for depression memes and showing unjust stories in society at large.


Pretty self explanatory. Random thoughts you have throughout the day that can lead to some pretty interesting conversations and hypothetical scenarios.

I also like some unsavory content that's probably best left out. Let's just say there's some cool goth subreddits.

Anyway how about you.

05-03-2019, 01:40 PM
r/SadCringe is the absolute worst. I love it. It's cringe, but it's cringe that just breaks your heart.

Also r/ChoosingBeggars although recently has had a bit of an influx of fake stories for people looking for karma now that it's more popular.

05-03-2019, 07:32 PM
r/sansawinsthethrone right now :colbert:

r/antiMLM is always fun

r/DNDmemes is also a current of mine as well as /r/DnDIY

and r/1200isplenty for my fatty butt trying to get less fat.

05-04-2019, 03:06 AM
r/gamemusic, r/OSHA, r/prequelmemes, r/cursedimages is my vibe these days. I also follow subreddits of Let's Play and gaming/youtube related stuff. Those subreddits are predicatively awful, but at the same time a lot of talented fans share cool things if you're into the scene, so it's worth wading through some BS here and there.

05-04-2019, 11:12 PM
r/wheredidthesodago - gifs from infomercials where people fail spectacularly at very simple tasks
r/paidforwinrar - people who really paid for winrar have stories made up about them for why they actually paid for winrar. Doesn't get updated often, as you can imagine.
r/choosingbeggars - its for a church, honey! (https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)

05-05-2019, 12:22 AM
r/askreddit - though I'm starting to get tired of it now because of how much of it is becoming r/thatreallyhappened.

05-05-2019, 03:47 AM